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Magmar quests
I will be posting here descriptions of magmar quests which I have been gathering for the last two years, some of the quests I have completed myself, some are translations from various Russian infosites. There's a lot of it, they will be gradually added to this thread whenever I have time to work on it.

When you first create a character in the game, you receive gifts for spending time online:
2 minutes: First Victor Ring 1 pcs, Ripe Apple 100 pcs, Primary Elixir of Life 30 pcs
10 minutes: Novice’s Shuriken 20 pcs, Magic Protection Charm 1 pcs, Primary Elixir of Giant 10 pcs
25 minutes: Strongman Ring 1 pcs, Amulet of Determination 1 pcs, Leather Boots 1 pcs, Wooden Sword 1 pcs, Primary Elixir of Life 30 pcs, Primary Elixir of Giant 10 pcs
When you give the Wooden Sword to another player as a gift, you will receive: Perfect Elixir of Giant 12 pcs, Perfect Elixir of Power 40 pcs, Perfect Elixir of Life 24 pcs
1 hour: Bottomless Casket 1 pcs, Novice Standard 1 pcs, Small Novice’s Chest 1 pcs
Small Novice’s Chest contains: Modest Pot of Gold 1 pcs, Hops Tankard 1 pcs, Medium Novice’s Chest 1 pcs, Soldier’s Chest 1 pcs, Primary Elixir of Giant 20 pcs, Primary Elixir of Life 60 pcs, Zigred Amulet of Call 4 pcs, Elementary Byal Rune 1 pcs, Elementary Ing Rune 1 pcs
When you give the Hops Tankard to another player as a gift, you will receive: Perfect Elixir of Giant 13 pcs, Perfect Elixir of Power 45 pcs, Perfect Elixir of Life 25 pcs
Bottomless Casket can be used once a day for 7 days.
Additionally, after creating your character, you will receive Young Warrior Blessing.

When you first create a character in the game, you receive gifts for spending time online:
2 minutes: First Victor Ring 1 pcs, Ripe Apple 100 pcs, Primary Elixir of Life 30 pcs
10 minutes: Novice’s Shuriken 20 pcs, Magic Protection Charm 1 pcs, Primary Elixir of Giant 10 pcs
25 minutes: Strongman Ring 1 pcs, Amulet of Determination 1 pcs, Leather Boots 1 pcs, Wooden Sword 1 pcs, Primary Elixir of Life 30 pcs, Primary Elixir of Giant 10 pcs
When you give the Wooden Sword to another player as a gift, you will receive: Perfect Elixir of Giant 12 pcs, Perfect Elixir of Power 40 pcs, Perfect Elixir of Life 24 pcs
1 hour: Bottomless Casket 1 pcs, Novice Standard 1 pcs, Small Novice’s Chest 1 pcs
Small Novice’s Chest contains: Modest Pot of Gold 1 pcs, Hops Tankard 1 pcs, Medium Novice’s Chest 1 pcs, Soldier’s Chest 1 pcs, Primary Elixir of Giant 20 pcs, Primary Elixir of Life 60 pcs, Zigred Amulet of Call 4 pcs, Elementary Byal Rune 1 pcs, Elementary Ing Rune 1 pcs
When you give the Hops Tankard to another player as a gift, you will receive: Perfect Elixir of Giant 13 pcs, Perfect Elixir of Power 45 pcs, Perfect Elixir of Life 25 pcs
Bottomless Casket can be used once a day for 7 days.
Additionally, after creating your character, you will receive Young Warrior Blessing.
Quest chain:
The Journey Begins
Strength Trial
First Hunt
Potions for the wounded
Militiamen Healing
Arsenal Replenishment
Service in the Outskirts
A Dog's Death for a Dog!
Universal Summons
Skill Lesson
No Victories without Lunch
Report to Command
Literate Rats
Belt for Upcoming Battles
Decisive Battle
Journey to the Capital
Big Hunt for Wild Hounds
Help the master
The Frost Flower
Voyage to the district
City in Peril
Meeting with the warlord
Test of Strength
Path to the witch
Elixirs of Courage
Return to the city
An Exam in the Knowledge of Laws
The Journey Begins

There are some errors in the quests rewards in game (for example quest "Strength trial" shows that you will receive Primary Elixirs of Life, but instead you receive 10 apples). This posts shows the correct rewards.

