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A General Guide for Levels 1-4
Original Writer: Inouva
Original Post: Click Here
I’ve had many questions directed towards me over the past month that I have played this game and I have decided that most of these questions could be answered in a guide. This guide will also incorporate certain aspect of the game which will not be immediately obvious to the average beginner. This general guide to levels 1 – 4 will hopefully be of use to a few players in pointing out certain aspects of the game. Please note that this will be written from a magmar point of view.
I’ve written this guide to the best of my knowledge and accept that I may be wrong about certain things. Hopefully there are no mistakes but if you have anything constructive to add, please do so.
A quick look at attributes:
Dexterity: Affects your characters ability to dodge.
Intuition: Affects your characters chance of causing a critical strike.
Protection: Affects your characters ability to block.
Strength: Influences you characters direct damage.
Life-level: Directly influences your characters hit-points.
Leather, Cutthroat and Hunter armour sets
All of the above sets are classified as grey or common armour. This armour is cheap and affordable for your average fledgling warrior. Leather is classified as a generalist set and is the cheapest armour set, offering no set bonuses. It does boost basic vitality, protection and life level. Leather is a common drop from most mobs.
Cutthroat and hunter are the most commonly seen grey sets. Cutthroat focuses more on intuition and damage whereas hunter will focus more on protection and vitality. Both sets offer a bonus to attributes once 5 pieces are put together and again when 9 pieces are combined. In simple terms, a hunter set can be seen more as a tank set and cutthroat more as a quick damage set.
Neither of these sets will affect your character class though (Bonecrusher, heavyweight and dodger). It is as always best not to mix sets and I strongly advise keeping to one set, but as it will not affect your character class as long as you derive a set bonus of at least 5 items, the other pieces of extra armour can be made up as you want.
Character Classes
Bonecrushers are a class of players who specialize in dealing out huge amounts of damage in a very short amount of time with critical hits. This makes them excellent fighters in large groups against strong mobs as they can deal the most damage in the shortest amount of time. Armour for this type of player at levels 1-4 are the Executioner and the Anger sets (Both which primarily increase intuition). The executioner set is classified as low green armour and the Anger set is classified as low blue armour. Both will be discussed later. Bonecrushers are further advised to utilize amulets of destruction (Increases Intuition) and Elixirs of Blood (which greatly increase a chance to deal a critical on the next hit). Armour, amulets and elixirs used in conjunction will result in many more critical hits than normal hits (If any normal hits are seen at all). Bonecrushers hunt best in groups and ensure that enough damage is dealt to a mob or creature.
Dodgers are players who prefer to dodger hits rather than try to hit harder or block. In this case dodgers are the least useful to hunting large mobs as they cannot tank and deal only moderate amounts of damage. They may however, depending on the circumstances be able to survive the longest due to their dodging ability, which in some circumstances could allow them to ‘tank’ moderately well. Armour for this type of player at levels 1-4 are the Twilight and Northern-Wind Sets (Primary attribute upgraded is dexterity). Dodgers should utilize scrolls of healing and Elixirs of Wind in battle to ensure survivability as they do not have a lot of life.
Heavyweights are tanks. They are players who will block most hits that are directed towards them and even if hits are not blocked, they have the most hit-points of all classes and can therefore, take a beating. Heavyweights are best for solo mob hunting as they can afford to take the damage. They do not give out a lot of damage but are excellent support. Armour for heavyweight’s levels 1-4 is the Mammoth and Slayer of Giants Set (Increases life level and protection). Heavyweights would mostly use Elixirs of Giant (to increase life), Elixirs of life(for better healing) and Scrolls of Rockskin to boost protection.
PvP Strengths and weaknesses (general guidelines):
• Bonecrushers will usually defeat heavyweights with moderate ease as their damage negates the Heavyweights life advantage and blocking seems to be reduced against Bonecrushers.
• Dodgers will usually beat Bonecrushers by their sheer amount of unblocked dodging and be a constant frustration to bonecrushers.
• Heavyweights beat Dodgers into submission by usually blocking all incoming hits and shrugging off the hits that do connect. They also seem to hit dodgers more often than not.
This results in a paper-rock-scissor battle order and when choosing your class, you should pick that which most suites you.
Low green and blue Armour
Executioner and Anger sets give rise to the Bonecrusher class. The executioner set is classified as a low green and when combined in a set of 5 and later 8 will give added set bonuses. A Bonecrusher will only be defined as one when he has 5 pieces at least of an Anger or Executioner set equipped. The Anger set is a low blue set and as a blue set is much, much more expensive than a low green set. Average non-paypalling players will not be able to afford blue items at this level, although it has been done by a few individuals.
