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For the admins
Why do you hate your players? Serious question. I've never seen a game go out of their way as much as you guys have to ignore and not talk to their player base. You use players to talk to players and then you put no energy into even doing that. Why can we not get some transparency from the admins about whats going on? How hard would it be for you to jump onto game every few days and just talk to the players. Your administration has almost ZERO contact with the game player base. Thats a shame. Never have I seen a game give zero feedback and interaction with the players. You have zero fights with players, You dont run around the talk to players, You dont do events with players. Not everything has to be free gifts. You could jump on talk to us treat it like an actual community instead of your job. Start random fights in plat. DO something to interact with your player base.

The admins don't care about the game, There is still a lot of polish language in the game, They don't even try to fix it, New events are disgrace, The latest "Thousand and one riddles" event is for insulting the players. None of these stupid behaviors can be done on the original russia server.
Why are there no 99/1 items on the Russia server?
Why are the same admins not managing our server?
Where did the bullshit of adding 99/1 items to the game come from?
What is the reason to add crystal cave twice a month to weekend events?
How is it that the game's server is still so bad when it is sold with 50,000-100,000 diamond bonuses every month?
Due to the lag issue, players have trouble hunting every evening and still the server is so bad, why?
Which genius's idea was to sell Diamond certificates exclusively to random players and remove the certification event?
And please, other players, give your opinion, oh I forgot, nobody cares about our ideas.
Why are there no 99/1 items on the Russia server?
Why are the same admins not managing our server?
Where did the bullshit of adding 99/1 items to the game come from?
What is the reason to add crystal cave twice a month to weekend events?
How is it that the game's server is still so bad when it is sold with 50,000-100,000 diamond bonuses every month?
Due to the lag issue, players have trouble hunting every evening and still the server is so bad, why?
Which genius's idea was to sell Diamond certificates exclusively to random players and remove the certification event?
And please, other players, give your opinion, oh I forgot, nobody cares about our ideas.
Let me emphasize that I agree with you, you are right in everything.
However, the answer to the question should be simple - because we (players) allow it. I mean, since without any significant effort and commitment on their part, players are still actively playing it, throwing their real cash, so what's the point of changing something that works?
Regardless of the fact that this is a virtual world, and we are its customers - if someone paid you for "doing nothing" and you were satisfied, would you have a reason to try and change it? So what if even some people quit the game, or don't play actively, if it still works anyway and apparently suits them ...?
However, the answer to the question should be simple - because we (players) allow it. I mean, since without any significant effort and commitment on their part, players are still actively playing it, throwing their real cash, so what's the point of changing something that works?
Regardless of the fact that this is a virtual world, and we are its customers - if someone paid you for "doing nothing" and you were satisfied, would you have a reason to try and change it? So what if even some people quit the game, or don't play actively, if it still works anyway and apparently suits them ...?
I just wanna be famous...
...but be careful what you wish for
...but be careful what you wish for
@ lol666 - talking "you are very confident about yourself and your opinions and everyone else idea is *beep*", and also talking "The problem is not player's" - as if you were an oracle who (even without a single argument and meaningful participation in the discussion) decides who is right
ah this hypocrisy lvl 99
1. Probably you are not reading with understanding - unfortunately, nothing new
2. In first words, I accent that I agree with the allegations against admins - but hey, doesnt matter
3. Talking about players who stop playing game? And what has changed on the part of admins? Hmmm nothing?
4. Game like WOD benefits mainly from players who pays cash, you can admire and appreciate players who achieve everything by working and patiently spending their real time, but if the game works, it is mainly thanks to the people who pay - without them, the game would close, and it's not mine an opinion (which you cling to) just a fact, and it will remain a fact even if you don't understand
5. The reason with players leaving and reluctance were also activity/decisions of players - mutual attacking of low lvl levels of the opposite race and sticking wounds for several days, mutual raids and hunting for the weaker, general use of mirrors, hexes etc (well, since the game allows you to use them, a sign that you NEED DO THIS because otherwise the world will collapse, yeah?
), and even fun on the stock exchange for small changes (1s) instead of cooperation - you already know the topic, on which it is a pity that you did not write anything valuable, despite so many answers
the question is...the mentioned things were not there, or you did not want to see them, or were you the one who used it in this way? Because I don't think I have come up with what if it has been going on in PL for many years
6. "Besides all the stuff you saying, i kinda think if no one pays or plays anymore the game will shut down entirely....."
bravo, then maybe you will start to understand that the mass of players actively playing it is making money for people who do not deserve it (apparently especially in your opinion) because they do not offer anything worth attention for a long time? Some players are still here only for memories and hope that "some good times will come back" while complaining to the admins that they do nothing - so who comes out to be "naive/stupid"? The one who earns money by doing nothing, or the one who hopes for a miracle, despite the fact that nothing has indicated him for years?
7. What if I say that I am not at all confident, I just speak up on a topic where I have something to say and based on facts and data, instead of writing nothing and nonsense or empty/blunt TLDR ...? I think its the best way to wasting own time, don't you? So what is the forum for? If another player (who even cant writing about topic) criticizes me for daring to have an opinion and spending more time to blame me, instead of show any concret/details of topic? Hypocrisy lvl 99, because what your answers adding to the topic?
Do you only write to increase the number of posts written in the forum?
8. I noticed that once again you take part in a topic that you ignore completely or "touch it very superficially", bringing nothing to the conversation and criticizing someone else's opinion - don't you waste your time? If you have any opinion, just say it, give arguments, try at least to prove that you are right, provide counter-arguments and try to understand the other side... currently, probably only a criticism of what others say, but yeah - in your mind it's my fault, fault of my longs comments, and probably wrong font
nvm, fortunately its only your mind
PS sorry for the partial offtop, but when someone calls me to discussion, I try to answer questions instead of writing pointlessly under each post
it's my bad habit
PS2 lol666, in 2 weeks you used more " :beep: " than any valuable arguments
fat mate, or just pranking?

