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No and no.
Transfers between RU server and COM never happened and most likely will not happend anytime soon. Reason would be that they are ahead of us with everything. Maybe after some time when we will catch up to them will be allowed.
But one thing its for sure. Never gonna hppend for free.
Try creating a char there and play for some time.
Transfers between RU server and COM never happened and most likely will not happend anytime soon. Reason would be that they are ahead of us with everything. Maybe after some time when we will catch up to them will be allowed.
But one thing its for sure. Never gonna hppend for free.
Try creating a char there and play for some time.

Easy now, guys, calm down, felt the stones thrown at me right in my estate.
Probably miss that, my mistake. the rest of my post remain valid. they are ahead of us - check the news they have and you would see things we dont have on COM.
And about DE, we are somehow equal with them as developement, thats why we have interserver BF with them.
Probably miss that, my mistake. the rest of my post remain valid. they are ahead of us - check the news they have and you would see things we dont have on COM.
And about DE, we are somehow equal with them as developement, thats why we have interserver BF with them.
How do you still dont know the RU server is like another game,we dont even have 20lvl yet and we are behinde in them in other stuff aswell,like i said it would not be a big loss for you,just make profile in RU server and dont cry!!!
I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.
Yes Fallen, how dare you say "don't cry" while you should have said "boo hoo cry more you crybaby" which is a lot more efficient lol.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
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