
Chat Rules
Annex "Chat Rules" to the End User Licence Agreement for Games
This document is an intergral Annex to the EULA and governs the rules of the participation and behaviour of Users (You) in the Game Chat, restrictions on the Users' actions in the Game Chat, Users' liability for non-compliance with these rules and non-compliance with the restricitons, the COMPANY's right to apply to the User the measures specified in the EULA and conditions for application of such measures. Full acceptance of these Chat Rules and acceptance of obligations of full compliance with them is a prerequisite for the User to participate in the Game or the In-Game Assets.
These Rules apply to and determine the behaviour of Users in the Chat. They are designed to make your stay in the Game as pleasant as possible for all Users. Failure to comply with the Chat Rules may result in the limitation of functionality or access to the User's account without reimbursement of costs to the User.
Flood - flooding the chat and interfering with the communication of players. Differs in form and content.
By form:
  • repetition of one or more phrases of the same type in meaning or content more often than once every 3 minutes;
  • advertising about recruiting or joining a clan (inclusing requests for signing forms), searching for friends and announcements about exchanging signs of friendship more than once every 10 minutes;
  • campaigning actions;
  • offers to exchange non-saleable items (including event) more than once every 10 minutes;
  • the same and multiple phrases in the trade chat more than once every 10 minutes;
  • smiley flood - 3 or more messages in a row, consisting only of smiles, or 1 smiley message more often than once every 3 minutes;
  • abuse of the "Complain" function - unreasonable complaints about messages from other players;
  • abuse of the /rand function - more than once every 3 minutes;
  • abuse of "monologues" - intentinal littering of the chat with messages, especially meaningless, unaddressed, and unanswered, from one players.
By content:
  • messages that do not carry a semantic meaning: i.e. just alphabet characters;
  • messages consisting of more than 50% not letters, but symbols (punctuation marks, pseudo-graphics, etc.);
  • abuse of repetition of the same letters, numbers, punctuation marks (according to the rules of the English language - no more than 3);
  • sports chants and slogans;
  • quotation of poems and songs over 3 lines;
  • an unaddressed message completely covered by filter (for example, “(oh), honey, sunshine”);
  • single, unaddressed drawings of an offensive nature (anatomical details) from characters without context;
  • discussion of other online games without specifying links, as well as calls to abandon the "Legend" and play other games, do other things;
  • referral links in the chat;
  • interfering with the work of members of the help structures (intentional of a priavte chat after a request not to write to a structure member, more than 2 mass private messages to a structure employee, etc.).
Caps - ~50% or more of the phrase in capital letters (provided that the message is not an abbreviation and consists of mroe than 1 word).
Spam - advertising messages aimed at someone who did not consent to receive them:
  • messages about trading outside the trading chat (including private ones) - offers to buy, sell, exchange goods and/or services;
  • begging, donations, and other messages from which the distributor or another player can obtain any benefit both in material terms and in any other form (searching for blessings, professional services and goods, help with completing quests, etc.);
  • search for groups in the main chat;
  • offers to exchange in-game items that are available only for exchange in private (they are allowed in the main chat, but no more than once every 10 minutes).
Flame - showdown, provocations, insults, discrimination on any grounds, etc.
Complaint - informing moderators about a message containing a likely violation, using the complaint functionality, which sends the message to a special channel available to moderators
Curse of Silence (gag) - a punishment for violating the rules of communication in the chat, issued by chat moderators or administrators; there are also commercially available scrolls of silence which can be used as one of ways of confrontation between players in game.
Curse (ban) - a curse that limits game functionality, imposed for serious violations of these rules in accordance with "Punishments"




These rules (hereinafter referred to as the Rules apply to all sections of the Game Chat (hereinafter referred to as the Chat).


Game Chat exists for players to communicate, get help with game actions, support in battles, quests, activities, find friends, clans, or clan members, receive information from the administration, including information about innovations and changes; for trading, coordination of battles, game behaviour and interactions with other players, etc.

It is allowed to address Chat participants by their game nicknames or by names, if the participants themselves are not against it.

The official language of communication in the Chat is English and German. In exceptional cases sending messages written in other languages is allowed. Messages in foreign languages can be allowed only as exceptions: memes, catchphrases, famous proverbs and Latin sayings.

There are several chat channels for different interactions within the game, and for each of them there are rules that must be followed so that chatting remains pleasant and comfortable for all game users.

For violation of the norms of communication in the Chat, you can get a curse of silence (gag) for a perios of 1 minute to 90 days, and in special cases - a game curse (ban). The maintenance of order in the chat rooms is the task of chat moderators, and - in some cases - the leadership of clans/alliances or the game administration.

