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Monday, April 16th 2018, 3:53pm

Platinum Thaler Teaser

That's how it is on RU ^^


Monday, April 16th 2018, 3:58pm

Those prices! You get 10-70 from one bag? Likely weighted low? :lol:


Monday, April 16th 2018, 4:04pm

13k for red tool.. 25k for cerra amulets... get around 10 from each thaler bag (35 if they even out), get 1 bag for 100 diamonds...

I'm not even gonna count the diamonds :tease:
You do not quit playing computer games because youre old, you get old because you quit playing.


Monday, April 16th 2018, 4:07pm

How much for Shiass jewl?


Monday, April 16th 2018, 4:58pm

what we do in life,echoes in eternity :smoke:


Monday, April 16th 2018, 5:52pm

Now I see that even PayPalers have difficulties in Faeo life... .well:
Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment...until it becomes a memory


Tuesday, April 17th 2018, 10:10am

in ru you can also get them at fairs kinda the same way as you get ludials right now


Monday, April 23rd 2018, 7:20pm

This is ridiculous.