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Friday, January 12th 2018, 1:48am

Lvl 16+ Chess Untradable

Just noticed the lvl 16+ chess armour/weapons are now untradable and also don't show up as an option within the Exchange to buy, which is new within the past few days.

Is this a bug or a new update? Kind of important to know seeing as us without valour may be stranded armourless unless we do talisme instances.

Thanks :beer:


Friday, January 12th 2018, 8:49am

Dunno what exchange u checked and as far as I know if u drop from chest/luck glow they are always transferable

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Friday, January 12th 2018, 9:26am

I believe he meant armor not chess pieces ^^
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Friday, January 12th 2018, 10:34am

:woot: :woot: I should have read twice


Friday, January 12th 2018, 12:06pm

That's not new ...
I saw that since i started to care about lvl 16+ stuff, i was lvl 14 or 15.


Friday, January 12th 2018, 12:35pm

That's not new ...
I saw that since i started to care about lvl 16+ stuff, i was lvl 14 or 15.

It used to be non-transferable once equipped before. Not sure why its changed :s


Friday, January 12th 2018, 1:43pm

ohh I see .... a pain for people not ranked then


Friday, January 12th 2018, 6:09pm

Must be a bug or a bad joke. I saw someone list 16+ gear less than 1 month ago so it is shock to me now. Admins please fix this : )


Friday, January 12th 2018, 9:37pm

Admins, please at least let us know if this is a permanent change or not. It would have been very nice to know this before the one resource fair a year ended. Hopefully if this change is gonna be permanent, you throw another resource fair at us sometime soon so that we have a chance to make green ones first. : (

 Sequana [10] 


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Monday, January 15th 2018, 12:15pm

This bug will be fixed as soon as possible. Administration is looking into it and will inform us as soon as they fixed it.
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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Jan 15th 2018, 12:20pm)


Tuesday, January 16th 2018, 11:09pm

Thank you Lisad for the quick fix. It's much appreciated :beer:

 Lisad [20] 

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Wednesday, January 17th 2018, 10:01am

Thank you Lisad for the quick fix. It's much appreciated
Lisad | Community Manager


Thursday, January 18th 2018, 1:23am

I also wanted to say thanks for the quick fix Lisad : )