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Sunday, June 17th 2018, 10:40am

To Chronicles

Tell your staff to check things before update them:

Rewards for token of fortune...... it has been 5 years almost that prices changed

A bit of efforts in what you do.... please…t&id=107&page=3
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Sunday, June 17th 2018, 12:55pm

Man idk about you, but when I open it I do see updated prices of items, did u check the link and compare it with the shop? I'm in the shop right now and it all corresponds to library...


If you are talking about how "slow" it was to update, from personal experience I can say that there is really huge database of what should be fixed, chroniclers can't fix everything at the same time. They need to prioritize.


Sunday, June 17th 2018, 4:00pm

I was right, don't worry :) already spoke to them
404 not found

 Lisad [20] 

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Monday, June 18th 2018, 2:40pm

No need to be rude to the members of the Chroniclers team, they are doing all the work volunteerly and have been doing quite a great work so far, working with big amounts of information and coding all the articles themselves.

If you notice any mistakes in the Library articles, then we have a special thread dedicated for such reports: Broken Library [Post HERE!]

Please use the space dedicated to different types of reports correctly.

This thread will now be closed.
Lisad | Community Manager

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