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Thursday, October 26th 2017, 11:44am

Event Ending Times

Please bring this up to board of admins,

all events i see end at 16:00 such as non break tallars non break chaotics non break week and a half (current Event) ending at 16:00

can we move it to 00:00, 16:00 is when bfs actually begin to start so its odd to end the event at that time. unless we are going off of russian server time. but this is com server and would be in the majority intrest to move this from 16:00 to 00:00 gametime.



Thursday, October 26th 2017, 1:13pm

those events end at 16:00 because it mostly starts at 16:00 on friday and go to monday 16:00 so if it would end on 00:00 it would also have to start at 00:00...


Thursday, October 26th 2017, 2:29pm

@ Ikke

It would be better for it to start at 00:00 anyways

when event starts at 16:00 such as non break tallars event, not many people are aware the event started so they miss almost a whole day of non break tallars.. atleast at 00:00 no bfs start anyways so we can all make ourselves aware of the event, and have everyday of the event available or atleast known to us.. and then the last day, we get a full day of bfs again rather than having a day where the event is active but only till 16:00 which bfs suppose to start again but event ends at that time..

so please start event at 00:00 and end it at 00:00


Saturday, October 28th 2017, 12:08am

move to feedbacks and ideas so i know this is being considered.


Saturday, October 28th 2017, 2:18am

what about create such "idea" in the correct section at very start? :)

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