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From kennels:
22:34 The magic of the Statue of Experience has brought you 483 additional experience in combat!
22:34 Received: Dark Shard 1 pcs.
22:34 You have received 2 energy.
22:34 You have received 66 56 .
22:35 Received: Dark Shard 1 pcs.
22:35 You have received 2 energy.
22:35 You have received 57 62 .
22:36 You have received Big Elixir of Mana 2 pcs
22:36 You have received Weak Traumatism Triark 1 pcs.
22:36 Evil Eye 1 pcs
22:36 Received: Dark Shard 1 pcs.
22:36 You have received 2 energy.
22:36 You have received 47 18 .
22:38 You have received Large Elixir of Spirit 1 pcs
22:38 Received:"Eldive Outpost" Essay 1 pcs.
22:38 Crystals of Truth 3 pcs
22:38 Received: Dark Shard 1 pcs.
22:38 You have received 2 energy.
22:38 You have received 42 55 .
22:39 Received:"Haldebor Fortress" Essay 1 pcs.
22:39 You have killed the maximum number of monsters for the day. You will no longer receive trophies and experience for them today!
22:39 Received: Dark Shard 1 pcs.
22:39 You have received 2 energy.
22:39 You have received 54 9 .
More exp? with tower actived to decrease exp.
And hit max number of monster with 595 still available?
is it the 1st april joke maybe?
404 not found
you are late to the pary
april fools are almost done
what is the definition of insanity?
home late
just curious, is it?
404 not found
yeah alot happened today, maybe some can share what they experienced
what is the definition of insanity?
22:58 Thanks to the magical effects, you have managed to get richer by 12 45 29
when this happened for the first time, I was like wtf where is my gold
sadly I was fooled
what is the definition of insanity?
Well, according to april fools, i got 100 crystals of truth, broke my sock, got somewhat around 24 golds in 2 fights and some other stuff. Pretty good loot tbh.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.