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Friday, March 1st 2019, 4:38pm


Whats going on last few days? I thought was my net but apparently not since many seem to be suffering from lag and slow motion fights....its almost impossible to hunt :(((


Saturday, March 2nd 2019, 12:25am

what we do in life,echoes in eternity :smoke:


Saturday, March 2nd 2019, 3:42am

its been like this forever for me tbh :lol:
some good days in the wee morning hours if i hunt there's little or no lag, and i think thats bcs lesser number of players online at that time so less server load? i srsly dont knw but this sux big time

 LE LOUP [17] 


Posts: 301

Location: Paris/Bruxelles/Luxembourg city

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Saturday, March 2nd 2019, 5:57pm

here is the best player and the most handsome guy LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE LOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP :lol: :lol: :lol:

agree a lot of buggsss

Posts: 581

Location: Aspen, CO

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Saturday, March 2nd 2019, 7:16pm

i think a new update on how the game works and reducing lag would be better than a game update (i dont know how to explain this lol but if you get it, you get it)


Saturday, March 2nd 2019, 8:09pm

i think a new update on how the game works and reducing lag would be better than a game update (i dont know how to explain this lol but if you get it, you get it)
i agree. lag has increased since last update :truce: