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Saturday, December 28th 2024, 11:30pm

Suggestion for Fixing Profession Puzzles

As I'm sure many people already know, it is not possible to do profession puzzles on a tablet or phone. For people like me that don't have a computer, this makes it much more difficult to gather due to Power Drain, and I just found out today there's a skill check for hunting as well, which of course we also can't solve.

Now I and others have posted before but nobody has suggested a solution. Today I realized IT IS possible to solve the Christmas Postcard puzzles on tablet, so why not change the profession puzzles to ones of that style? Surely it would serve the same antibot purpose, and I can't imagine it would be too difficult to implement it.

Thanks for your time and I really hope you guys are able to do something about this issue.


Sunday, December 29th 2024, 8:22am

Hello bro

nobody check here. Please try warofdragons discord server ideas and questions topic. :angel: