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chance because i work so hard on the pg of Animal_Batista, and i heve many debits to pay with mi clannies,. I made a mistake 1 only mistske but i always played with onesty and integrity, give me a possibility of redemption, i can put on 25 diamonds if is necessary to save my pg. Unfortunately i have lost my work and i don't have 250 euros to go out of prison. Please delete my other pg but save Animal_Batista.
Second question meanwhile you and the admin decided my destiny i would pay my debits wit my clan mates in this way: I give all my herbal mixtures to a member of my clan he sell that resuorces and give money back to my creditors. Please give me a quickly answer on this point.
Third question i had long time ago a human pg called Shawn Michaels but i don't remember my user and password, is possible do something to recover this credential?
Kind Regard
Animal Batista
violation of the attack rules…=86382256151383…=89471849122098
No violations have occurred with these attacks. You can find the attack rules here
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Apr 26th 2022, 7:49pm)
Clan Wars bug
It cannot be that clans that won without a fight get more points than those that fought and won. And even then the scoring is different.
Please correct that otherwise the ClanWars is just a farce
You can read more about clan wars here. Essentially, the number of points gained for victory depends on the placement within the league table and the ranking of the opponent. If a clan participated, but no opponent was found/showed up, it still counts as a victory as otherwise it would be a disadvantage due to lack of participants.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Jul 1st 2022, 10:44am)
The distribution of points in yesterday's ClanWars is incorrect.
It cannot be that clans that won without a fight get more points than those that fought and won. And even then the scoring is different.
Please correct that otherwise the ClanWars is just a farce
You can read more about clan wars here. Essentially, the number of points gained for victory depends on the placement within the league table and the ranking of the opponent. If a clan participated, but no opponent was found/showed up, it still counts as a victory as otherwise it would be a disadvantage due to lack of participants.
- Clans will receive bonus points for the speed of completion of the Clan Battle. Bonus points are calculated as a percentage of the current arithmetic average u of encountered clans and are awarded in equal amounts:
- If the time of the battle is up to 180 minutes, then 0,15% from u will be given;
- If the time of battle is more than 180 minutes, then no bonus points will be given;
- In case when one of the teams didn't confirm their participation in the Clan Battles, no bonus points will be given;
- Clans will receive bonus points for taken islands. Bonus points will be given to the clan that haslost the battle for every taken island. The amount of the bonus has been increased and is 0,4% from the enemy's u.
so clans which fought regularly and won should get more points.We only got 141 points even though we won all 5 islands.Academy of Caos without a fight 312 points.Prowess Guild without a fight 223 points.
There seems to be a little bit of confusion, so let me explain it further. Prior to yesterday's matches, these were the ranking:
1. Conquistadors [Match up: 1st Place vs 6th Place]
2. Prowess Guild [Match up: 2nd Place vs Unranked/Now 5th Place]
3. [...]
4. [...]
5. Academy of Chaos [Match up: 5th Place vs 4th Place]
At the start of a season, the points that clans receive for victory (whether by winning fights or an enemy forfeiting) is typically a large amount (also dependent on ranking of the opponent), to adjust for deviations in a clan's "actual" placement and to have them placed in the appropriate league. As both Prowess Guild and Academy of Chaos were lower in the rankings, and were matched up against clans who were closer to their former ranking placement, they recieved more points than you did for a first place victory. These victory points are given even in the case of a match up where an enemy did not show up to fight/did not have enough participants to fight.
Now, moving onto the bonus points factor. Bonus points are displayed in brackets within the statistics screen. You will be able to see that in your fight you received 1 bonus point: +142 (+1). As the other two clans won by an enemy forfeit (enemy not showing to battle), they did not receive such bonus points, as you can see here: Prowess Guild / Academy of Chaos.
As the season progresses, the number of points received for victory/defeat will naturally decrease as the deviation away from true scores reduces, which will reduce the likelihood of such situations.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Jul 1st 2022, 11:52am)
No ClanWars Rewards
Please fix the problem.
In the Registration Chambers, the archivists

Clans in the Golden League will also receive a 3 Clan war badge.
[b]You can receive a blessing from The Archivists untill 23:59, 23.09, 2022.
The blessing is valid for 30 days from the date it was received.[/b]
Inactive on 386 Battlefild
13:33 - klav - (COM): i dont ress, [censored] for great cvommunication
13:33 - klav - (COM): nice lose:aploid:
13:33 - klav - (COM): [censored] all, really
13:34 - klav - (COM): dont weant win, [censored]
13:34 - klav - (COM): [censored], waht mor0ns i get al lthe time in cc
13:35 - klav - (COM) » Lady Nina (COM): can be 1-5, no one care
13:40 - klav - (COM) » Lady Nina (COM): all fight will be lose
13:41 - klav - (COM): so enjoy this cc, if no one want help...
13:41 - klav - (COM) » Lady Nina (COM): waste of time u send this, no one will help
13:42 - klav - (COM): still, u2 gonna lose
13:42 - klav - (COM): 3rd will come
13:42 - klav - (COM): see ya
13:43 - klav - (COM): thanks for cooperation
Please check this, he is 1 Hour 15 Minutes inactive on 386 BF
I feel this is extremely unfair to the other players.
Hello, thank you for the report. Someone will be in contact for further information.
Note: conversation censored to remove foul language, in line with forum rules.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Aug 28th 2022, 1:40am)
Please check this
Hello, I have been attacked by a human mage, he is lvl16 and I am lvl5 in Vurdaliya county,
magmar port.
Start of fight: 04.09.2023 21:17
I would like to know if this is allowed or not. or justifies any violation of the rules on your part
will be handled
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Sep 5th 2023, 12:31pm)
Language settings to Polish

Hello and welcome back. The two official languages of the game after the merges are English and German. You should still however be able to use the Polish interface by changing the language in your personal settings. To do this, please do the following:
- Click on the "Character" icon from the top menu bar then select the "personal" button.
- At the bottom of this page you should now see an option which says "Interface Language".
- Under this drop-down menu, you should see an option to select Polish.
Please feel free to drop a message in-game if you need further assistance.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Nov 20th 2023, 5:01pm)
I need help - second question
The Polish server no longer exists. It was merged into COM in 2021.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Nov 20th 2023, 8:19pm)