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Wednesday, December 4th 2024, 2:22pm

[GUIDE] Sanctuary Mystras Update

Mystras: Elendiyar the Keeper
Hidden Mysteries of the Sanctuary
We go through the dialogue, an entrance to the sanctuary appears in the location.

We go through a chain of quests:

Sanctuary: Elendiyar the Keeper
Guarding the Sanctuary

Your goal: Protect Elendiyar by defeating the monsters. After the battle, return and talk to her.
Immediately after the dialogue, an attack occurs, mobs are killed without a cast.

But it's better to hit quickly:
- Meymun increases his damage every 10 seconds by 10%;

We go back to Elendiyar
You have completed the quest " On the Guard of the Sanctuary ".
Received: Medium Essence of Experience 3 pcs, Djinnar 5 pcs, Inspiration of Datkhar 5 pcs, Seasons Token 3 pcs

Sanctuary: Elendiyar the Keeper
Healing the Defenders

Your goal: Obtain 10 Seed of Iskhar and 20 Mandrake tears, prepare the medicine and give it to the wounded soldiers who are lying in the hunt.
Seeds are obtained after defeating the Ishkar Flowers
Mandrake Tears are obtained after defeating the Wandering Mandrake’s.
When we collect the required amount - in the backpack (quests tab) we use the Potion Bottle.
Received: Healing Balm of the Genies 1 pc.
We go to the Sanctuary, in hunting mode we turn on the filter of gray resources and see the wounded warrior

You hand the medicine to the wounded warrior, he gratefully accepts the bottle and takes a sip. Judging by his appearance, he is getting better, now he will definitely recover thanks to you!
Repeat 10 times and hand in the Elendiyar quest
You have completed the quest " Healing the Defenders ".
Received: Medium Essence of Experience 3 pcs, Djinnar 5 pcs, Inspiration of Datkhar 5 pcs, Seasons Token 3 pcs

Sanctuary Elendiyar the Keeper
The fire and the shield

Your goal : Talk to Assaf the Blacksmith
Your goal : Talk to Emir
Your goal : Equip your shield and staff and talk to Elendiyar
Received: Genie Battle Staff 1 pc.
In the backpack, in the Items section, put on the staff and shield, and go through the dialogue with Elendiyar:
Your goal : Fight with the monsters, then return to Elendiyar.
Immediately after the dialogue, the battle begins - a pack of mobs attacks, on our side there are 7 genies:

After the battle we close the quest Elendiyar
You have completed the quest "With Fire and Shield".

Received: Medium Essence of Experience 3 pcs, Djinnar 5 pcs, Inspiration of Datkhar 10 pcs, Seasons Token 2 pcs

Sanctuary Elendiyar the Keeper
Pages of the Book of Destinies

Your goal : Obtain 50 pages of the Book of Fates by killing local monsters, restore Restored Book of Destinies and show it to Elendiyar.
In general, we kill 50 mobs, by the way, you can kill any mobs in any location of Mystras.
When we collect 50 pages, we click on them "Use":
Received: Restored Book of Destinies 1 pc.
The pages of the book magically come together, and here in your hands is the legendary Restored Book of Destinies! Hurry up, show it to Elendiyar!
We hand over the Elendiyar quest:
Received: Medium Essence of Experience 5 pcs, Djinnar 10 pcs, Inspiration of Datkhar 10 pcs, Seasons Token 5 pcs

Sanctuary Elendiyar the Keeper
Alloy for the Hermit

Your goal : Talk to Assaf the Blacksmith.
Your goal : Bring the following resources to the blacksmith:
25 pcs 5 pcs 3 pcs 3 pcs 3pcs

We hand over resources

Your goal : Return to Elendiyar and show her the alloy.
We hand over the Elendiyar quest:
Received: Medium Essence of Experience 5 pcs, Djinnar 10 pcs, Inspiration of Datkhar 10 pcs, Seasons Token 5 pcs
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This post has been edited 6 times, last edit by "Pearlie" (Dec 4th 2024, 9:22pm)


Wednesday, December 4th 2024, 2:24pm

Sanctuary: Elendiyar the Keeper
The heart of the Sanctuary will beat once more

Your goal : Touch Soul Reaper’s Staff to activate the collection of souls. By killing monsters that inhabit the lands of Mystras, charge Soul Reaper’s Staff . Return Soul Reaper’s Shining Staff to Elendiyar.
Staff charge: 0 of 50
We use the staff, get the blessing for an hour " Blessed Light " and go kill another 50 mobs (any in any location of Mystras, not necessarily in the Sanctuary).. You can kill slowly, if the effect ends - use the staff again and continue...
When the 50th is killed it appears on the chat:
You slayed the monster and a piece of its soul fed the staff.
Received: Soul Reaper’s Shining Staff 1 pc .
We refer it to Elendiyar:
You have completed the quest " The Heart of the Sanctuary Will Beat Again ".