The final lexical and semantic evaluation of messages and deciding whether there was any violation is carried out by the chat moderators and administrators, based on the general rules of the game, chat rules, personal experience, other moderatos' opinion (in controversial cases), and public sources - dictionaries, translators, "Wikipedia", a number of popular sites where meaning of obscure or slang terms can be found. If a player does not agree with the moderator's decision, they can appeal it on forum in the appropriate section (Guards Assistance - Complaints About Wrong Curse Of Silence). Curses of silence issued by administrations, as well as decisions in the "Complaints" with which you do not agree and can provide convincing arguments, can only be appealed through the technical support of the game.


Ignorance of the Chat Rules does not release you from liability for commited violations.



I. Main Chat - a public chat for communication between players of the same race, available from level 1, separate for each region on the map. Unavailable in the Scorched Lands (Chaotic battles location) and some unique locations. Moderators see and evaluate the messages in the main chat.


  • communication on topics that are or are not related to the Game, but which do not break the Rules;
  • sending links to battles, game items, topics on forum - provided that the frequency of sending the messages or links content do not break the rules and that there are no violations of trade message rules;
  • asking for help in battles or for splinter removal;
  • searching for clans or inviting to existing clans - no more than once every 10 minutes;
  • looking for mentors, moderators, help with the game (if it is not an attempt to conclude a commercial transaction or receive other benefits);
  • searching for participants in a battle with non-standard deck superbeings (Shaissar or Mezshed) - no more than once every 10 minutes, only allowed for the leader of the battle;
  • looking for gifts for Urchi's quest or items for event quests, no more than once every 10 minutes;
  • arguing without crossing the boundaries of approved communication norms;
  • exchanging in-game items that can only be exchanged but not sold (for example essays, rainbow stones, some event items) - no more than once every 10 minutes;
  • looking for non-commercial in-game services that the player cannot get on their in any other way own due to technical limitations (for example checking a battlefield queue);
  • boasting about a victory in a battle or a battlefield, or about a drop - if it is not an attempt to trade (the final evaluation of the message is carried out by moderators);
  • other things that do not violate the rules of the chat and game.


Forbidden, including but not limited to:

  • seeking of offering commercial services (trade, blessings, professional services, etc.);
  • flood;
  • flame, using obscene, rude, foul language, insulting players or administration;
  • distributing external links which are not related to the game, calls for violation of the game rules, leaving personal and/or contact information about you or other players, including logins and passwords to the game, data of messengers or social networks, payment data for replenishing our game or real account, etc.;
  • discussion of politics or real-life situations involving violence and cruelty;
  • deliberately misleading players with incorrect information in order to gain advantage (for example saying that administration distributes gifts on plateau, or when extracting resources in a location players receive some additional rewards, advising players to press key combination leading to leaving the game, etc.);
  • criticising actions of the administration, chat or forum moderators, as well as the decidions of help structures members related to their job (for example complaints about disqualifications, forum bans, curses of silence, etc.);
  • looking for referrals.


II. Trade Chat - a public chat for communication and making deals between players of the same race from level 3, separate for each region on the map. Unavailable in the Scorched Lands (Chaotic battles location) and some unique locations. Moderators see and evaluate the messages in the trade chat.


  • seek/offer any in-game commercial services (blesses, items, professional services, etc.);
  • communicate on game topics if this does not interfere with the main purpose of the chat - searching for or offering commercial services;
  • exchange items intended for exchange only, in parallel with the same messages in the main chat;
  • search for participants (not a group) in a battle with Shaissar or Mezshed, including - in parallel with the same messages in the main chat;
  • seek/offer membership in clans, ask to remove a splinter, etc. in parallel with the same messages in the main chat;
  • search for healers or for removal of burns or marks of death - once every 10 minutes (search only and without specifying payment information).


Forbidden, including but not limited to:​ 

  • seeking/offering game/non-game goods or services in exchange for real goods/services or money;
  • exceeding the allowed frequency of sending messages of the same type (1 message "buy/search for a service" and 1 message "sell/provide the service" per 10 minutes);
  • violating the basic rules of the game and chat.


III. Clan/Alliance Chat - chat available to member of the same clan or alliance. The head of the clan or alliance, at their discretion, issues access to reading and sending messages in this chat to clan members. Not limited to a specific location, available everywhere apart of Scorched Lands (Chaotic battles location), some unique locations, and cross-server battlefields. Guards do not moderate clan or alliance chats with the exception of violations from the "Curse of Silence for 24 hours section, moderation is carried out by the clan leadership. According to the complaints from this chat, the moderators will only punish in unique cases.


  • communication on topics that are or are not related to the Game, flood, trade, searching for groups for instances or mobs, etc.;
  • communication on any topic, flame, use of profanity, rude or foul language, discussions of politics, etc. - chat moderation is carried out exclusively by the leadership of clans/alliances


Forbidden, including but not limited to:​ 

  • sending external links in the chat, sharing or extorting login information, calls for hacking the game or using third-party software;
  • distribution of other people's personal data (including passport data);
  • calls for committing cruel, violent or terrorist acts in real life, real life threats;
  • seeking/offering of game or non-game goods or service in exchange for real life goods/services or money.


