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Posts (30)
R.I.P. Football
Friday, June 26th 2015, 10:58pm
GlobalFaeo Songcontest 2015
Sunday, May 3rd 2015, 7:26pm
Game Update Bug Report Thread
Saturday, December 20th 2014, 4:25am
What is on top of your xmas wishlist 2014?
Tuesday, December 16th 2014, 3:51am
How does group search function work?
Thursday, December 11th 2014, 9:31pm
Friends (1)
Guestbook (1)
Tu primer mensajito, como no, ha de ser mio, ya imborrable: jajajaj con todo mi cariƱo
By Stellar (Friday, July 18th 2014, 4:05am)