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Wednesday, May 6th 2020, 4:12pm

Extra Resources - Statistics

Dear all,

as i switched my profession to do some more achievements i wonder about chances to gather
extra resources, considering several possibilities to raise chances.

I´m not sure if elixir gives 5% in the end or perhaps even 10, any other experiences out there?

Just want to share with you as i was interested some weeks ago but wasnt able to find
resilient sources in forum before...

i HATE picking :sleep:
zAquisgran has attached the following file:


Wednesday, May 13th 2020, 12:32pm

In > 500 picks my success fell to 55,4 % so i am encouraged
enough to state the following:

Talented Earner Elixir = +5% chance of triple procurement :mine:


Wednesday, May 13th 2020, 4:44pm

Nice work
Dr Hanasomay


Thursday, May 14th 2020, 3:07pm

What would you say about the rare resources such as gambiers, habuses and eldorils? Have you ever studied on them?
Terazinin eksilen kefesi.


Friday, May 15th 2020, 3:28pm

Dear - Clamatis -,

actually no, no stats here about rare ones. As far as my feeling is:

Same as with normal ones. I received triple procurement pretty often.

In my opinion only success of picking is more rare, tripling should be same in percentage.