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Wedding Application Rules

So, you have decided to marry your in-game beloved! Below you will find all the information you need for a very special Faeo wedding.

The first thing you must do is find your other half. Once you have proposed and your potential partner has accepted, you must make an application in the 'Marriages' forum in the topic entitled 'Marriage applications'. The betrothed couple must make their application using the template found in that topic and both the bride and groom must write their agreement.
WARNING! Your application must be made not less than 1 WEEK before the intended wedding day, otherwise it will NOT be considered.
Once your application has been made, your character will be checked by the Guards, so be careful not to violate any game rules.
Once you have posted your application, you must contact one of Faeo's esteemed Consecrators (Magmar: Aixlinn, Unheiligerengel or _Galaxia_; Humans: meeri or OriginalNakiain order to arrange the details of the marriage ceremony.
To do this, you must send your chosen Consecrator a letter through the in-game mail. In this letter you must repeat your application and send 5 gold for administrative fees. The letter must be sent not less than 3 days before the intended wedding day. You can also indicate your choice of rings in the letter and even send the cost of the ring set so the Consecrator can buy them for you, but this is not essential as you can hand the rings over at the ceremony itself.
Once the above is done, there are just one or two things left to do: invite your friends, arrange the food and drinks, have a tidy up at home, clearing away all your valuable and breakable items, perhaps book a honeymoon (Zviglod Brist is nice at this time of year for Magmars and Humans always find the Berona Prairies a beautiful honeymoon destination) and then wait for the special day and ensuing celebrations!
To summarise:
1. Minimum Level 3
2. Fall in love.

3. Make a wedding application in the appropriate forum topic and drag your other half along to agree.
4. Await clearance from the Guards.
5. Send a letter to your chosen Consecrator with a copy of the application and 5 gold and arrange a date.
6. Inform your guests and get hitched!

And that's it! We wish you a long and happy online married life together!
This post has been edited 26 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Oct 26th 2023, 6:13pm)
Personalized Wedding Invitations -- Magmars
During my free time I wouldn't mind doing artistic wedding invitations that can be posted on the forum board but you will have to contact me with the information you would like on it etc..Please give me atleast 1-2 days notice to do this..........And Since I can only get messages from Magmars in game this is being offered to Magmars only
I will make smaller ones as I go and post to this thread so people can get examples...... This one was for Lady Anne and Vermilion's Wedding grant the thumbnail here is small to where you can't read the text but in the actual one the text was easy to read...but doing small ones for this thread so We don't clutter up the message board
This is the Very first one i done for this game.......... I have done several for many other games and am always open to couples ideas

