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[EVENTS] Shards of Hidden Wisdom
Level 3,
Starting Quest: Flavviy the Wise in Settlement of Faytir &
Pandrik the Wise in Light’s Edge

The event starts with the initiation quest taken from the wise men, which will ask you to bring 50 shards of wisdom ,
10 evil eyes and
1 warm heart. Warm heart can be obtained by killing a superbeing regardless of its level, whereas, you can get the shards by hunting monsters whose level is no lower than yours by one and only under the effect of “Vision of Wisdom ”.
During the event, you can obtain the blessing of A Vision of Wisdom by throwing Essences of Experience into the Well of Fortune or Mouth of Fortune. For every 20,000 experience worth of essences thrown, you will get 2 hours of effect, or extension if you already have it.
The wise sages will reward you with a Chest of the Sages for every 50 Particles you deliver. The value of the content depends on how much experience you spent to receive the particles.
Up to 1 Million
1 to 2 Million
2 to 3 Million
3 to 4 Million
4 to 5 Million
5 to 6 Million
6 Million and above
You can track the amount of experience thrown by talking to Well/Mouth of Fortune and the number of shards dropped by looking at the list of accepted quests. The value of the chest depends on the amount of experience at the time when you receive the chest.
In addition, by participating in the event, you can achieve the following achievements:
I’ve seen the Light!
And there are no Books in it!
Gratitude of the Goddess
Keep calm, I'm a
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Positron" (Dec 20th 2023, 7:58pm)