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Wednesday, June 19th 2019, 9:48pm

Anyone else enjoying lag?


 Sequana [10] 


Posts: 574

Location: Square of Fire, Khair

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Wednesday, June 19th 2019, 10:06pm

:no2: all good for me.
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!:

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Friday, June 21st 2019, 4:32am

yes always. psst... guards/mentors dont get lag in game


Friday, June 21st 2019, 7:20am

yes always. psst... guards/mentors dont get lag in game

oh i soooooo wish your statement was true :lol:
but sadly we're the same like all players, and i personally get a lot of lag so :cry:

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Friday, June 21st 2019, 1:20pm

coz u not suppose to be in there

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Friday, June 21st 2019, 5:47pm

honestly im not sure if all of you realize that your ISP could also just be bad and have server issues themselves... not that the WoD servers are such a masterpiece but most of the time they really arent that bad

that being said... when they actually are bad then basically everyone notices and times out to mobs

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