IV. Fight Chat - a chat for communication and coordination of actions, accessible and visible only to players who are in the same battle. Unavailable in the Scorched Lands (Chaotic battles location) and some unique locations. Moderation of this chat is based on complaints


  • discussing battle tactics, coordinating the actions of allies, controlling the battle;
  • communicating according to the rules of the main chat.


Forbidden, including but not limited to:​  

  • violating the basic rules of the game and chat.


V. Group Chat - a chat for communication between players who are in the same group. Not tied to a specific loaction, available everywhere except for the Scorched Lands (Chaotic battles location) and cross-server battlefields. Moderation of this chat is based on complaints


  • discussing battle/instance tactics, coordinating the actions of allies, controlling the battle;
  • using "caps" or flood for coordination, even if the group members do not like it and they send complaints to the moderators;
  • communication according to the rules of the main chat.


Forbidden, including but not limited to:​  

  • violating the basic rules of the game and chat (in case of complaints from group memebrs, the moderators issues a punishment according to the rules of the main chat - with the exception of caps and flood related to the coordination of group members' actions).


VI. Raid Chat - a chat for communication between players who on the same battlefield on the same side. Moderation of this chat is based on complaints


  • discussing battle/instance tactics, coordinating the actions of allies, controlling the battle;
  • using "caps" or flood for coordination, even if the group members do not like it and they send complaints to the moderators;
  • communication according to the rules of the main chat.


Forbidden, including but not limited to:​  

  • violating the basic rules of the game and chat (in case of complaints from group memebrs, the moderators issues a punishment according to the rules of the main chat - with the exception of caps and flood related to the coordination of group members' actions).


VII. Instance Chat - main chat limited to the instance and only visible to those in the same copy of the instance. It does not have a separate tab. The allowed and forbidden actions, as well as the punishments, are identical to the main chat.


VIII. Private Chat - a chat for private communication, visible only to the interlocutors, allocated in a separate group with the prv[interlocutor's nickname] tag. Reading messages available to players from level 1, sending - from level 3. Available in all locations except for the Scorched Lands (chaotic battle locations) and some unique locations. Moderation of this channel is based on complaints.


  • communication in a way that the participants of the conversation consider acceptable, however, if one of the interlocutors intentionally or accidentally sends a complaint about a message, the moderators will evaluate the message according to the rules of the main chat;
  • creating "multiprivate" - messages sent to several players at the same time are evaluated according to the rules of the main chat, but are not a violation in themselves;
  • asking for help in current battles or for splinter removal;
  • asking for the soul restoration (player who is dead with a "Lost Soul" effect cannot use the trade chat);
  • asking/offering in-game goods and/or professional services, if the interlocutor offered/searched for that particular in-game goods/professional services in the trade chat or placed an order on the auction/exchange/forum/character information.


Forbidden, including but not limited to:​  

  • everything that is prohibited in the main chat.



  • if a player writes to you in private (or in any of the chats) without violating the rules of the game and chat, and you do not want to see their message, you must use the "Ignore" function in the chat or "Add to ignore list", and not send endless complaints to moderators; abuse of the complaint function for messages that do not violate the chat rules can lead to a curse of silence of 15 minutes or more.

IX. Group Search Chat - public chat to search for groups on battlefields and instances, as well as fighting mobs with members of your own race. The chat is available from level 1 and visible from any location except: Scorched Lands (Chaotic Battles) and cross-server battlefields. The channel has an automated time delay of 10 minutes for messages. More severe punishment may be issued for violations of trade and advertisement of items in this chat. Moderation of this chat is based on complaints.


- Find groups for battlegrounds and instances.
- Looking for groups to hunt monsters.
- Seek help without further clarification.

Forbidden, including but not limited to:​ 

- Violations of the basic rules of the Game and Chat.
- Selling, buying, advertising and exchanging items.
- Search for any commercial services.

Punishment: Curse of silence for 24 hours.



The Chat Administrators are not responsible for the content of messages sent by the Users, but to the best of their abilities, they suppress all violations in accordance with these rules. The Chat Administrators provide only a technical opportunity for the Users to post and exchange messages.

Order in the Chat is maintained by the Chat Administration represented by the Project Administration, the Order of the Guards and the Chat Moderation Department.

The COMPANY has the right to temporarily or permanently block the User's account, restrict its access to the Chat, and remove any materials from the Chat if they violate the Chat Rules, the EULA or the Game Rules.

