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[EVENTS] Star Custodians

- Players who have already earned the achievement for defeating all 12 Custodians and have received event weapons will receive an additional Spark instead.
- On the battlefields of the past (cc 386 and temples 283) you CANNOT get rituals.
- You can get a total of 12 different rituals, and you can have them all at the same time, but not more than 1 of each type (e.g. you cannot get a second ritual to summon an edera if you already have 1 in your backpack).
- Defeating a custodian during an event blocks the possibility to fight him again (of course this applies to the currently event edition itself).
- Defeating a Custodian does not block the possibility of getting his ritual.
- Rituals can be exchanged (1 to 1).
- After the fight the ritual disappears.
- It is possible to have more than 1 same ritual in your backpack, but it is only possible by exchange with other players.
- Only buffs that grant "passive" stats (e.g. dexterity, intuition, specific damage values, life points, etc.) are effective. All percentage effects or those applying an active effect will be cancelled at the beginning of each fight (e.g. healing from a black dragon, stun effect of a stone skin elixir, magic aureole, etc.). Vials da best.
- Powders and scrolls of retaliation/weakness and chaos magic do not work (this also applies to the DefilerDo poison from the chaos deck).
- The Custodian level adjusts to the opponent with the highest level. This can happen even at the end of a fight. This also resets all his abilities (including healing when his opponent dies) and he can use them again. Do not use summons/scrolls with a level higher than yours.
- Use stronger potions. Sometimes it can determine the outcome of a fight..
- Be careful when you use wrath/atshi/... elixirs. - if you do it too early, the Custodian will take their effect away. It's a good idea to do this after a few blows.
- Each Custodian heals itself exactly 50 times (if it doesn't level up in the meantime) if the opponent dies. So every Custodian can be killed by throwing 50 lings/zigreds. After that you can just throw wraiths at him and they will manage somehow.
(PS.all ling amulets of call have a separate cooldown).
Here are all the skills that ALL Custodians have.

The description makes it clear how it works - when an opponent dies ( whether summon or player), the Custodian restores 35% of his life points. You have to be very careful when choosing wraiths, so they don't mess up your strategy. Of course, you can use this effect to your advantage and simply flood him with summons. After 50 effects, killing enemies will no longer heal the Custodian.

Neutralising effects applies to all active effects that heal, % amplify blows, etc. etc. Thus, this eliminates both healing from heaven's blessing and strengthening of blows from magic aureole or MC. However, fixed parameters such as dexterity, intuition, life points, etc. remain until the end of the fight. It is therefore worth using blessings such as the Vial or Gift of the Dragon (Erifarius/Striagorn buff).
Note: if you use the elixir of wrath/atshi/etc. too early, the Custodian will also neutralise this effect.

Nothing to add. Immunity to scrolls and powders of retaliation and weaknesses and all chaos effects. From a bloody jakaral's weakening, to the poison of the DefilerDo from the deck.

A skill that levels up the Custodian to the level of the opponent with the highest level. It is not possible to kill it with a "zigred method". What's more, this effect is active during the whole fight, i.e. if you call a summon with a higher level than yours in the middle of the fight, not only will the Custodian level up to his level (increase his HP, the power of his blows, etc.), but it will also reset all the skills with a use limit (e.g. Soul Absorption)
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "-Kalikon-" (Sep 27th 2021, 7:04pm)
Lamb Constellation Custodian
with a small chance when gathering any Herbologist, Geologist, or Fisherman resources, provided that you do not already have this scroll. The level of collected resources does not matter, so it is recommended to collect grey resources from 0 mastery.

A sharp-eyed player will notice that this is not a random effect, but a super blow with the following combination: down, down, down down.
1 slot of blood potions, 1 slot of power potions, giant, healing potions. Basically you have to watch out mainly for his super blows. However, if you want to make life difficult for yourself and not look at the Fight log, the tactic is as follows:Keep your HP above 60% so you don't accidentally fall from a 15-second stun. It's best to keep a block on and use the Bear/Thirst of Blood until he casts Trembling Earth. Trembling Earth. If the Custodian uses it, you are out of the block for the next 12 moves and continue hitting him with bear/thirst. Other than that, you only take the block for a stun.
Or you simply look at the fight log and after 3x up - put on the block, after 3x down - take off the block.
Libra Constellation Custodian
with a medium chance when participating in the Luck Glow, Mirror Magic, Precious Chest Sale promotions and other similar events, provided that you do not already have this scrol.

