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Thursday, June 7th 2018, 1:03am

Where can I get ... ?

Can someone tell me where can I find Flower charm ?
I think I had seen it somewhere months ago, but can't recall where. Must be a reward for a quest.


Thursday, June 7th 2018, 1:33am

Unusual Seeds quest from Dwarf - lvl 5 quest ;
You should ask mentors for such trivial questions or use search on forum.
Or at least put in proper section and not City Pub.


Thursday, June 7th 2018, 2:31am

Asked a mentor and got a wrong asnwer yesterday. Was only one mentor online. Today same situation, only one mentor online and was pretending to be afk though I saw that mentor fighting tentacles.

Thanks for the answer.


Thursday, June 7th 2018, 2:38pm

Dear Fox Face,

I am sorry to hear you received a wrong answer and have felt ignored. I have talked to the Mentors team and sincerely hope that this won't happen again.

As a small addition to the answer provided by -TheRiddle-: the quest is available after receiving Unusual Seeds as a drop from killing Arboris. Sadly said quest is a one time quest only and to my knowledge the only way to receive the Flower Charm.

Best Regards,


Friday, June 8th 2018, 2:47am

Thanks Bier.

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