Twilight and Northern-Wind(NW) sets are the Dodger class set items. Twilight is a low green set and is also inexpensive when compared to a low blue NW set. When 5 and 9 of these items are put together they result in set item bonuses. A Dodger will only be classified as a Dodger once 5 items of either set are collected.
Similar rules apply to the Mammoth and Slayer of Giants(SoG) sets. Mammoth is a low green set and SoG is classified as a low blue set. These sets will result in a classification as a Heavyweight once at least 5 pieces are put together.
Different sets should NEVER be combined with one another unless they have the same classification: such as [Twilight and NW]; [Mammoth and SoG] or [Executioner and Anger]. If you have, for example, 5 pieces of Executioner and are wearing some old leather or hunter armour, you WILL NOT be classed as a Bonecrusher until ONLY Bonecrusher armour is equipped: Such as Executioner combined with Anger or only Executioner. Remember, 5 pieces minimum will need to be equipped of only that class in order to determine your class. So if you’ve got a spare leather helm at level 5 and want to equip it while you wait to get an executioner helm, don’t.
Another important note is that players of a certain class should not use potions/amulets or scrolls designed for another class on themselves. Therefore a Dodger should never use an amulet of destruction or scroll of Rockskin, a Heavyweight should not use an amulet of destruction or an Elixir of Wind and a Bonecrusher should not use Elixirs of Wind or Scrolls of Rockskin.
The Derelict House
Not much can be added to this as Arjuna has already provided a very comprehensive and readable guide to be found at…hp?t=41156&f=21.
However, here’s a quick summary of what I’ve learned so far and some useful tips.
The Derelict House (DH) should be accessed mainly by level 4s and above. Many level 3 players see the announcement that green items can be easily obtained in the DH. What they’re not told about are the door guardians and bosses along with the random attacks. The DH is an instance to be entered only by a fully prepared party. Guardians include around 5 skeletons with about 500 hit-points at each new door, and there is always a chance either a vampire or another skeleton can join.
It is strongly advised that you get a group leader that knows what s/he is doing and how to go about it. Each member of the party should carry around:
100 scrolls of healing
10 scrolls of poison
8 Tigers or 12 bears
and at least one scroll or amulet of ressurection
for use against bosses and large undead mobs. The party leader should know what s/he is doing and be better prepared than the normal party members. It is also advised that the party leader be allowed to type in CAPS to show authority and be sure that no one follows incorrect instructions. Loot found in the DH dropped 100% by the bosses is classified as DH weaponry or armour and is NOT transferable to other players once it has been received or distributed. DH rare loot also has lower durability than normal loot dropped off mobs outside of DH.
Doing a DH run as it is called, is very time and monetarily consuming. So depending on what your goal is, make sure you’ve got at least 3 hours to spare for a DH run. Do not let players who have nothing enter a party. They are called leeches and could severely cripple your chances of finishing a DH run.
Amulets of Call and Amulets of Attack
Amulets of Call can be found in the shop located at the Square of Fire (For Magmars). These amulets require you to have a certain amount of City Reputation Points which can be gathered by doing certain quests as well as repeatable quests. As this is a lvl 1-4 guide I will discuss amulets up to tigers and exclude the higher level amulets.
Lvl2 Amulet of Call Zigred: Costs 3s and Requires 120 Reputation Points
Lvl3 Amulet of Call Pkhadd: Costs 10s and Requires 310 Reputation Points
Lvl4 Amulet of Call Tiger: Costs 15s and Requires 660 Reputation Points
These amulets can only be summoned to your side in battle and can only be employed in your current battle.
Amulets of Attack can be purchased from the Underground Knights Arsenal. Only Amulets summoning Zigreds, Pkhadds and Tigers may be bought here. These amulets require you to be a certain rank which can be obtained by gathering valour from joining the PvP battlegrounds.
Lvl2 Amulet of Call Zigred: Costs 5s and Requires the Rank of Soldier
Lvl3 Amulet of Call Pkhadd: Costs 12s and Requires the Rank of Fighter
Lvl4 Amulet of Call Tiger: Costs 17s and Requires the Rank of Warrior
As can be seen, these amulets are more expensive than the amulets of call due to the fact that they may be summoned on an enemy/ally which you are not engaged in battle with. This is useful in certain group fights where there are multiple enemies in an area and you wish to occupy them all.
