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Thursday, February 8th 2018, 10:40pm

Broken Treasure Map

10:34 PM Received: Illegible Map Scrap 1 pcs.
10:34 PM You have put together four scraps to make a whole map! Received: Illegible Treasure Map 1 pcs.
10:34 PM After studying the map, you have determined that the treasure is buried in the Barrow of Sadness location.

Went there, opened hunt screen, no opticus to search for treasure. Watch out, Waste of a map. Don't know if this has anything to do with the recent server crash but I wont open anymore until I hear its fixed.


Thursday, February 8th 2018, 10:45pm

Here's a screen shot of map. IF I can do this correctly, lol


Thursday, February 8th 2018, 10:51pm

ONe more try.


Friday, February 9th 2018, 1:25am

you hve to check hunt screen for it


Friday, February 9th 2018, 2:04am

As i said i did just that, just forgot to screen shot the actual hunt screen. But no opticus in the usual place, lower left corner.


Friday, February 9th 2018, 2:22am

Okay just tried a grey map, same result. No opticus.


Friday, February 9th 2018, 2:34am

okay screen shot the at the wrong location, but updated client and cleared cache and opticus did finally show up on hunt screen. working now.


Friday, February 9th 2018, 9:15am

open also some grey maps after server crash - works all fine for me :)