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I took a new Quest from the Oracle earlier this morning, quests usually last 3 days before you can take a new one, yet I am advised of the following notification in my recurring quest list;-
"Oracle quest (Clan chief can take quest 21 May 2023) 8h 9min remaining"
BUT, if this is similar to the last quest I took, this will NOT end tonight, but will suddenly reset itself to 3 days in the morning!
THEN, if it's anything like the last quest it will ACTUALLY reset in TWO days from tomorrow.
Please sort out whatever is happening with the resets as I keep finding more & more bugs in them

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "x Rorschach x" (Nov 6th 2023, 8:49pm)
Lets see if it takes 6 more days to reset instead of 3.
Please say it's fixed

If the issue persists please can you send screenshots to help identify the specific details. Seems this is not a problem that every clan is facing at the moment.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Jun 19th 2023, 10:46am)
Oracle quest finally reset after 6 days! Timer still wrong.
Lets see if it takes 6 more days to reset instead of 3.
Please say it's fixed
If the issue persists please can you send screenshots to help identify the specific details. Seems this is not a problem that every clan is facing at the moment.
Sorry TJ - I missed your reply. So far the 6 day thing hasn't repeated itself. However, the timer is still wrong. I took the latest quest yesterday & it showed only 1 day on the timer instead of 3. When game reset happened today it now shows 3 days left on the timer when it should obviously only be 2 days left.
However, again, the quest WILL (or has been) resetting once it gets back down to 1 day - because when the day resets that last day of the timer will vanish & the Oracle will be available again.
So in theory, the quest STILL last 3 days BUT the timers are out of synch.
I can only assume this has something to do with the reset times being broken/changed since the May update. The TIMER of the oracle quest is resetting at 00.00 game time but the QUEST doesn't actually reset until 02.00 game time - along with a lot of other daily quests that I do like Charters, Shadow, Urchi etc - which used to be at 00:00 game time.
Sorry if that doesn't make sense, I know what it means

Oracle quest finally reset after 6 days! Timer still wrong.
Lets see if it takes 6 more days to reset instead of 3.
Please say it's fixed
If the issue persists please can you send screenshots to help identify the specific details. Seems this is not a problem that every clan is facing at the moment.
Sorry TJ - I missed your reply. So far the 6 day thing hasn't repeated itself. However, the timer is still wrong. I took the latest quest yesterday & it showed only 1 day on the timer instead of 3. When game reset happened today it now shows 3 days left on the timer when it should obviously only be 2 days left.
However, again, the quest WILL (or has been) resetting once it gets back down to 1 day - because when the day resets that last day of the timer will vanish & the Oracle will be available again.
So in theory, the quest STILL last 3 days BUT the timers are out of synch.
I can only assume this has something to do with the reset times being broken/changed since the May update. The TIMER of the oracle quest is resetting at 00.00 game time but the QUEST doesn't actually reset until 02.00 game time - along with a lot of other daily quests that I do like Charters, Shadow, Urchi etc - which used to be at 00:00 game time.
Sorry if that doesn't make sense, I know what it means![]()
EDIT:- Put Urchi task above by mistake but that's ok as on a 20hr timer. I was thinking of Urch Seasonal Event task

should be fixed please let us know if there is still missing translation
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "x Rorschach x" (Nov 16th 2023, 11:12am)
gnome casket
Hello Admins,
at the fight above I receive absolutely nothing…87&server_id=10
no gnome casket or gnome coins. I get absolutelly nothing.
Please create a Support ticket for this
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "x Rorschach x" (Nov 16th 2023, 11:13am)

It's currently 01.16 server time as I type.
Now have to sit around waiting until 02.00 server time to do Seasonal event Urchi task before I can hand in event repeat tasks - yet I can still use the Seasonal deck as normal.
Also still waiting for;-
Gift of Heaven
Charter Quests
Plus I know of others not relevant to my level as yet i.e. Shadow Quests, Oracle Quest, Underwater Science Quest.
Probably others I don't know of too.
Are these going to be fixed or do we have to get used to new reset times - which seemingly change every update

13:36 Unfortunately, there was nothing of interest in the papers you found.
13:45 Unfortunately, there was nothing of interest in the papers you found.
13:46 Unfortunately, there was nothing of interest in the papers you found.
13:49 Unfortunately, there was nothing of interest in the papers you found.
13:50 Unfortunately, there was nothing of interest in the papers you found.
So... I don't know what to think anymore... since february, when I came back I probably handed in 150 - 200 papers... I'm not going to give a number on how many I have handed in before I quit playing because I have no idea but I was lvl 12 or 13 when I got to 29 secret knowledge... I find it impossible to be just a streak of bad luck... I would highly apreaciate it if someone can check for a possible bug when there's time for this also.
Just saw you got that achievment. Grats.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "x Rorschach x" (Nov 16th 2023, 11:20am)
I kept a record of how many papers I handed-in in total.
It was 222.
So it does take AGES to get the last one as getting 29 is very quick compared to the last one.
Good Luck on your next paper

No Issue
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "x Rorschach x" (Nov 16th 2023, 11:20am)