Available at lvl5
Start with BOV. Use only eyes to create the emanations and save the skulls for BOE.
By the time you will collect the eyes to finish the BOV, you will have the skulls for your next BOE.
Available at lvl4 (red medal can be obtained at lvl5)
Either of them. The quest are identical as dificulty. Some require killing quest mobs, some hunting or superbeeings and some to get the mercenaries different ressources.
Goddess Aladeya vs. God of the Cursed and the Dead

Available at lvl7
If youre geo, start with God, then the Goddess. The first requires lvl7 stones. The last, lvl8 dusted stones*
If youre herbo, start with Goddess, then God. The first requires lvl8 plants. The last, lvl8 collected plants**
If youre fisherman, start with Goddess, then God. The first requires lvl7 fish. The last, lvl8 fish*
*in case you want one medal at lvl7 and one at lvl8
**plants are easy to offer than collected.
Nymph Water God vs. Sylphius Air Goddess

Available at lvl11
Regarding ressources, both require same level of ressources so either of them can be started first.
Idealy to start with Nymph because it restores mana and that can give a good advantage in fghts.
Eldives vs. Kroffdors

Available at lvl11
Better start with Kroffdor cause I find the easier to kill than Eldives. Since you will have to kill these mobs when u fisrts start as mage, you will not be that experienced with killing mobs that use magic.
Zurhass vs. Miuri Tao

Available at lvl16
Miuri Tao would be ideal cause it offers more battle survivability.