Mystras Caliph Valikhara
Revival of the Sanctuary

The Caliph sends us to Elendiyar, we go through the dialogue with her:
You have completed the quest " Rebirth of the Sanctuary ".
Received: Medium Essence of Experience 10 pcs, Djinnar 10 pcs, Inspiration of Datkhar 20 pcs, Seasons Token 5 pcs

The Sanctuary is transformed, access to Purgatory appears, as well as dialogues with NPCs
Further, the paths of the players can go different ways - by completing the tasks of the mandrake , you will earn the reputation of the Guardians of Beauty , and by completing the tasks of the mushroom - the reputation of the Seekers of Wisdom . Pumping up the reputation of one will reduce the reputation of the second .

Hermit Ezu - Reputation of the inhabitants of Mystras
Mandragora Almandra - reputation of the Guardians of Beauty
Old Fattar - Reputation of the Seekers of Wisdom

Continuation of the quest line for the Mystras update :

Sanctuary: Hermit Ezu
Revelation of the Book of Fates

Your goal : Touch the book located in the Sanctuary.
after dialogue with the book:
You have completed the quest " Revelation of the Book of Fates ".
Received: The Confusing Prophecy 1 pc Medium Essence of Experience 3 pcs, Djinnar 5 pcs, Inspiration of Datkhar 5 pcs, Seasons Token 3 pcs

Sanctuary: Elendiyar the Keeper
Prophecy of the Book

Your goal : Read Scroll with Legible Text and do what you are told. Then return to Elendiyar.
The quest " Prophecy of the Book " has begun for you . Good luck!
Received: Scroll with Legible Text 1 pc .
We use the book, there is a hint in the chat:
The owner of the lair is slain by the blade, and his spirit has left. But the soul cannot escape from the nets of fate before the time comes. Burning with revenge, it returns and suffers defeat again. From now on, the darkness of peace awaits it, but the shadow of the soul has become prey. The hero carries it to the Sanctuary, and the pattern of fate continues to weave.
Go to Purgatory located in the Sanctuary and destroy the Leader. Get his Shadow of the Vanquished Leader’s Soul .

The instance is available every day for 6 hours.
In the instance, in the very first location, there are mobs wandering around, if you clear them before moving forward, there won't be any on the wall...
We definitely put an antidote in the pockets against Gnolls :
r emoved with an antidote scroll, it is better to remove it when 3-4 effects accumulate
To remove the effect, we use a super strike like a tiger or panther.
After defeating the Leader, we hand in the quest to Elendiyar.
You committed an attack
The battle " Attack on the Leader " has begun .
Completed the achievement "Purgatory of Mystras"
Your reputation with the people of Mystras has been increased by 20.
The battle " Attack on the Leader " is over .
2 energy Shadow of the Vanquished Leader’s Soul 1 pc Teleportation Stone 1 pc Inspiration of Datkhar 5 pcs Crystal Particle 1 pc
You have completed the quest " The Book's Prophecy

Received: Medium Essence of Experience 3 pcs, Djinnar 5 pcs, Inspiration of Datkhar 5 pcs, Seasons Token 2 pcs

Sanctuary Elendiyar the Keeper
The Will of Stone

Your goal: talk to the Heart of the Sanctuary
Your goal: Find 20 Underground Hex Amulet by destroying the monsters of the Sanctuary and return to Elendiyar
kill 20 mobs in the sanctuary, hand in the quest Elendiyar

You have completed the quest " The Will of Stone ".
Removed: Underground Hex Amulet 20 pcs, Received: Medium Essence of Experience 3 pcs, Djinnar 5 pcs, Inspiration of Datkhar 5 pcs, Seasons Token 3 pcs
If you need Mentor's assistance please check

