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3 languages christmas event
15:29 Eisklumpen 1 Stk
15:31 Świąteczna bryłka lodu 1 Stk
15:34 Christmas Ice Block 1 Stk
15:29 Eisklumpen 1 Stk
15:31 Świąteczna bryłka lodu 1 Stk
15:34 Christmas Ice Block 1 Stk
16:09 You have been attacked by Stone Lotus Elite Warrior [11] .
16:09 The battle « Attack on Invisible» has begun.…=90972439270014
souldn happen
Some event mobs have the ability to attack invisible players. Not a bug (happens with Shaissar [20] too.
16:09 The battle « Attack on Invisible» has begun.…=90972439270014
souldn happen
Some event mobs have the ability to attack invisible players. Not a bug (happens with Shaissar [20] too.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Dec 16th 2021, 5:37pm)
Latest update today has killed the speed of the game to a snails pace - no, snails are supersonic compared to what is currently happening. Now everything takes much longer to do & hunting is basically unplayable.
I won't go into too much detail but safe to say I won't be able to get my 101 cogs everyday, like I have been, if this speed issue isn't resolved quickly!!
Something always seems to go wrong at Christmas (although this year it is EVERY tech update!)
So I'm guessing, like the last few christmas times, we'll be likely fobbed off with a compensation chest to try & appease us? or will that be conveniently omitted like a lot of things this year so far?
I won't go into too much detail but safe to say I won't be able to get my 101 cogs everyday, like I have been, if this speed issue isn't resolved quickly!!

Something always seems to go wrong at Christmas (although this year it is EVERY tech update!)
So I'm guessing, like the last few christmas times, we'll be likely fobbed off with a compensation chest to try & appease us? or will that be conveniently omitted like a lot of things this year so far?
Adobe Flash Player pop up
Any time I am logged in I have an adobe flash player pop up error which I can't click on or close.
I did try to use the below link to fix it but I am then getting another error (Screenshot attached) any time I click into global settings.
«Legend: Legacy of the Dragons» :: Infoportal (
Please try the solution here
I did try to use the below link to fix it but I am then getting another error (Screenshot attached) any time I click into global settings.
«Legend: Legacy of the Dragons» :: Infoportal (
Please try the solution here
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Dec 30th 2021, 12:02pm)
Client Stuck on flash player settings
Local Storage
Allow Warofdragons to store information on your computer?
Cannot click accept or deny....
So am I stuck to now playing on browser for the forseeable or just look for another game entirely? Had enough of the constant crap that we are being subjected to as players.
Allow Warofdragons to store information on your computer?
Cannot click accept or deny....
So am I stuck to now playing on browser for the forseeable or just look for another game entirely? Had enough of the constant crap that we are being subjected to as players.
Ok, why have the anniversary elixirs disappeared come spring along with the Christmas ones? It said in their description they would last till some time in October, if memory serves.
The anniversary elixirs were actually due to be removed a few weeks after the event in 2021, however were still usable until Spring. Their removal was intended, in line with the Christmas elixirs.
The anniversary elixirs were actually due to be removed a few weeks after the event in 2021, however were still usable until Spring. Their removal was intended, in line with the Christmas elixirs.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Mar 3rd 2022, 12:11pm)