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Friday, December 24th 2010, 4:21am

shop problem

I was selling my turquoise, agate, and aquamarine stones in Dartrong's shop. I did not put up my 2 pcs of turquoise flickering fragment, 111 pcs light silver or my ephemeral belt. For some reason when the confirmation post came up it read as follows - "03:10 You have sold your Aquamarine, Agate, Turquoise, Turquoise Flickering Fragment, Light Silver, Ephemeral Belt. Thank you!" - I received 8 silver 58 copper but I never even clicked on the last 3 items. I definitely do not want to sell those and need the items back. You can deduct the whole 8 silver 58 copper if need be. Please help.


Monday, December 27th 2010, 12:00pm

You must have misclicked. You can restore items sold to the shop by mistake for 9 diamonds. Please contact to use this service.


Tuesday, December 28th 2010, 6:58pm

I did not misclick. It would be hard to misclick 3 entirely different items anyway. I checked the cart before I hit the button to sell, and those items were never selected (by mistake or otherwise). I am pretty sure I'm not going to be spending 10 US Dollars to retrieve something that was stolen by a glitch. Thanks for nothing.