1. Probably you are not reading with understanding - unfortunately, nothing new

2. In first words, I accent that I agree with the allegations against admins - but hey, doesnt matter
3. Talking about players who stop playing game? And what has changed on the part of admins? Hmmm nothing?
4. Game like WOD benefits mainly from players who pays cash, you can admire and appreciate players who achieve everything by working and patiently spending their real time, but if the game works, it is mainly thanks to the people who pay - without them, the game would close, and it's not mine an opinion (which you cling to) just a fact, and it will remain a fact even if you don't understand
5. The reason with players leaving and reluctance were also activity/decisions of players - mutual attacking of low lvl levels of the opposite race and sticking wounds for several days, mutual raids and hunting for the weaker, general use of mirrors, hexes etc (well, since the game allows you to use them, a sign that you NEED DO THIS because otherwise the world will collapse, yeah?

6. "Besides all the stuff you saying, i kinda think if no one pays or plays anymore the game will shut down entirely....."
7. What if I say that I am not at all confident, I just speak up on a topic where I have something to say and based on facts and data, instead of writing nothing and nonsense or empty/blunt TLDR ...? I think its the best way to wasting own time, don't you? So what is the forum for? If another player (who even cant writing about topic) criticizes me for daring to have an opinion and spending more time to blame me, instead of show any concret/details of topic? Hypocrisy lvl 99, because what your answers adding to the topic?
8. I noticed that once again you take part in a topic that you ignore completely or "touch it very superficially", bringing nothing to the conversation and criticizing someone else's opinion - don't you waste your time? If you have any opinion, just say it, give arguments, try at least to prove that you are right, provide counter-arguments and try to understand the other side... currently, probably only a criticism of what others say, but yeah - in your mind it's my fault, fault of my longs comments, and probably wrong font

PS sorry for the partial offtop, but when someone calls me to discussion, I try to answer questions instead of writing pointlessly under each post
PS2 lol666, in 2 weeks you used more " :beep: " than any valuable arguments

I just wanna be famous...
...but be careful what you wish for
...but be careful what you wish for
@ lol666
Anyway, your text [" i realised that you are very confident about yourself and your opinions and everyone else idea is *beep*" ] in reference to the fact that FACT REPRESENTATION (not opinion!) that players pay ~2.1g, for a box with 1.2g of cash and another ~30s in the content is fine in your opinion, and I unnecessarily put the subject on daylight - should already tell me a lot about you.
Since in your opinion 1.5g is equal or even more than 2.1g, then we have nothing to talk about. Go to the shop, buy purple giants for 10s and sell them for 1s in the same shop, and then shout the slogan "demand and supply" without understanding any of them
Anyway, your text [" i realised that you are very confident about yourself and your opinions and everyone else idea is *beep*" ] in reference to the fact that FACT REPRESENTATION (not opinion!) that players pay ~2.1g, for a box with 1.2g of cash and another ~30s in the content is fine in your opinion, and I unnecessarily put the subject on daylight - should already tell me a lot about you.

I just wanna be famous...
...but be careful what you wish for
...but be careful what you wish for
This post by: Lemoon (Yesterday, 11:20pm) is hidden, because you ignore user Lemoon.
I better do this, otherwise the post will get too spammy
This post by: Lemoon (Yesterday, 11:20pm) is hidden, because you ignore user Lemoon.
I better do this, otherwise the post will get too spammy

Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard
but i will try my best

I agree with the com player. I will add that on our server, we also wrote to the Administration. The answer was that the Administration did not know Polish. In my opinion, the Administration has no idea for this game, despite the players' comments. It does not inform about the economic and technical reasons. Fighting is a guerrilla fighter. Promotions are a disappointment. 5 years of writing on our PL server taught me that the player has to pay and that's it. It will be the end of this game if we don't remember what the fights used to be.
Regards Com and Pl
(Information traslator
I agree with the com player. I will add that on our server, we also wrote to the Administration. The answer was that the Administration did not know Polish. In my opinion, the Administration has no idea for this game, despite the players' comments. It does not inform about the economic and technical reasons. Fighting is a guerrilla fighter. Promotions are a disappointment. 5 years of writing on our PL server taught me that the player has to pay and that's it. It will be the end of this game if we don't remember what the fights used to be.
Regards Com and Pl
(Information traslator


NO lets NOT do that!
Better the way it is with 0 interaction. There were too many past stories/rumors of players getting advantages from Admins because they were on good terms with them, etc.
I do not want to see something like that, where some players are working hard to get what they want, and others are given "gifts" because they had more favorable interactions with admins.
We could have more variety of events and let the player base grow, I'm all for that.
They could perhaps reply to emails or certain forum posts that many players are asking for, expand the game, etc.
But direct interaction with people, of "powers" that regular players can not access, should not occur.
Better the way it is with 0 interaction. There were too many past stories/rumors of players getting advantages from Admins because they were on good terms with them, etc.
I do not want to see something like that, where some players are working hard to get what they want, and others are given "gifts" because they had more favorable interactions with admins.
We could have more variety of events and let the player base grow, I'm all for that.
They could perhaps reply to emails or certain forum posts that many players are asking for, expand the game, etc.
But direct interaction with people, of "powers" that regular players can not access, should not occur.

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