The number of amulets you may carry at one time is limited to the space you have in your backpack. Each amulet will take up one slot.
Professions are can be a good source of income during your quests. Profession levels or mastery increases the more you practice. Professions are a mundane pastime and upgrading professions can be done while doing something else, such as forum posting or guide writing. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect from the general professions and their compliments. Profession tools and materials can be obtained from the seers shop.
This focuses on producing Scrolls, Inks and Fish. It is a moderately low profit profession although ink is always required. Its primary function is to be able to supply yourself with cheap combat scrolls, useful for later levels combat. This profession should therefore be considered if you enjoy being self-sufficient as a warrior.
This professions main trading commodity is dust. All professions and item production requires dust, therefore this can be seen as the most profitable profession of the three. Geologists/jewelers can also make armour runes for purposes of upgrading armour. These can be expensive but useful at a higher level. A geologist/jeweler is the least self-sufficient profession but the most profitable.
These specialize in collecting herbs and making potions. Selling certain herbs is still a challenge and this profession is not as profitable as that of a geologist but does cater for the supply of commonly needed herbs. Consider this profession if you only want moderate monetary returns. This profession can be seen as a middle-ground as it is neither as profitable as that of a geologist nor as self-providing as that of a sorcerer.
Three available jobs which can be taken are that of a Healer, Executioner and Locksmith. All these jobs require a large sum of money to undertake and it is strongly advised that you save up some gold before attempting to enlist as one of the above. Here is a brief description of each job.
This job allows you to open chests and caskets which are locked. Locksmiths usually advertise their services in the city square. Lock picks are required to open chests and caskets.
These players can be found and paid to eliminate an enemy (either magmar or human). They specialize in giving other players injuries and receive payment for their services. Scrolls of attack may be used and Potions of the Executioner are also commonly employed.
Healers can be found and paid to heal an injury. A healer may only heal an injury that is on par or below his/her level. Scrolls of healing are required for this and healers also usually advertise their services in the city square. The healer profession at level 2 is also required to be allowed into the Brotherhood of Virtue.
The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other poor bastard die for his.
Original Writer: Inouva
Original Post: Click Here
I’ve had many questions directed towards me over the past month that I have played this game and I have decided that most of these questions could be answered in a guide. This guide will also incorporate certain aspect of the game which will not be immediately obvious to the average beginner. This general guide to levels 1 – 4 will hopefully be of use to a few players in pointing out certain aspects of the game. Please note that this will be written from a magmar point of view.
I’ve written this guide to the best of my knowledge and accept that I may be wrong about certain things. Hopefully there are no mistakes but if you have anything constructive to add, please do so.
A quick look at attributes:
Dexterity: Affects your characters ability to dodge.
Intuition: Affects your characters chance of causing a critical strike.
Protection: Affects your characters ability to block.
Strength: Influences you characters direct damage.
Life-level: Directly influences your characters hit-points.
Leather, Cutthroat and Hunter armour sets
All of the above sets are classified as grey or common armour. This armour is cheap and affordable for your average fledgling warrior. Leather is classified as a generalist set and is the cheapest armour set, offering no set bonuses. It does boost basic vitality, protection and life level. Leather is a common drop from most mobs.
Cutthroat and hunter are the most commonly seen grey sets. Cutthroat focuses more on intuition and damage whereas hunter will focus more on protection and vitality. Both sets offer a bonus to attributes once 5 pieces are put together and again when 9 pieces are combined. In simple terms, a hunter set can be seen more as a tank set and cutthroat more as a quick damage set.
Neither of these sets will affect your character class though (Bonecrusher, heavyweight and dodger). It is as always best not to mix sets and I strongly advise keeping to one set, but as it will not affect your character class as long as you derive a set bonus of at least 5 items, the other pieces of extra armour can be made up as you want.
Character Classes
Bonecrushers are a class of players who specialize in dealing out huge amounts of damage in a very short amount of time with critical hits. This makes them excellent fighters in large groups against strong mobs as they can deal the most damage in the shortest amount of time. Armour for this type of player at levels 1-4 are the Executioner and the Anger sets (Both which primarily increase intuition). The executioner set is classified as low green armour and the Anger set is classified as low blue armour. Both will be discussed later. Bonecrushers are further advised to utilize amulets of destruction (Increases Intuition) and Elixirs of Blood (which greatly increase a chance to deal a critical on the next hit). Armour, amulets and elixirs used in conjunction will result in many more critical hits than normal hits (If any normal hits are seen at all). Bonecrushers hunt best in groups and ensure that enough damage is dealt to a mob or creature.
