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Posts: 152

Location: Germany

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Thursday, May 24th 2018, 8:01pm


there are certain things that people under lvl 6 cant do either, like the event headcollector where you need to go UW to kill flaudin mages, thats why they added more than neccesary, how many people are going to level up from 10/11 in these months just to get 1 more achievement done

I mean i think its really not such a huge issue but i do agree that its kinda stupid

Posts: 57

Location: Toronto, Canada

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Saturday, May 26th 2018, 2:46am

Master of Disguise Challenge

For this challenge, you can kill Minotaur Devestators in Glade of Oblivion till you get a Minotaur head. They drop randomly but do drop, I got 1 on my second kill.

Use the Elt Cube to make a Minotaur Transformation Elixer using the Minotaur Head and a Kroffdor Transformation Elixer. I saw the Kroffdor Transformation Elixer in the fair.

Use the Minotaur Elixer and then open a rune with it. I opened a green rune and it work, I think it will work with a blue and purple one also.


Monday, May 28th 2018, 8:20am

Pocupine tactic challenge

this took me about 10 tries. note: even your pet should not be used (this cost me one time).
I needed a bit more health. I used slots of 1 giant, 2 retribution powder, 2 heal scrolls and the rest breathers. It is frustrating when you strike on what should have been the last dodge:(
I'll look that up...


Tuesday, May 29th 2018, 5:40pm

It's a joke,i do "Make Haste Challenge" in less than 5min with the help of kennels and i don't obtain the accomplishment .

17:28 You have begun the quest "Meridiean Patrol". Good luck!

17:29 Received: Certificate of Grace 1 pcs.
17:29 Received: 10 Waltreia reputation.
17:29 You have completed the quest "Meridiean Patrol".


Tuesday, May 29th 2018, 6:40pm

Make Haste Challenge
Complete the Village Patrol quest within 5 minutes after accepting it.

It's a joke,i do "Make Haste Challenge" in less than 5min with the help of kennels and i don't obtain the accomplishment .

17:28 You have begun the quest "Meridiean Patrol". Good luck!

17:29 Received: Certificate of Grace 1 pcs.
17:29 Received: 10 Waltreia reputation.
17:29 You have completed the quest "Meridiean Patrol".

Challange asks you to complete Village Patrol from Warlord (you completed a different quest). This task cant be completed by players lvl10+.

Have a look on the restrictions for the Sheara`s Challanges here


Tuesday, May 29th 2018, 9:45pm

Especially Evil Eye Challenge
Restricted for players under lvl 4 (no acces to Kretches Lair)

Its restricted for players under lvl 5 who didn't finished quest for rainbow/versida, because challenge requires to get butcher's evil eye and not just to kill him.


Wednesday, May 30th 2018, 12:22am

Thanks for spotting that one Groot!


Posts: 141

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Thursday, May 31st 2018, 2:50pm

a quick question about the all for victory challenge....

I did an arena and i used a rainy sphere before i took the arena sphere....

I did not get an achievement...did i do anything wrong?

1. i did the arena on PL server
2. i lose the battle and the arena (obviously)....

Does any of that affect my "All for victory challenge" ??


Thursday, May 31st 2018, 3:47pm

a quick question about the all for victory challenge....

I did an arena and i used a rainy sphere before i took the arena sphere....

I did not get an achievement...did i do anything wrong?

1. i did the arena on PL server
2. i lose the battle and the arena (obviously)....

Does any of that affect my "All for victory challenge" ??

Did it happen while playing with BLANKAZ cause i cant find any PL arena completed.
Nefertiti has attached the following file:
  • BLANKAZ.JPG (81.38 kB - 55 times downloaded - latest: Oct 17th 2024, 10:10am)


Thursday, May 31st 2018, 4:10pm

Need to drop the sphere in your own base


Thursday, May 31st 2018, 5:25pm

cause i cant find any PL arena completed

keep lvl filter and remove nickname filter


Thursday, May 31st 2018, 6:00pm

Wanted the link so that i could see if he droped the sphere or not.

And yes, the challange its completed only when you take the sphere and drop it in base. thats how i recived it:


Sunday, June 3rd 2018, 7:56am

Master of Disguise Challenge

you don't have to kill the minotaurs, you get the trophy from OPENING the casket. However, you would miss out on the gnome's casket if you lose...I won.
I'll look that up...


Tuesday, June 5th 2018, 1:36am

01:29 Achievement accomplished "Because I Can Challenge"

All 15 buffs costed 37,5s:
(add a few silvers if you dont have the signs of the matser from profession collections - for the activation item)

It`s possible to fail if you dont kill it before Satiety or Durability expire - that may be the reason some failed with 15 buffs


Thursday, June 7th 2018, 3:12am

Anyone know if for the Treasure Hunter one - where you look in stashes - does it count if you do the ones in instances? otherwise it's going to be hard to get all 100 that give stuff


Thursday, June 7th 2018, 5:47am

Anyone know if for the Treasure Hunter one - where you look in stashes - does it count if you do the ones in instances? otherwise it's going to be hard to get all 100 that give stuff

counts only 3 places plateu,ship graveyard ,and haunted place ,and its not so hard to do it ,im already at 44/100 :)


Thursday, June 7th 2018, 6:33pm

For the Splinter Hunter Challenge, how do you upgrade your kit to the Improved First Aid Kit?


Thursday, June 7th 2018, 6:51pm

how do you upgrade your kit to the Improved First Aid Ki

check Pymen in manor of budrimakh for quest related to first aid kit upgrage


Thursday, June 7th 2018, 6:54pm

"Folk healer" its the name of the quest


Friday, June 8th 2018, 2:43am

Thank you I am Groot and Nefertiti.