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Pearlie" (Dec 4th 2024, 9:06pm)


Wednesday, December 4th 2024, 2:25pm

Sanctuary: Elendiyar the Keeper
All for the victory of the genies

Your goal : Destroy monsters in Mystras until you collect 20 Jailer's Key . Then find the cells in the location and free the prisoners. After that, return to Elendiyar.
Collect 20 keys, then on the right in the list of locations click Save the Genies

You turned the key in the lock of each cage almost silently. The exhausted genies bowed to you with gratitude. It will take them a long time to regain their strength! Removed: Jailer's key 20 pcs.
Dialogue at Elendiyar:

Your goal : Go to Gredeya the Witch (Wild Forest)/Brugilda (Village of Maettro) and talk about potions.
Dialogue with the Witch:

Your goal: Go to the Arnabag the Mage (Barrow of Sadness)/Khorsungum the Mage(Gorge of Gondi) and ask for supplies.
Dialogue with the Mage:

Your goal: Go to Master Globius (Paciffist Hills)/Avelius (Thorn Apple Brushwood).
Dialogue with master

Your goal: Go to the craftsman Ostap(Daylight Square)/Soygura (Square of Fire)
Dialogue with Ostap/Soygura:

Your goal : Return to Elendiyar
Dialogue with Elendiyar:

Your goal : Use Elendiyar’s Artifact when you are ready for battle. Remember that you need to win.
We load our pockets, use the talisman - a pack of mobs attacks. You can't count on support - they fall within the first minute.

After the battle, we report to Elendiyar:

Your goal : Report the victory to the Caliph.
Dialogue with the Caliph:

Your goal : Receive your reward from Elendiyar.
Dialogue with Elendiyar:

You have completed the quest " Everything for the victory of the genies ".
Received: Offering to Ashdad 1 pc, Medium Essence of Experience 10 pcs, Djinnar 10 pcs, Inspiration of Datkhar 20 pcs, Seasons Token 5 pcs
After completing this quest, portals and new quests from other NPCs become available:

Sanctuary: Elendiyar the Keeper
Offering to Ashdad

Your goal : Deliver a gift Offering to Ashdad the Ashdad statue in the Sanctuary.
Dialogue with the Creator of the worlds Ashdad:
You have completed the quest " Tribute to Ashdad ".
Removed: Offering to Ashdad x1 . Received: Medium Experience Essence x3 , Djinnar x5 , Datar's Illumination x5 , Seasons Token x3 , Blessing from Ashdad x1 .

But here is the "ambush" - the blessing is cast immediately on the character, gives +7% damage and increases the amount of coins from mobs in Mystras. If I knew - I would have made an offering when killing mobs, so do not rush to give him an offering ...

By the way, you can buy this blessing once a day in Ashdad's shop. But its price is... ahem...

AT level 16, Ashdad's blessing gives +5 coins after battle:
You received: 68s
Thanks to the effect of Blessing from Ashdad , you have gained 5s .
Also, after completing the last quest, dialogues and/or shops appear in the rest of the NPCs in the Sanctuary location...

Sanctuary: Elendiyar the Keeper
Magical Delivery

Your goal : Talk to Hermit Ezu.

Dialogue with the hermit: Received: Genie’s Travel Kit 1 pc
Your goal : Using the Clock of Eternity, move to the main O'Delvays Square and talk to Elder Baguron

Dialogue with the Clock of Eternity: Set out on a journey
We teleport to the CPU and talk to the old man:

Your goal : Using Genie’s Travel Kit , return back and talk to Elendiyar.
we use the Waystone in the backpack (quest bookmark) and find ourselves again with the Sanctuary

Dialogue with Elendiyar:
You have completed the quest " Magical Delivery ".
Received: Medium Essence of Experience 3 pcs , Djinnar 5 pcs , Inspiration of Datkhar 5 pcs , Seasons Token 2 pcs

