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Thursday, December 28th 2023, 12:44pm

split chaotic to lvl

split damn chaotic, like u did with meridian,
now lvl20 just have too big advanatge,
game is created just to feed up to high lvl..
thats so stupid
nothing help if u get continusly stun with,m just for lvl20 nothern bear, make it for low lvl too...
thats sick


Thursday, December 28th 2023, 4:36pm

Why split? There are also many lev19 that are just as good as lev20 ;) better armor, talents buffs etc
:whistling: Der Zynismus ist meine RĂ¼stung, der Sarkasmus mein Schwert und die Ironie mein Schild :whistling:


Monday, January 1st 2024, 8:56pm

and how many players do you expect after split?

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