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Wednesday, January 12th 2011, 5:06am

drop rate fix

hi there, i have been told that every time the server preforms a update the drop rates are reseted back to default ru server rates, i have recently discovered that there is a posibility that it has not been fixed back into our normal drop rate, now i have not recieved a drop yet and i am yet to, i have been hunting and hunting but no success, it's either my character sux and needs to be restarted, yes, i know that 1000 victorys may not get me a drop, (becuase every monsters chance IS low) but please, after 2 levels of drop fails can i at least have a drop, i cannot improove my character with the path it is going....thanks for your time reading this, and hope you have a good time.


Wednesday, January 12th 2011, 10:21am

There has not been any change in the drop rates.


Wednesday, January 12th 2011, 6:37pm

thanks cross, thats all i wanted to know