Sanctuary: Elendiyar the Keeper
Twin Realm and the End of the World

Your goal: Using your usual method of travel, deliver New Message from Elendiyar to Elder Baguron.
Dialogue with Elder Baguron:
Your goal : Deliver The Elder’s Reply to Elendiyar.
Dialogue with Elendiyar:
Your goal : Talk to the hermit Ezu.
Dialogue with the hermit:
Your goal: Seek help from the Pandrik the Wise (Lights Edge)
Dialogue with Pandrik:
Your goal : Ask the Necromancer (Vassals’ Tomb) for advice.
Dialogue with the Necromancer:
Your goal : Obtain 30 Evil Eyes and return to the Necromancer.
we rent out OKI:
Your goal : Touch Necromancer’s Orbwhen you are ready to talk to the spirit of the mage. Remember that the spirit can only be summoned under the cover of darkness, between 8:00 PM and 6:00 AM. Then be sure to return the artifact to the Necromancer.
Removed: The Elder’s Reply 1 pc.
Removed: Evil Eye 30 pcs. Received: Necromancer’s Orb 1 pc.
wait for 20:00 server time and use the ball for necromancy (backpack - quests)
If you need Mentor's assistance please check

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Pearlie" (Dec 5th 2024, 12:51am)


Wednesday, December 4th 2024, 2:26pm

Spirit of Suor
Twin World and the End of the World

Your goal : Return to the Necromancer.
Dialogue with Necromancers:
Your goal : Go to Elendiya
Dialogue with Elendiyar:
Your goal : Ask the hermit Ezu for Genie’s Travel Kit .
Dialogue with the hermit:
Your goal : Use the Eternity Clock to travel to the parallel world and retrieve Message from Elendiyar from Elder Baguron . Then use Genie’s Travel Kit to return to Elendiyar.
Received: Genie's Travel Kit x1
Dialogue with the Clock of Eternity:
Your goal : Take Message from Elendiyar from Elder . Then use Genie’s Travel Kit to return to Elendiyar.
Dialogue with Elder Baguron: Received: Message from Elendiyar 1 pc.
Your goal : Return to Elendiyar using Genie’s Travel Kit .
Genie’s Travel Kit in your backpack (quests)
Dialogue with Elendiyar:
Your goal : Ask for help from the hermit Ezu.
Dialogue with the hermit:
Your goal : Obtain and bring to the hermit Ezu 13 Reflection Gem , 500 Quicksilver and 13 Cuckoo Flowers
We bring what is necessary to the hermit:
Your goal: Touch the Clock of Eternity.
Removed: 13x Reflection Gem , 500x Quicksilver and 13x Cuckoo Flowers. Received: Свиток чар Великого препятствия x1.
Dialogue with the Clock of Eternity:
Your goal : Return to Elendiyar.
Removed: Свиток чар Великого препятствия x1
Dialogue with Elendiyar:
You have completed the quest " Twin World and the End of the World ".
Completed the achievement "Mysterious Parallels"
Received: Caliph Valikhara’s Bag 1 pc , Robust Mo-Datkhar 1 pc , Djinnar 15 pcs , Seasons Token 8 pcs .
e.g. in Caliph Valikhara’s Bag

In the first cell you found 1 Unstable Datkhar .
In the second cell you found 10 Djinnar .
In the third cell you found Lotus Tea 2 pcs .
In the fourth cell you found Alva sherbet 2 pcs.
If you need Mentor's assistance please check


Sunday, February 23rd 2025, 3:29am

be aware that monsters on Mystras can now join fights. until yesterday no monster had ever joined my fight there, but, one joined yesterday and then another today. another unanounced 'improvement'.!
I'll look that up...


Sunday, February 23rd 2025, 5:53am here I was thinking 'at least they aren't attacking while picking resources', then today I get attacked twice picking. thanks admin for warning us?!?
I'll look that up...


Sunday, February 23rd 2025, 12:17pm

be aware that monsters on Mystras can now join fights. until yesterday no monster had ever joined my fight there, but, one joined yesterday and then another today. another unanounced 'improvement'.! here I was thinking 'at least they aren't attacking while picking resources', then today I get attacked twice picking. thanks admin for warning us?!?
Hi, monsters in Mystras were able to attack you while picking or join fights for a while now, actually first time I've heard of a player getting attacked while picking or a monster joined my own fight was probably more than a half year ago. There is a low chance for that but it certainly does happen :)
Human Head Mentor

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Monday, February 24th 2025, 3:19am

I have to wonder then if it is because I recently read a new book. seems like only players advancing there get attacks. there is nothing in the description of increased attacks.
I'll look that up...


Monday, February 24th 2025, 3:22am

anyways, thanks for the reply:)
I'll look that up...

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