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Thursday, August 2nd 2018, 10:33pm

Bonecrushers "Dodge" !

After last update i think they add "Dodge" property to Bonecrushers.
All BC players "Dodge" more than me.…=0&server_id=10

In that fight, i counted in fight log ;

The_Godfat... [16]-maciste [16] dodge : 5 times

The_Godfat... [16]--Infinity... [16] dodge : 6 times (she was mostly in magic position)

The_Godfat... [16]_gorum_ [16] dodge : 15 times

Total : 26

Where as my "Dodge" to other players (excluding shadows) is ;

....... The_Godfat... [16] dodge : 39 times

And in the final of fight, we left with Gorum and after that point statistics are ;

Gorum Dodged : 9 blows of 39 , which means %23
I Doged : 14 blows of 42 , which means %33
(My agility is 756 without effect, relatively high in my lvl)
And i don't mean Gorum have high Dodge, this is just an example, some BC have even more than him.

Moreover ; BC has very big advantage against HW , and HW can very easy kill Dodger.
And also BC is very good in hunting
Can someone explain, if BC players have same Dodge number with me and + Critical blow, why we play with Dodger ?
Will you fix this or wil continue like that ?

 LE LOUP [17] 


Posts: 301

Location: Paris/Bruxelles/Luxembourg city

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Thursday, August 2nd 2018, 11:11pm

Dodger's tox doesnt exist anymore if u fight with mana haha
u can count only on protection to beat a BC

its annoying


Friday, August 3rd 2018, 1:41pm

:lol: I see that i'm not the only one thinking that BC dodge to much !!


Friday, August 3rd 2018, 2:02pm

:cry: :cry: Too hard to fight against BC :cry:

Oh wait...


The physical attack crit target receives damage equal to 22% of their maximum life. Does not work on monsters.

Duration: 5 moves.
Required fury: 21.

Start with 70 fury, get 13 arrows -> 65 turns BC loses 22% hp if he crits (BC does not have fury arrow for crits for dodger, but only arrow against HW but no HWs in game so it's pointless, dodgers don't block at all)

+ 7 crit elixirs physical/glaze 100% crit chance
+ 1000 and more protection against BC with just 2 protection amulets
+ HW sucks as set so there are very few HW in game to counter dodgers

And you complain about BC LOL (I even have 2 set so I know how much cancer dodger actually is because)


Friday, August 3rd 2018, 5:56pm

And you complain about BC LOL (I even have 2 set so I know how much cancer dodger actually is because)

you compare your runned purple bc to your non-runned blue dodger?awesome statistic,lol


Friday, August 3rd 2018, 6:55pm

And you complain about BC LOL (I even have 2 set so I know how much cancer dodger actually is because)

you compare your runned purple bc to your non-runned blue dodger?awesome statistic,lol

In fact, this dodger set performs way better than purple BC in most occasions because of the reasons above.

I still sometimes play BC, but still there are huge disadvantages.

But if you wanna nerf even more BC, then let's all play dodger set at this point :snowball:


Friday, August 3rd 2018, 7:25pm

"The additional effect of spells of the Light and Shadow schools deals more base damage, they are activated more quickly, but work with a reduced chance."
after update on the contrary, the base damage has rather decreased for dodgers. Moreover dodgers crit less than before and dodge even less.
problem is why BC doing too much dodge, some of them more than dodgers ( where did we see in the update page writen about BC dodging

 LE LOUP [17] 


Posts: 301

Location: Paris/Bruxelles/Luxembourg city

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Friday, August 3rd 2018, 7:43pm

I have seen one BC saying hahah i dodged more than you ........................ when we were both out of mana.

Not normal


Friday, August 3rd 2018, 8:07pm

In fact, this dodger set performs way better than purple BC in most occasions because of the reasons above.