Dodgers are players who prefer to dodger hits rather than try to hit harder or block. In this case dodgers are the least useful to hunting large mobs as they cannot tank and deal only moderate amounts of damage. They may however, depending on the circumstances be able to survive the longest due to their dodging ability, which in some circumstances could allow them to ‘tank’ moderately well. Armour for this type of player at levels 1-4 are the Twilight and Northern-Wind Sets (Primary attribute upgraded is dexterity). Dodgers should utilize scrolls of healing and Elixirs of Wind in battle to ensure survivability as they do not have a lot of life.
Heavyweights are tanks. They are players who will block most hits that are directed towards them and even if hits are not blocked, they have the most hit-points of all classes and can therefore, take a beating. Heavyweights are best for solo mob hunting as they can afford to take the damage. They do not give out a lot of damage but are excellent support. Armour for heavyweight’s levels 1-4 is the Mammoth and Slayer of Giants Set (Increases life level and protection). Heavyweights would mostly use Elixirs of Giant (to increase life), Elixirs of life(for better healing) and Scrolls of Rockskin to boost protection.
PvP Strengths and weaknesses (general guidelines):
• Bonecrushers will usually defeat heavyweights with moderate ease as their damage negates the Heavyweights life advantage and blocking seems to be reduced against Bonecrushers.
• Dodgers will usually beat Bonecrushers by their sheer amount of unblocked dodging and be a constant frustration to bonecrushers.
• Heavyweights beat Dodgers into submission by usually blocking all incoming hits and shrugging off the hits that do connect. They also seem to hit dodgers more often than not.
This results in a paper-rock-scissor battle order and when choosing your class, you should pick that which most suites you.
Low green and blue Armour
Executioner and Anger sets give rise to the Bonecrusher class. The executioner set is classified as a low green and when combined in a set of 5 and later 8 will give added set bonuses. A Bonecrusher will only be defined as one when he has 5 pieces at least of an Anger or Executioner set equipped. The Anger set is a low blue set and as a blue set is much, much more expensive than a low green set. Average non-paypalling players will not be able to afford blue items at this level, although it has been done by a few individuals.
Twilight and Northern-Wind(NW) sets are the Dodger class set items. Twilight is a low green set and is also inexpensive when compared to a low blue NW set. When 5 and 9 of these items are put together they result in set item bonuses. A Dodger will only be classified as a Dodger once 5 items of either set are collected.
Similar rules apply to the Mammoth and Slayer of Giants(SoG) sets. Mammoth is a low green set and SoG is classified as a low blue set. These sets will result in a classification as a Heavyweight once at least 5 pieces are put together.
Different sets should NEVER be combined with one another unless they have the same classification: such as [Twilight and NW]; [Mammoth and SoG] or [Executioner and Anger]. If you have, for example, 5 pieces of Executioner and are wearing some old leather or hunter armour, you WILL NOT be classed as a Bonecrusher until ONLY Bonecrusher armour is equipped: Such as Executioner combined with Anger or only Executioner. Remember, 5 pieces minimum will need to be equipped of only that class in order to determine your class. So if you’ve got a spare leather helm at level 5 and want to equip it while you wait to get an executioner helm, don’t.
Another important note is that players of a certain class should not use potions/amulets or scrolls designed for another class on themselves. Therefore a Dodger should never use an amulet of destruction or scroll of Rockskin, a Heavyweight should not use an amulet of destruction or an Elixir of Wind and a Bonecrusher should not use Elixirs of Wind or Scrolls of Rockskin.
The Derelict House
Not much can be added to this as Arjuna has already provided a very comprehensive and readable guide to be found at…hp?t=41156&f=21.
However, here’s a quick summary of what I’ve learned so far and some useful tips.
The Derelict House (DH) should be accessed mainly by level 4s and above. Many level 3 players see the announcement that green items can be easily obtained in the DH. What they’re not told about are the door guardians and bosses along with the random attacks. The DH is an instance to be entered only by a fully prepared party. Guardians include around 5 skeletons with about 500 hit-points at each new door, and there is always a chance either a vampire or another skeleton can join.
