After a tumultuous start, everyone finally had a chance to have fun with the very enhanced version of
Kretch Butcher, strengthened because of the Event.
This superbeing, abandoned in the darkness of memory, has had a number of effects added to it, making it much more interesting to fight against than the standard Butcher.
1. How to find the Event Butcher
Nothing simpler - the Event Butcher is located in exactly the same place as the normal Butcher (or rather I should say that he replaces him). The difference is that the text at the entrance to his lair has added (event) at the end.
The location itself with the Event Butcher is identical to the standard location. You can go from it to the Spider or to the Shaman.
2. The Event Butcher
Butcher has been boosted in a number of ways - firstly, when you start, his life points and blows adjust to the character's highest level in combat (the zygred method does not work). Example life points:
3lvl - 10.000
10lvl - 65.000
13lvl - 100.000
16lvl - 160.000
Attention! Once the level is adjusted the Butcher does not do it again. I.e. if a level 10 player casts a 17lvl wraith in the middle of battle, the level of the Butcher will remain the same
Additionally, its effects in combat have been changed:

- Blocks all mount skills in combat
(including those acquired from the books)

- I would like to say it this way.... do not test it on your own skin and
do not, under any circumstances, change you position to block. After activating the block at the end of the fight (for fun) the butcher killed besides me 2 members of my group, fully healed Arborises from
Book of Life, 2 gargoyles and took about 60% hp away from the
Spirit of Life.
So yes, it somehow takes twice the life points that a player on a giant can have.
To all individually.

- similar effect to the normal Butcher, only after killing a friendly kretch it restores
60% of its maximum HP.

- from time to time the Butcher removes healing effects
from all opponents and also casts poison
on all opponents, which removes 510 life points from them within 90 seconds. It is not possible to remove with a panther/tiger.

- The translation is correct, but the operation of this effect is slightly different than described. It is true that the Butcher
removes Atshi Elixirs, However, instead of weakening vampirism each player takes ~20% retaliation damage with each blow. Personally on elixir of destruction with 8% vampirism I was getting 14% retaliation damage.

- The Butcher is immune to chaos magic and all retaliation and weakness effects, and equally impossible to use powders and weakness/retaliation scrolls on him. Additionally, he pulls off the effects of most arrows - I checked the Powerful True Arrow during the stun and it also pulled off after the first move, so it's automatic.
3. Combat tactics
I am not sure what to advise you. First of all, do not try to activate a block and clear all kretches in the Butchers location to prevent him from healing. You can do it solo, but in this case you will need wraiths (unless you take stronger buffs, then maybe you can do it without them). For the average player I would advise forming a group of 4-5 people. Additionally, due to the
Green Slime I would not recommend joining all at once, but rather enter the fight one at a time to minimise the amount of poison on you.
Gargoyls wraiths may be helpful, Because their poisons work normally. The Butcher's blows themselves are not very powerful, so I preferred the Great Thirst for Blood to restore as much life as possible vampire elixirs.
I remind you that the Butcher removes the effect of the Atshi elixir.
For lower level players, it can be particularly helpful to have wraiths from the deck, such as
Legendary Humans II.
I hope this brings you a little closer to how to defeat the Event Butcher :3 Remember, in order to open the chest you must first get the key from the
Spider Patriarch.
No, it is not possible to get the box a second time.