22:02 Irish: Once upon a time, on a weather beaten shore, a young buck, son of great Odeon, chief Viking of the Northern tribes, was going on a quest.
Now these vikings, were low on imagination, so having heard the story of the golden fleece, and the golden apples, a summer before, Vikking(the son) was going to steal the golden privvy
The golden throne, on which to sit, would surely make him king!
Thus with great courage young vikking, set sail to the distant port of Thalos, to get the fabled secret room.
And as he sailed and drank, he saw, chained to a rock, a most beautifull maiden... and he forgot all about his quest,
He took his sword, and with reckless abandon, he attacked, the giant sea kitten, and freed the pure maiden, Athenia, daughter of Poseidon, and Aphrodites.
And thus, we have gathered today:
Vikking: Do you, Vikking, take Athenia, to always be your goddess, to be guided by her light, to cherish a.....
22:07 Vikking » I do
I love it
22:02 Irish: Once upon a time, on a weather beaten shore, a young buck, son of great Odeon, chief Viking of the Northern tribes, was going on a quest.
Now these vikings, were low on imagination, so having heard the story of the golden fleece, and the golden apples, a summer before, Vikking(the son) was going to steal the golden privvy
The golden throne, on which to sit, would surely make him king!
Thus with great courage young vikking, set sail to the distant port of Thalos, to get the fabled secret room.
And as he sailed and drank, he saw, chained to a rock, a most beautifull maiden... and he forgot all about his quest,
He took his sword, and with reckless abandon, he attacked, the giant sea kitten, and freed the pure maiden, Athenia, daughter of Poseidon, and Aphrodites.
And thus, we have gathered today:
Vikking: Do you, Vikking, take Athenia, to always be your goddess, to be guided by her light, to cherish a.....
22:07 Vikking » I do
I love it :secret:
Wedding suggestions/ideas
Ok so you've decided to get hitched. But what to wear? What blushing bride would not want a proper white wedding? Would people be interested if there was a range of wedding dresses to buy? And since tradtionally many people in real life keep them, perhaps they could come with some sort of minor blessing.
And for the Groom? Maybe some nice ceremonial armour.
And yes I have more...... Since the barber shop appears to be rarely used, why not give the married couple a free chance to do their hair etc before hand. (I know it is free first visit anyway, but still....)
And what about a few more wedding related presents for guests to buy from gift shop. Something blue for instance.
Just some ideas. Be interested to hear your feedback.
Best wishes, Chelle. xx
And for the Groom? Maybe some nice ceremonial armour.
And yes I have more...... Since the barber shop appears to be rarely used, why not give the married couple a free chance to do their hair etc before hand. (I know it is free first visit anyway, but still....)
And what about a few more wedding related presents for guests to buy from gift shop. Something blue for instance.
Just some ideas. Be interested to hear your feedback.
Best wishes, Chelle. xx
More wedding ideas
Further to my earlier post, perhaps the following ideas might also prove popular (although I'm not sure whether they could be included in the game).
1) Sell some wedding confetti from the gift shop
2) On completion of the Marriage ceremony, bride and groom both get a small increase in the rep of whichever of the new god/godesses they follow.
3) Allow the happy couple to "entertain" their guests, by providing food and drink for them. For example, once the couple have proved their intention to commit (by showing the guards/consecrator evidence of the purchase of the rings), additional items could then become "available" for the couple to buy.
These could include a wedding cake, pieces of which when eaten by the guests have a minor blessing. My suggestion would be that it allows + 5 % damage to your blows for one hour.
Other food and drink items could also be provided. Again possible ideas could be that they work something like the sweet honey fruit in the game. For a short period, some character stats could go up by 5%, and some get reduced by 5% depending on the whether they are very filling (food) or intoxicating (drinks). This should proove fairly easy to introduce into the game (remember the Shiz beer quest? )
And a final idea, just for fun. Would it be possible for the couple to buy a wedding boquet, which when thrown ("used") would randomly select one member of the congregation present, and give them some sort of approrpriate blessing. (7 years bad luck ? lol )
One minor problem with this..... If the ideas proove too popular it may be necessary to recruit more consecreators.
Chelle xx
1) Sell some wedding confetti from the gift shop
2) On completion of the Marriage ceremony, bride and groom both get a small increase in the rep of whichever of the new god/godesses they follow.
3) Allow the happy couple to "entertain" their guests, by providing food and drink for them. For example, once the couple have proved their intention to commit (by showing the guards/consecrator evidence of the purchase of the rings), additional items could then become "available" for the couple to buy.
These could include a wedding cake, pieces of which when eaten by the guests have a minor blessing. My suggestion would be that it allows + 5 % damage to your blows for one hour.
Other food and drink items could also be provided. Again possible ideas could be that they work something like the sweet honey fruit in the game. For a short period, some character stats could go up by 5%, and some get reduced by 5% depending on the whether they are very filling (food) or intoxicating (drinks). This should proove fairly easy to introduce into the game (remember the Shiz beer quest? )

And a final idea, just for fun. Would it be possible for the couple to buy a wedding boquet, which when thrown ("used") would randomly select one member of the congregation present, and give them some sort of approrpriate blessing. (7 years bad luck ? lol )
One minor problem with this..... If the ideas proove too popular it may be necessary to recruit more consecreators.

Chelle xx
we would like to get married on this day
3.we want to get married on 14/11/2010 clock by 20
Kind regards schwarzerpanter
3.we want to get married on 14/11/2010 clock by 20
Kind regards schwarzerpanter
Quoted from "schwarzerpanter;19262"
we would like to get married on this day
3.we want to get married on 14/11/2010 clock by 20
Kind regards schwarzerpanter
i agree with the marriage

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