The Journey Begins (Chief Torgor, Settlement of Chernag)
Look in the Items tab in your backpack and click 'Equip' on the Leather Vest and Leather Cuisses you have in there. Then return to Chief Torgor on the Settlement of Chernag Square.
120 experience, Primary Elixir of Life 10 pcs, Primary Elixir of Giant 3 pcs

Strength Trial (Chief Torgor, Settlement of Chernag, after completing the Journey Begins quest)
Immediately after talking to Chief Torgor, a Captured Kretch [1]
(57 hp) will attack you. After the fight, talk to Chief Torgor again.
120 experience, Ripe Apple 10 pcs

First Hunt (Chief Torgor, Settlement of Chernag, after completing the Strength Trial quest)
After killing the Kretches [1]
, collect their tails. Then return to Chief Torgor.
120 experience, Primary Elixir of Life 15 pcs, Primary Elixir of Giant 5 pcs

Potions for the wounded (Chief Torgor, Settlement of Chernag, after completing the First Hunt quest)
Look for the ravine in Settlement of Chernag and click on it to obtain a Bucket of Lava. Then talk to Chief Torgor.

120 experience, Novice’s Shuriken 10 pcs

Militiamen healing (Chief Torgor, Settlement of Chernag, after completing the Potions for the wounded quest)
Help 5 wounded militiamen in Settlement of Chernag. You can find them in the hunt screen (bear icon in the top menu), double click on them to give them the healing potion. After helping 5 of them, return to Chief Torgor.

120 experience, Primary Elixir of Life 10 pcs, Primary Elixir of Giant 5 pcs

Arsenal Replenishment (Chief Torgor, Settlement of Chernag, after completing the Militiamen healing quest)
Using an Weapon Bindings, Spear Shaft or Spear Tip, assemble Militiaman Spear (5 pcs). The parts can be found in the 'Quests' section in your backpack. Click on any of them to create a Militiaman Spear. Then talk to Chief Torgor.

120 experience, Novice Spear
After completing those quests, you should reach level 2. Please note that despite what the chat message will say, the Young Warrior Blessing does not disappear upon reaching level 2.

Look in the Items tab in your backpack and click 'Equip' on the Leather Vest and Leather Cuisses you have in there. Then return to Chief Torgor on the Settlement of Chernag Square.

Immediately after talking to Chief Torgor, a Captured Kretch [1]

After killing the Kretches [1]

Look for the ravine in Settlement of Chernag and click on it to obtain a Bucket of Lava. Then talk to Chief Torgor.

Help 5 wounded militiamen in Settlement of Chernag. You can find them in the hunt screen (bear icon in the top menu), double click on them to give them the healing potion. After helping 5 of them, return to Chief Torgor.

Using an Weapon Bindings, Spear Shaft or Spear Tip, assemble Militiaman Spear (5 pcs). The parts can be found in the 'Quests' section in your backpack. Click on any of them to create a Militiaman Spear. Then talk to Chief Torgor.

After completing those quests, you should reach level 2. Please note that despite what the chat message will say, the Young Warrior Blessing does not disappear upon reaching level 2.

Talk to

At this point you gain access to all locations in the Highlands of Terror region, you also start seeing other players in the location.

Defeat 5 Rabid Dogs [2]

Use one Appeal to Villagers in

Defeat 5 Kretch Leaders [2]

Go and see

After talking to Luc, you will be attacked by Hungry Skeleton [2]

Bring Militia Leader Report to

Talk to

After obtaining the Male Fire Spider Pincers, talk to Menachem - he will give you Bone with Unknown Markings. Take it to

Kill Kretch Leaders [2]

Fight the group of Kretches that has attacked the village. If you cannot win the first time round - talk to

Kretch Marauder [2]

After the fight, talk to Torgor.

After starting this quest, you gain access to locations outside Highlands of Terror.
Go to the

Settlement of Chernag --> Smoky Knolls --> Clan Burial Grounds --> Square of Fire --> City Square
Once there, talk to

After killing Wild Hounds [1]

Talk to

Talk to

Talk to

Repel the monsters' attack. The fight will start right after the dialogue with Givend. You will have NPCs' help in battle and any damage done to you will be absorbed by Protective Aura. After the fight, talk to Givens, then go to the

Talk to

Go to the Arena's Hall of Training and beat

Talk to

Take the Elixirs of Courage for the Settlers to

Talk to

Talk to Gidver to take the exam.
- What is the name of this world?
- Who are the Mentors?
A group of volunteers who help beginners with any questions about the game.
- Who are the Guards?
Representatives of the law enforcement authorities, who control law and order in Faeo.
- For what can you receive a Curse of Silence?
Breaking the rules of chat behaviour.
- What is flooding?
Repeating one or more of the same type of chat message more than once every 5 minutes.
- What is the abuse of uppeer case characters, which the Guards simply call "caps"?
Writing whole words or sentences with the use of capital letters or punctuation marks.
- What should you do if another player in the guise of an Administrator or Guard asks you for your password or some other sevret information?
Do not reveal your password no matter what the other player says and complain about them to the Guards.
- At what level can you receive your first profession?
- What is a quest?
Tasks, which are dedicated to you by various characters, who live in the World of Faeo.
- From what level may I transfer items and trade at the auction?
A third time, after linking a phone number to the character.
The answers to those questions are clearly outdated, there are errors in links and there are weird answers to the last question. The answer I posted here worked for me, but some players have told me that the quest was bugged for them - none of the answers to that last questions worked and they couldn't finish the quest.

Go to the

You will be attacked by Red Firefly [2]

The Goblin will give you Scrolls of Enticement and 3 leaflets. Take the scrolls to

Leaflet of Allure - Village of Maettro, Mentaliya Settlement or Manor of Budrimakh
Leaflet of Allure - Valley of Fire, Tomb of Kings or Hells Pass
Leaflet of Allure - Glade of Dreams, Ridge of Darkness or Spectral Expanse
After that return to the Goblin.

Kill Rabid Dogs [2]

Talk to

Talk to

Kill Kretch Leaders [2]

Kill some Decrepit Skeletons [2]

Kill some Zigreds [2]

Go to the

You will be attaked by Ivagor's Skeleton [3]

Go to

Take The Demonologist's Notes to

Option 1 (at the end of the quest you get Imp Cube ):
Collected Thistle - 10 pcs.
Collected Mistletoe - 10 pcs.
Collected Clover - 10 pcs.
Agate Dust - 100 pcs.
Aquamarine Dust - 100 pcs.
Turquoise Dust - 100 pcs.
Small Flickering Crystal - 1 pcs
Option 2 (at the end of the quest you get Demon Cube):
Magic Red Ink - 30 pcs.
Magic Green Ink - 30 pcs.
Collected Milfoil - 10 pcs.
Amethyst Dust - 100 pcs.
Flickering Crystal - 1 pcs.
Option 3 (at the end of the quest you get Devil Cube):
Magic Blue Ink - 20 pcs.
Emerald Dust - 100 pcs.
Topaz Dust - 100 pcs.
Collected Anemone - 1 pcs.
Collected Mandragora - 1 pcs.
Bring the chosen resources to the Demonologist. During the Demons Invade Dartrong or Demons Invade O'Delvays events, go to the Demonologist's Cave and weaken the ritual by pouring magic mixture on the chalices. Use the altar to check whether you've got it right.
You pour the mixture over the chalice next to the altar.
You pour the mixture over the chalice on the near left side of the altar.
You pour the mixture over the chalice on the near right side of the altar.
You pour the mixture over the chalice on the far right side of the altar.
You pour the mixture over the chalice on the far left of the altar.
Then click on the altar.

Quest chain:
The First Fragment of the Stone of Revelations [2]
Stone of Revelations [2]
The secret of the Stone of Revelations [3]
The Opening Gambit [4]
The Ultimate Gambit [5]
Resurrection of the Chaos Demigod [6]

The First Fragment of the Stone of Revelations (An Important Artifact) [2] (Elder Verkiry, Dartrong City Square)
Talk to
Pymen the Monk in the
Manor of Budrimakh, then to
Maeli the Mermaid in
Sly Cove. Return to Pymen who will give you The First Fragment of the Stone of Revelations. Take the fragment to
Elder Verkiry on
City Square
105 experience, 16 Dartrong Reputation

Stone of Revelations[2] (Elder Verkiry, Dartrong City Square, after completing The First Fragment of the Stone of Revelations quest)
You have already given
Verkiry the The First Fragment of the Stone of Revelations. You must now find the remaining five. 4 sub-quests become available:
After completing those quests, talk to the Elder.

The second fragment of the Stone of Revelations [2] (Elder Verkiry, Dartrong City Square, available after starting the "Stone of Revelations" quest)
Use the Scroll of teleportation to the Light's Edge, then talk to
Vaslav the Ranger about the stone shard he found. But be careful - you can use the scroll only once. If you fail, you will have to get to the other continent on your own.
Vaslav will ask for a Baby Atshi. After the dialogue you will receive another scroll of teleportation (which also can be used only once). Bring the Baby Atshi to Vaslav, then return to
Elder Verkiry.
105 experience, 16 Dartrong Reputation

The third fragment of the Stone of Revelations [2] (Elder Verkiry, Dartrong City Square, available after starting the "Stone of Revelations" quest)
Talk to
Golats the Vampire in the
Bats' Den. Then kill a Fury Hound [3]
and take Vial of Fury Hound blood to Golats. Then return to the Elder.
105 experience, 16 Dartrong Reputation

