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Friday, September 11th 2020, 12:24am

Character loading problems

I have a problem lasting from 2 days that just doesn't seem to solve.
How can i say it...
Do you know that when you open the map, the backpack and other sections of the game menĂ¹ do you have the loading, right?
Basically the avatar loading from the backpack or the character description is locked on 94%.
This happens not only when i try to see my avatar but also other player's avatar.
It's not like i can't play, there are no problems with battles or the map but being locked the avatar i can't manage the equipment.
At first i just waited some days to see if the problem would disappear by itself, but it didn't happened.
Am i the only one with this problem?
There is a way to solve it?


Monday, November 27th 2023, 1:27am

I have the issue now, is there a solution by now?

Posts: 53

Location: France

Occupation: Stuff

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Monday, November 27th 2023, 7:33pm

Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your character avatar. Do you use client or browser to play? Is this just today? Just the character avatar in the backpack? Please give as much info as possible. Thank you
Of course you are....and I am the Queen Of Sheba.


Tuesday, November 28th 2023, 4:10am

Occasionally and only using a browser the avatar in my BP isn't there at all & the backpack items are spread across the whole screen instead. I refresh/reload the browser tab & it goes back to normal.

On both the browser & client I sometimes get a white hunt screen - you can still see mobs/resources but it's more difficult.
Again, refreshing again usually fixes but sometimes takes multiple refreshes or even a full cache clean. I'm sensing memory leak or something that is beyond my knowledge, so when clearing cache or refreshing it sorts itself out.

Both the above have been happening for quite a while, it's annoying but does not affect anything else as far as I've seen.