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About me
Hoy en un dia triste para la familia de guerra de dragones hoy me llega la terrible noticia de que nos deja uno de nuestros compañeros mas queridos uno que siempre estaba para ayudarte y informarte de cualquier cosa no tengo palabras para expresar el dolor que siento ahora mismo el saber que nunca mas voy a tener la oportunidad de decirte lo mucho que te apreciaba y te queria llevabamos juntos mas de 9 años nos conocimos en persona y y siempre estuviste hay para escucharme y apoyarme no puedo imaginar el dolor que siente tu familia porque el mio es muy grande siempre te tendre en mi recuerdo y siempre tendras un huecos en todos nuestros corazones quiero dar un gran apoyo y abrazo a toda tu familia y espero que haya donde hayas ido nos mires y sepas lo mucho que te apreciamos y te hechamos de menos es una despedida triste porque no pude decirte lo mucho que significaste para nosotros y lo mucho que significaste para mi personalmente siempre estaras en nuestra memoria SOCIO
Descansa en paz Dani o como la mayoria te conocia PAEDRIC
Today on a sad day for the dragon war family today I get the terrible news that one of our dearest companions leaves us one who was always there to help you and inform you of anything I have no words to express the pain I feel right now knowing that I will never have the opportunity to tell you how much I liked you and loved you we had been together for more than 9 years we met in person and and you were always there to listen to me and support me I can not imagine the pain your family feels because mine It is very big I will always have you in my memory and you will always have a hole in all our hearts I want to give great support and hug to your whole family and I hope that wherever you have gone you look at us and know how much we appreciate you and we miss you it's a sad farewell because I couldn't tell you how much you meant to us and how much you meant to me personally you will always be in our memory PARTNER
Rest in peace Dani or how most PAEDRIC knew you
Tuesday, December 31st 2024, 10:00am
Wednesday, October 30th 2024, 3:01pm
Thursday, September 26th 2024, 11:27pm
Thursday, August 29th 2024, 7:06pm
Wednesday, July 31st 2024, 10:18pm