Both sets are pretty good. BC is a way faster dmg dealer,so i prefer it to be only for hunting. Dodger is something middle between good dmg and possibility to dodge (so stay longer,make more hits and etc). Combination of survive+damage set is good choice for pvp,same for decent HW players (which rarely happends to find),whose who have all settings for reduce incomming dmg + they bless hard to be able deal dmg.
As for punishment arrows,it's true that it's annoying,but hey... you can just skip your turn and avoid self destruction :)

 LE LOUP [17] 


Posts: 301

Location: Paris/Bruxelles/Luxembourg city

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Saturday, August 4th 2018, 8:58pm


admins what happend to dodgers what have u done ?


Sunday, August 19th 2018, 9:55pm

Will someone in charge make explanation about this weird case or you want Dodgers to turn to BC ?
Will that continue like that or will you fix that stupid failure ?
At least tell us yes it will be like that or no we will fix that please


Monday, August 20th 2018, 9:54am

Do you know what skipping 20-30 turns in a row means?
And your problem is that bonecrushers dodge too much often?
C'mon, don't be silly please.
I don't know which game you play.
But if you are good enough to be the main target of all dodger's arrows, playing as bonecrucher becomes impossible starting from level 16.
Believe me, I know what I'm talking about.


Wednesday, August 22nd 2018, 10:37pm

"C'mon, don't be silly please."
First please be aware of your words !!'

Second; i m not talking about arrows.
Read there in the begining of the topic the statistics that i gave.
BC and me as Doger have allmost same dodge percentage (%23 - %33) which is completely opposite of the logic of that game , which is ;
BC have advantage on HW, HW have advantage on Dodger, Dodger have advantage on BC.
And was like that since 9 years as i m playing that game.

What i mean is and is very correct ; after last update , they change some properties of sets which they did also in the past for few times.
I played all 3 sets and know very well what i m talking about, and dont know which game you are playing ? .....


Thursday, August 23rd 2018, 9:31am

First of all, you talked about a RATE.
And your numbers about of a single fight or even few fights are not relevant.

Make a database of thousands of fights and share it.
If numbers agree with your theory, then you can start to complain again.

Secondly you talked about the advantages and disadvantages that a set has over the others.
And, obviously, arrows still fall within this cathegory.
I play as bonecrusher, and i know some dodgers that right now I am not able to kill unless I'm blessed more than them. Just because of the advantages that their set has over mine.

I think you should focus more on your set and imporve your character than complain about the unlucky rate of a fight.
Because a good dodger still kills a good bonecrusher pretty easily (and sadly for me).

 lol666 [9] 


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Thursday, August 23rd 2018, 9:45am

use all your available skills to kill the opponent, besides the style disadvantage, the only thing that you can complain here, i think, probably is how statistic left you when you want to win :drink: since we are speaking about %, not sure numbers. :angel:

How many times me, with 62 initiative, started the fight getting hitted by the opponent that have letteraly 10 initiative :beaten: all bcs of statistics :beaten: :pain:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Thursday, August 23rd 2018, 10:47pm


About rate, i dont have time to make long data base, if you have time you can make. But 1 fight against 3 BC gives a rough idea about my subject.

I think you didnt read my topic and claim. I can kill all BC players and my items, rings and amulets are on top of my level.
The point is ; I asked other Doger players about the same subject that "BC have very high Ddoge" and all agree with me.
This topic is about "BC making allmost same Dodge with Dodger"
Please read my first claim again and than make comment.


Thursday, August 23rd 2018, 11:58pm


About rate, i dont have time to make long data base, if you have time you can make. But 1 fight against 3 BC gives a rough idea about my subject.

I think you didnt read my topic and claim. I can kill all BC players and my items, rings and amulets are on top of my level.
The point is ; I asked other Doger players about the same subject that "BC have very high Ddoge" and all agree with me.
This topic is about "BC making allmost same Dodge with Dodger"
Please read my first claim again and than make comment.

Now I make topics:




Friday, August 24th 2018, 12:30am

1 fight against 3 BC gives a rough idea about my subject
No it doesn't.


Friday, August 24th 2018, 5:17pm

You insist not to read and understand my claim.
I will not explain one more time and i dont like 1-1 dialogs here.
Have a good day

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