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Tuesday, February 4th 2020, 8:06pm

Help please Prophecy from the Past


I need help, I'm on the Prophecy from the Past quest,

Fasten the unstable frame of the artefact with a Bright Crystal and go to see the Mage.

I did: Fasten the unstable frame of the artefact with a Bright Crystal

14:37 Received: Secured Frame of Unarius Artefact 1 pcs.…ct_id=682112601

Azquazurion tells me nothing

Help me please

 Sequana [10] 


Posts: 574

Location: Square of Fire, Khair

Occupation: Looking busy

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Tuesday, February 4th 2020, 8:25pm…yage#post164043

Have you checked with this "guide" if you miss anything? This is a pretty good guide to the whole quest series.
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!:


Tuesday, February 4th 2020, 8:32pm…yage#post164043

Have you checked with this "guide" if you miss anything? This is a pretty good guide to the whole quest series.
Thx :), I forgot to go see him Khorsungum the Mage ^^

20:30 You have completed the quest Prophecy from the Past.

on this one it was better to explain :)

subject closed :smile:

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