Four inhabitants of Mystras will offer you
2 daily quests which reset the next day at
1:00 am (Game time).
There is also weekly chest quest at Elendiyar.
Weekly Chest (can be found at Elendiyar)
- There are 3 weekly chests, each of them contains different rewards, but the more rewards, the more difficult it is to obtain them.
- You can only receive ONE such chest every week!!!
- Whole progress and chests availability reset every Monday at 4:00 am (Game time)
- In order to be able to claim a chest you have to complete all of the listed tasks.
- For a Usual Reward:Kill 100 monsters, Gather 250 resources, Sift your resources once, finish 10 daily tasks.
(Rewards: Inspiration of Datkhar (3pcs.) Djinnar (5pcs.) Lotus Tea (1pc.) - For an Increased Reward: Kill 200 monsters, Gather 500 resources, Sift your resources 3 times, Complete 20 daily tasks.
(Rewards: Influence of Datkhar (1pc.) Inspiration of Datkhar (1pc.) Djinnar (10pcs.) Lotus Tea (1pc.) Synthesized Mo-Datkhar (1pc.) - For a Generous Reward: Kill 400 monsters, Gather 1000 resources, Sift your resources 6 times, Complete 40 daily tasks.
(Rewards: Influx of Datkhar (1pc.) Influence of Datkhar (1pc.) Djinnar (20pcs.) Lotus Tea (2pcs.) Synthesized Mo-Datkhar (1pc.) Alva Sherbet (2pcs.)
Quest: Intercepted Mail (Jasmine)
Your task: Kill monsters to receive
Enemy Correspondence. You have to kill 20 monsters and
drop the item, then you can return to Jasmine.
Rewards: Djinnar (1 pc.) Inspiration of Datkhar (1pc.)
Quest: Light of Insight (Jasmine)

Your task: Use a
special token in one of the Mystras locations indicated by Jasmine. Then solve a jigsaw puzzle and return to her. (There are 3 different tokens, each time she can send you either to Eshduur Bay, City of Mystras or Dindaat Forest).
Rewards: Djinnar (1 pc.) Inspiration of Datkhar (1pc.)
For the puzzles:
Quest: Everything's Under Control (Assaf the Blacksmith)
Your task: Go to each of the Mystras' locations and use the
"Install a beacon" command listed in the Locations' Menu on the right side of the game screen.
You will be attacked by a
monster . The tactic here is to take either
Scrolls of purification and/or
Antidote (ideally both) as you will need to take off the healing from the monster and probably remove poison from youself as well.
After completing the task return to Assaf.
Rewards: Djinnar (1 pc.) Inspiration of Datkhar (1pc.)
Quest: Particle of Faeo (Assaf the Blacksmith)

Your task: Each day the task can be different and you might need to prepare different resources in order to complete it. Blacksmith will ask you for one of the resources that can be found in Faeo:
- Evil eye (2pcs.)
- Crystalline Coal (2pcs.)
- Marvelous Glass (1000pcs.)
- Bubbly Metal (5pcs.)
- Ragtikhron Leather (6pcs.)
- Quicksilver (200pcs.)
If you don't have any (or you are not willing to bring him what he's asking for) you can reset the quest by telling him
"I'll probably look for something else!".
Rewards: Djinnar (1 pc.) Inspiration of Datkhar (1pc.)
Quest: Against all odds (Mysterious Bizkhuff)

Your task: Gather resources while your fatigue from gathering will be 10 times higher.
There are 3 quest options:
-Collect 3 green resources. (10 fatigue per resource)
-Collect 2 blue resources. (20 fatigue per resource)
-Collect 1 purple resource (30 fafigue per resource)
Rewards: Djinnar (1 pc.) Inspiration of Datkhar (1pc.) Lotus Tea (1pc.)
Quest: Will against Poison (Mysterious Bizkhuff)
Your task: Destroy 5 monsters (indicated in the task by Bizkhuff as they can be different each time) while under
Datkhar Overdose effect (5pcs.) With each monster killed, the effect decreases by 1.
If the effect has expired before you finished, you can just come to Bizkhuff for it and continue the task.
Rewards: Djinnar (1 pc.) Inspiration of Datkhar (1pc.)