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I just got another 5 (FIVE) "Y"'s today. Please fix this as it's so disheartening when I haven't got an "M" since LAST YEAR hahaha.
Don't know whether to laugh or cry![]()
![]()…ct_id=944075813 - This item may be exchanged
You can exchange letters with other players for those you are missing.
Seriously? Why did you change the item number???? Of course that letter can be exchanged but it isn't the one I linked
This is the link as per my original post showing the letter Y not the A that you somehow linked:-…ct_id=943834261
Who is going to exchange letters that can't be used in the event for ones that can?
Am I missing something or did you accidently misunderstand? Letter "Y" cannot be used in the game yet I currently have 13 of them. No one can use them so they are useless & therefore worthless to anyone

Just as last year, there may be a possibility to receive letters which are not applicable. This is not a bug.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Jan 6th 2023, 10:46am)
on page…p?obj=cat&id=13
the text ' The catapults fired from the city walls, doing there best to even out the number of victims. '
it'd be their not there best to even out bla bla bla
the text ' The catapults fired from the city walls, doing there best to even out the number of victims. '
it'd be their not there best to even out bla bla bla

please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading
ok, not that bad but still a mispelling as someone has a sicky "h"
ok, not that bad but still a mispelling as someone has a sicky "h"

on page…p?obj=cat&id=13
text ' He saw a look of condemnded resolve on the faces of the horsemen '
text ' He saw a look of condemnded resolve on the faces of the horsemen '

please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading
Have been logged on for 1hr 20 minutes then suddenly the client came up with an adobe flash popup asking if warofdragons could save information BUT, I can't close the popup & it just returns in the location screen even when I log back in. So now I can't move.
Any solution?
I'm going to get the client to update on startup so I'll reply here if that helps or not.
What made that suddenly appear mid-game is confusing me.
Any solution?
I'm going to get the client to update on startup so I'll reply here if that helps or not.
What made that suddenly appear mid-game is confusing me.

Update didn't help. Why is the client still using Adobe flash player when it's not supported anymore?
Can anyone give me advice how to get the client working again please as using the browser is a joke right now
Please try this
Can anyone give me advice how to get the client working again please as using the browser is a joke right now

Please try this
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Mar 2nd 2023, 11:36am)
fights broken
Since yesterday I've not been able to do fights: the fight screen loads but then it hangs and gives a connection to server interrupted. I've tried no proxy both on browser and the mac but does not solve the issue.
Same issue with firefox, opera, as well as trying to log in from my google phone.
(seems a curious coincidence with the technical works)
Hello, there are unfortunately some known issues which are affecting a few players at the moment. The Technical teams are currently working on a fix. When further information is available (or additional troubleshooting steps), I will let you know.
Since yesterday I've not been able to do fights: the fight screen loads but then it hangs and gives a connection to server interrupted. I've tried no proxy both on browser and the mac but does not solve the issue.
Same issue with firefox, opera, as well as trying to log in from my google phone.
(seems a curious coincidence with the technical works)
Hello, there are unfortunately some known issues which are affecting a few players at the moment. The Technical teams are currently working on a fix. When further information is available (or additional troubleshooting steps), I will let you know.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Mar 23rd 2023, 10:34am)
Since yesterday I've not been able to do fights: the fight screen loads but then it hangs and gives a connection to server interrupted. I've tried no proxy both on browser and the mac but does not solve the issue.
Same issue with firefox, opera, as well as trying to log in from my google phone.
(seems a curious coincidence with the technical works)
Hello, there are unfortunately some known issues which are affecting a few players at the moment. The Technical teams are currently working on a fix. When further information is available (or additional troubleshooting steps), I will let you know.
Thanks. It seems FProxy under personal settings was on. Deactivating it has solved the problem for me (and for others). For now

02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
Broken or just the site being more annoying in chat than usual?? We get enough unwanted/unrequired spam in chat as it is without being told something 8 times!
Also in Russian but I won't duplicate it in that thread too (not that it would help get it fixed). Although I should - just to reciprocate the annoyance in return!!
02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
02:00 Битва с Воскрешенным Эгером Когтем началась! Отважные воины, вместе с Леди Марией сокрушите врага!
Broken or just the site being more annoying in chat than usual?? We get enough unwanted/unrequired spam in chat as it is without being told something 8 times!
Also in Russian but I won't duplicate it in that thread too (not that it would help get it fixed). Although I should - just to reciprocate the annoyance in return!!

Since a while the secret hiding place @Plateau of Silence isn't working.
Nothing happens when you click on it.
And i miss my daily 15 Silver (with Luck) !![]()
I noticed this the other day, but then clicked a different tower than I used tol & got my reward. Does it change towers now, or it changed & no one thought to mention it?
I rarely go there anyway so meh