It is strongly advised that you get a group leader that knows what s/he is doing and how to go about it. Each member of the party should carry around:
100 scrolls of healing
10 scrolls of poison
8 Tigers or 12 bears
and at least one scroll or amulet of ressurection
for use against bosses and large undead mobs. The party leader should know what s/he is doing and be better prepared than the normal party members. It is also advised that the party leader be allowed to type in CAPS to show authority and be sure that no one follows incorrect instructions. Loot found in the DH dropped 100% by the bosses is classified as DH weaponry or armour and is NOT transferable to other players once it has been received or distributed. DH rare loot also has lower durability than normal loot dropped off mobs outside of DH.
Doing a DH run as it is called, is very time and monetarily consuming. So depending on what your goal is, make sure you’ve got at least 3 hours to spare for a DH run. Do not let players who have nothing enter a party. They are called leeches and could severely cripple your chances of finishing a DH run.
Amulets of Call and Amulets of Attack
Amulets of Call can be found in the shop located at the Square of Fire (For Magmars). These amulets require you to have a certain amount of City Reputation Points which can be gathered by doing certain quests as well as repeatable quests. As this is a lvl 1-4 guide I will discuss amulets up to tigers and exclude the higher level amulets.
Lvl2 Amulet of Call Zigred: Costs 3s and Requires 120 Reputation Points
Lvl3 Amulet of Call Pkhadd: Costs 10s and Requires 310 Reputation Points
Lvl4 Amulet of Call Tiger: Costs 15s and Requires 660 Reputation Points
These amulets can only be summoned to your side in battle and can only be employed in your current battle.
Amulets of Attack can be purchased from the Underground Knights Arsenal. Only Amulets summoning Zigreds, Pkhadds and Tigers may be bought here. These amulets require you to be a certain rank which can be obtained by gathering valour from joining the PvP battlegrounds.
Lvl2 Amulet of Call Zigred: Costs 5s and Requires the Rank of Soldier
Lvl3 Amulet of Call Pkhadd: Costs 12s and Requires the Rank of Fighter
Lvl4 Amulet of Call Tiger: Costs 17s and Requires the Rank of Warrior
As can be seen, these amulets are more expensive than the amulets of call due to the fact that they may be summoned on an enemy/ally which you are not engaged in battle with. This is useful in certain group fights where there are multiple enemies in an area and you wish to occupy them all.
The number of amulets you may carry at one time is limited to the space you have in your backpack. Each amulet will take up one slot.
Professions are can be a good source of income during your quests. Profession levels or mastery increases the more you practice. Professions are a mundane pastime and upgrading professions can be done while doing something else, such as forum posting or guide writing. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect from the general professions and their compliments. Profession tools and materials can be obtained from the seers shop.
This focuses on producing Scrolls, Inks and Fish. It is a moderately low profit profession although ink is always required. Its primary function is to be able to supply yourself with cheap combat scrolls, useful for later levels combat. This profession should therefore be considered if you enjoy being self-sufficient as a warrior.
This professions main trading commodity is dust. All professions and item production requires dust, therefore this can be seen as the most profitable profession of the three. Geologists/jewelers can also make armour runes for purposes of upgrading armour. These can be expensive but useful at a higher level. A geologist/jeweler is the least self-sufficient profession but the most profitable.
These specialize in collecting herbs and making potions. Selling certain herbs is still a challenge and this profession is not as profitable as that of a geologist but does cater for the supply of commonly needed herbs. Consider this profession if you only want moderate monetary returns. This profession can be seen as a middle-ground as it is neither as profitable as that of a geologist nor as self-providing as that of a sorcerer.
Three available jobs which can be taken are that of a Healer, Executioner and Locksmith. All these jobs require a large sum of money to undertake and it is strongly advised that you save up some gold before attempting to enlist as one of the above. Here is a brief description of each job.
This job allows you to open chests and caskets which are locked. Locksmiths usually advertise their services in the city square. Lock picks are required to open chests and caskets.
These players can be found and paid to eliminate an enemy (either magmar or human). They specialize in giving other players injuries and receive payment for their services. Scrolls of attack may be used and Potions of the Executioner are also commonly employed.
Healers can be found and paid to heal an injury. A healer may only heal an injury that is on par or below his/her level. Scrolls of healing are required for this and healers also usually advertise their services in the city square. The healer profession at level 2 is also required to be allowed into the Brotherhood of Virtue.
The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other poor bastard die for his.
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Great guide so far. But, I'm also looking for a guide for leveling 1-4. Can you add that? I have tried some quests. Some give xp, others don't, & while doing quests, I get pked by other members. It seems at lvl 3, I have spent 3 days killing level 3 female spiders for 30 xp points, & never getting to lvl 4. Is there a faster way to level up?