2 slots of blood potions, 1 slot of power potions, a giant, healing scrolls, rest potions. For 11+ atshi and spirit.The whole tactic of the fight is roughly trivial. Your task is to keep your life level in the range of 40-60%. No more, no less. If you maintain this, the fight will be quite simple.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "-Kalikon-" (Aug 25th 2021, 11:09am)
Queen Andorvane Constellation Custodian
with a small chance when hunting monsters, provided that you do not already have this scroll. The chance is quite low, it can fall even after 300-400th mob. If someone doesn't like bots very much (like me!), it's worth asking someone for an exchange for an other ritual.

1 slot blood potions, 1 slot power potions, giant, life potions, 1 slot vampires.
Hard to talk about any tactics here. Read effects, do not waste power potions when you have retaliation or weakness on you. On retaliation be careful not to hit too hard without vampires.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "-Kalikon-" (Aug 25th 2021, 11:20am)
Water Elemental Constellation Custodian
with a medium chance when killing superbeings, provided that you do not already have this scroll.

1 slot blood potions, 1 slot power potions, giant, life potions, 1 slot vampires.
Depending on the effect the elemental casts on itself, according to the instructions you can either hit on block or without block. It is best to use thirst and heal on it with vampires.
with a medium chance when fighting on the Plateau of Silence, Ancient Plateau, in Haunted Place or other disputed areas, provided that you do not already have this scroll.. Unconfirmed information is that it drops for winning fights with players, maximum 2 levels below.

1 blood slot, 1 power slot, giant, the rest are vampire potions, atshi elixir.
The fight is quite simple. As healing potions doesn't work, just attack with vampires elixirs to keep your hp high. No philosophy.
This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "-Kalikon-" (Aug 25th 2021, 11:45am)
Scorpolion Constellation Custodian
with a medium chance when doing daily quests for city charters, provided that you do not already have this scroll. The condition is to do quests for which you get at least 1 charter.

1 slot of powers, giant, 2 or more slots with vamps, atshi.
Fight is quite simple, great Thirst of Blood/Revenge with vampires. As in the case of Edera there is no big philosophy here.
Mordeels Constellation Custodia

with a medium chance when fighting in the Ancient Temple or Temple of Equals, provided that you do not already have this scrol. You CANNOT get it on temples 283.

1-10: 3 slots of dispersal, 1 slot of powers, giant, life potions
16+: giant, spirit, atshi/wisdom/wrath, 2-3 life potions, 3 slots of dispersal, 1 slot of vamps (if life is lacking, use on great thirst of blood/revenge), 1 mana slot if you don't have great revenge blow. In illusionary sockets - dispersal
The combat tactics are fairly simple. Considering the fact that you won't have enough dispersal scrolls, you don't take off the weakening effects right away, but you make a combo on block to bear/thirst and only then you think about taking off the weakening. Finish the combo with a power elixir and when stun comes you try to either kill or take as much life as possible from the Custodian
Great Dragon Constellation Custodian
with a medium chance when doing daily activities, provided that you do not already have this scroll. In short, when collecting the Reward Casket for activities.

Set of elixirs is standard, you can add 2 slots of breath elixirs to skip moves when one dragon is barely alive and the other is still standing.The trick is to kill both dragons with a difference of a few moves. The whole tactic is to kill both dragons slowly with all their HP and when both dragons have only a few hp left, kill one and then kill the other one as fast as you can, so that he doesn't hit you too hard with 50% of his hp.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "-Kalikon-" (Aug 25th 2021, 5:20pm)
King Scorpion Constellation Custodian
with a high chance for fighting in the Crystalline Caves or Caves of Equals, and with a medium chance in battle in the Meridian Vaults, provided that you do not already have this scroll. You CANNOT get in on CC 386.

