I think it's to make newcomers feel better when starting the game, that's why only chernag area got changed. Maybe in the future they'll change the whole map, who knows. (BTW you forgot Gorge of Chernag & Valley of Fire)
Back to my point: I'd love to see the game in it's middle age era artwork, the shields in Fort Dybrach, the buildings etc, rn the whole chernag area is like from renaissance era. It's good, but it doesn't give the same vibe as the old ones. So please make this a thing, you guys working at super hidden WoD HQ. (But please for the sake of our Lord and Saviour, Unarius, don't make Elder Verkiriy look like the old one with an axe in his hands and a tumbrel behind him, it's like he came straight out of a horror movie).