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Wednesday, March 25th 2020, 8:58pm

Chaos Invasion

Chaos Invasion stage 1 Time remaining until end of stage: 2d 19h 47min

2305 |25000


Thursday, March 26th 2020, 6:38pm

Time remaining until end of stage: 1d 22h 7min Disable event monitoring

6,760 of 25.000

i asked some people doing rage without Insight and did some flood at
city square as well :speak:


Saturday, March 28th 2020, 2:02pm

23.457 / 25.000

HUmans level 9+10 wanted


Tuesday, April 28th 2020, 8:59pm

Event started again (only visible in daily events)

>>> get your bless at Sheara before start hunting mobs



Tuesday, April 28th 2020, 9:00pm

+111111111111111111111111111111111111111 :sneakers:


Monday, June 29th 2020, 2:43pm

Event started again (only visible in daily events)

Stage 1 - Opening the Gates Time remaining until end of stage: 3d 19h 51min

>>> get your bless at Sheara before start hunting mobs :embarressed:

 lol666 [9] 


Posts: 771

Location: Anywhere, Anytime

Occupation: Searching for the real meaning of life

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Wednesday, July 1st 2020, 1:09am

2 days more, only 3k or less scales done..... :gum:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Sunday, August 2nd 2020, 7:05pm

Stage 1 - Opening the Gates
Time remaining until end of stage: 3d 15h 26min

19:04 The goddess has given you the gift of insight allowing you to see golden scales. Received: Gift of Insight 1 pcs. :sneakers:


Monday, September 7th 2020, 11:15am

UPS - i nearly missed it myself...

Well - probably wont happen again but...

Stage 1 - Opening the Gates
Time remaining until end of stage: 1d 23h 16min

3.574 / 25.000

11:13 The goddess has given you the gift of insight allowing you to see golden scales. Received: Gift of Insight 1 pcs.



Thursday, November 12th 2020, 4:37pm

Stage 1 - Opening the Gates
Time remaining until end of stage: 3d 16h 55min Disable event monitoring


Tuesday, January 19th 2021, 11:37am

Stage 1 - Opening the Gates
Tim :sneakers: e remaining until end of stage: 3d 21h 57min Disable event monitoring


Tuesday, January 19th 2021, 11:43pm

23:42 You have given Sheara: Golden Scale 50 pcs. Thanks to your efforts, the moment of the Gates' opening has moved a little closer. But there is still not enough energy. Go and search for more scales.

I will go on tomorrow....



Wednesday, January 20th 2021, 2:37pm

Personal Statistic

General Statistic
2.418 / 25.000

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Chaos Invasion