The fourth and fifth fragments of the Stone of Revelations [2] (Elder Verkiry, Dartrong City Square, available after starting the "Stone of Revelations" quest)
Search for the fourth and fifth fragments of the Stone of Revelations. Fourth Fragment of the Stone of Revelations can be found on the
Plateau of Silence :

And Fifth Fragment of the Stone of Revelations - in
Forgotten Mines

After obtaining both fragments, return to the Elder.
105 experience, 16 Dartrong Reputation

Sixth fragment of the Stone of Revelations [2] (Elder Verkiry, Dartrong City Square, available after starting the "Stone of Revelations" quest)
Talk to
Maritsa the Witch in
Settlement Angrukhon - she will give you the Sixth fragment of the Stone of Revelations. Return to the Elder.
105 experience, 16 Dartrong Reputation
The First Fragment of the Stone of Revelations [2]

Talk to

You have already given

- The second fragment of the Stone of Revelations
- The third fragment of the Stone of Revelations
- The fourth and fifth fragments of the Stone of Revelations
- Sixth fragment of the Stone of Revelations
After completing those quests, talk to the Elder.

Use the Scroll of teleportation to the Light's Edge, then talk to

Vaslav will ask for a Baby Atshi. After the dialogue you will receive another scroll of teleportation (which also can be used only once). Bring the Baby Atshi to Vaslav, then return to

Talk to

Search for the fourth and fifth fragments of the Stone of Revelations. Fourth Fragment of the Stone of Revelations can be found on the

And Fifth Fragment of the Stone of Revelations - in

After obtaining both fragments, return to the Elder.

Talk to

Quest chain:
The First Fragment of the Stone of Revelations [2]
Stone of Revelations [2]
The secret of the Stone of Revelations [3]
The Opening Gambit [4]
The Ultimate Gambit [5]
Resurrection of the Chaos Demigod [6]

The secret of the Stone of Revelations [3] (Elder Verkiry, Dartrong City Square, after completing "Stone of Revelations" quest)
1. Go to
Flavviy the Wise in the
Settlement of Faytir and ask him to decode the inscription on the Stone of Revelations. Flaviyy will then send you to talk to
Great Lizard in the
Barrow of Death. Great Lizard will ask you for the Dzungo Cube.
2. Talk to
Smurrin the Dwarf in the
Village Angriyar. Then go to
Brugilda in
Village Maettro and ask her for Laughter Powder for Smurri. Brugilda will give you a Laughter Powder Recipe so that you can make the powder yourself.
By killing Fury Hounds [3]
, obtain 10 Fury Hound Fangs. You will also need a Clover. Then use the recipe to create the Laughter Powder and take it to
The powder is not always obtained the first time, sometimes you need to try multiple times before it works and every time you need a new set of ingredients.
750 experience, 40 Dartrong Reputation, quest Gimmick for Smurri becomes available
3. After receiving the Laughter Powder, Smurri will give you the Dzungo Cube. Take it to the
Great Lizard.
750 experience, 40 Dartrong Reputation
4. Go to
Elder Verkiry and tell him about the results of decoding the inscriptions on the Stone of Revelations. The Elder will then ask you to talk to
Maritsa the Witch in
Settlement Angrukhon to see if you can believe the words of the Great Lizard.
5. Ask
Serafim the Gnome in
Forgotten Graves for the Truth Flower. He will give you the flower in exchange for Mandibles of a Zigred-Warrior. They can be obtained by killing a Zigred Warrior [3]
(it might take more than 1 kill since you often get Useless Mandibles of a Zigred-Warrior). Take the Mandibles of a Zigred-Warrior to Serafim the Gnome
6. Then, with Truth Flower, go to
Barrow of Death and talk to the
Great Lizard.
750 experience, 40 Dartrong Reputation
7. Return to
Elder Verkiry to tell him about the results of the experiment.
750 experience, 50 Dartrong Reputation,
(Total rewards: 3000 experience, 170 Dartrong reputation,
The First Fragment of the Stone of Revelations [2]

1. Go to

2. Talk to

By killing Fury Hounds [3]

The powder is not always obtained the first time, sometimes you need to try multiple times before it works and every time you need a new set of ingredients.

3. After receiving the Laughter Powder, Smurri will give you the Dzungo Cube. Take it to the

4. Go to

5. Ask

6. Then, with Truth Flower, go to

7. Return to

(Total rewards: 3000 experience, 170 Dartrong reputation,

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