3 slots of antidote (for 11+ it's worth to pack 2-3 more to illusion sockets), 1 slot of powers, giant, life elixirs, it's worth to pack Aladeia flag if someone has it. For magicians additionally a spirit and atshi. You can also add vamps.
Antidote use only after it gives 2-3 poisons. Hit with thirst of blood/revenge. Remember that casting arhas will heal you, but the same applies to the scorpion.
Razorclaw Constellation Custodian
with a medium chance when fighting in Chaotic Battles, provided that you do not already have this scroll. You have to just participate.

Red blood elixirs (to put as many as possible in a slot) 4-5 slots, giant, life elixirs.
For 16+: atshi, giant, 2-3 life potions, if you don't have a Great Thirst for Revenge , then 1 mana potion. The rest are blood extracts.
Hit with blood all the time, as only with crits you can deal damage to the Custodian. It's worth use clan totem, because Razorclaw heals only 2 times, so retaliation in this case nicely reduces his HP. Magicians should remember the spell Strength of Wrath (for custodians of magic reputation), which also strengthens the blow. Shoot arrows for retaliation. Of course, you are using the Great Thirst of Blood/Revenge. It is also worth remembering that Fury of the Dragon (10lv combo) gives a 100% crit chance.
Zinka the Goat Constellation Custodian
with a medium chance for fighting in the Arena of the Underground Knights or Arena of Equals, provided that you do not already have this scroll. Just for participation.

Enough poison scrolls to deal about 520 damage with them (e.g. 2 slots of underground/rare poison), the rest of the slots as usually. If you can, take shurikens.
Generally the whole tactic is to take 500 "primary damage" from Zinka, which is done with effects like poison scrolls or shurikens (god of the dead standard can be used as well). As long as you don't take down her shield, she will heal indefinitely, but once the shield is down the fight is trivial.You ask why I wrote 520hp on poison - well, the fact that the blue scroll says 100 damage does not mean that it always does that much, sometimes it does 90, sometimes 110. You may wake up with "immortal 10p on shield left" Zinka if you have it calculated down to the last dot, just to save 5s.
And tactic for 4lvl: just use Revrat Wraith and chill.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "-Kalikon-" (Aug 30th 2021, 6:54pm)
Tuver Constellation Custodia
ith a medium chance when fighting in Tallaar's Halls, provided that you do not already have this scroll. Just participation.
Well, as quite a few of you have probably noticed Tuver is not only quite hard to get, but it also casts a special punishing effect on dodges, blocks and critical hits, which stays on you for the whole fight (and on your summons etc). On the top of that, he heals 6 times, and believe me, a dodger dodges quite often. Additionally it is immune to magic, poison, retaliation and weakness, so it is impossible to stay on a smart one on magic stance and avoid the effect.
So, I suggest you to use the tactic for "depleting" tuver kills-heals (50 times)
I decided to take advantage of this limit and do as follows:
-1) I took 2 slots of vamps, giant, the rest healing
0) I dressed one part of the other style- in order to offset the number of dodges I do as cunning. I was fighting as a dogder so I dressed a bc shoes.
1) I bought 6 Ling amulets of call (2 grey, 2 green, 2 blue) and 10 zigreds.
2) I started the fight 2 minutes before the end of the quarter (for example 12:13) and threw the first 3 ling amulets (grey, green, blue), I used 10 zigreds and after 2 minutes more lings (the end of the quarter resets the time to throw more lings)
3) I waited for all moroks to die and for healing to come down (something like 90 seconds after the last morok died)
4) I summoned a mount not exceeding my level, a shadow, a couple of summons (probably the best are Winged Legend Spirits, because they always have your level)
5) Together with summons I calmly killed Tuver (I hit him 10 times, I made 2 blocks

Remember - lvl of summons should not exceed your level!!! It will reset Tuvers healing!!
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "-Kalikon-" (Aug 25th 2021, 5:44pm)
On the Russian forum I found information that on level 3-4 the shield can be destroyed by the rage effect of Revrat Wraith. Information is verified.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "-Kalikon-" (Aug 30th 2021, 6:54pm)

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