The reponsibility of the Users for violations is determined by the Chat Administration based on the Chat Rules, the EULA, the Game Rules, provided internal documentation, and the nature of the violations. By sending their messages in the Chat, the Users expresses their agreement to the Chat Administration making any decisions related to the interpretation and compliance with the Chat Rules.

With the exception of the Order of the Guards and the Chat Moderation Department, the Chat Administration is not obliged to:


  • respond to all messages send to them (for example, questions to which answers can be found in the rules or are obvious are ignored);
  • explain the reasons their actions in public;
  • provide personal data for the exchange of information outside of Chat.



Curse of Silence for 1 minute - "Warning"

The Curse of Silence "Warning" is a punishment given for a one-time minor violation of the chat rules.

The basis for imposing the Curse of Silence is flood, caps, flame, as well as the prevention of more serious violations of the chat rules.

Form of punishment: blocking the ability to use the Chat for 1 minute.

If the violation is minor and not seriour, and also committed by a player who is obviously a beginner or has recently returned to the game (Chat Moderators make a decision based on the information about the level, time the character has been in the game, achievements, and other factors), a verbal warning is possible. If the violation is obvious and is intentional or serious, then it is punished according to the appropriate paragraph of the rules without a warning.



Curse of Silence for 15-30-60 minutes

The Curse of Silence "Flood, flame, caps, spam" is a punishment given for violation of the chat rules.

Basis for imposing the Curse of Silence:

  • repeated after a warning or repeated flood/caps/flame;
  • messages that do not correspond to the topics of the channels (see General informaion about chat channels), especially trade messages and the searching/offering of goods and services;
  • intentional interference with the work of the Guards after a warning;
  • baseless and frequent complaint about messages from other players

Form of punishment: blocking the ability to use the Chat for 15-30-60 minutes (taking into account repeated violations).



Curse of Silence for 1-2-4 hours

The Curse of Silence for being rude, insulting and/or swearing is a punishment given for serious violation of the chat rules.

Basis for imposing the Curse of Silence:

  • insulting other players, as well as their relatives without the use of swear words, the use of swear words, rude jargon in the message of any content, the use of offensive derivative words from names. (example: «Duck you!», «Astrohole», «I wanted to insult you good.»). The chat does not prohibite the use of [["wodisms"]], Internet memes that are not offensive or rude (abusive) in nature, however, the moderators give the final assessment of such texts; in addition, some literary non-offensive words/expressions can be recognised as an insult/rudeness if intentionally abused and their use starts after some game events (including on the forum or the official discord channel of the project). Addressing players with a reference to their name, or clan name cannot be considered an insult if the player's name /clan name does not undergo significant changes when addressing (for example, calling "hello, fool" to a player with the name _Fool_ is acceptable);
  • animal related metaphors that refer to the names of animals with negative meaning in terms of public opinion, or their qualities;
  • profanity, covered by a filter, addressed to another player;
  • some of degrading psychiatric medical diagnoses based on personal unfounded assumptions (for example "retard, autist, imecile", etc.)
  • campaigning, calls for voting for participants in official competitions;
  • drawings of an offensive nature from symbols, as well as phrases with pictures of an offensive nature;
  • discussion of online games without giving links after warning;
  • unfounded public accusation, slander against players, representatives of help structures, as well as intentional misleading of players in order to obtain benefits (for example to remove competitors from the location);
  • extortion of in-game items (rude and persistent demand for money/material values/gifts for diamonds in exchange for protection - we are not talking about petty begging or fair compensation for costs/loses).

Form of punishment: blocking the ability to use the Chat for 1-2-4 hours (taking into account repeated violations).



Curse of Silence for 3-6-12 hours

The Curse of Silence for obscene, vulgar statements, as well as the discussion and advertising of prohibited substances is a punishment given for major violation of the chat rules.

Basis for imposing the Curse of Silence:

  • the use of profanity (including in a foreign language);
  • quoting messages with profanity, using obscene or foul names in chat;
  • sexual harassment, as well as the dissemination of sexually explicit information containing a naturalistic, detailed description of the anatomical or physiological details of sexual relations, as well as discussing in a rude, offensive form players' or their relatives or friends' sexual orientation (some terms without an incriminatory context are not in themselves a reason for punishment, e.g. "breasts, genitals, fetishist, transgender, gender fluid";
  • campaigning, calls for voting for participants in official competitions, through private messages to players;
  • the use of veiled expressions, if they have a double meaning and can be regarded as vulgar or obscene (replacing letters in words with periods, spaces and other special characters (*, #, $, as well as the like), including symbolic pictures with which phrases can be regarded as obscene, as well as abbreviations of abusive expressions accepted on the Internet;
  • profanity partially covered by filters (when from the phrase and the partial filter it is clear what the covered word is), as well as words covered by filter which are parts of set expressions;
  • advertising of narcotic drugs and promotion of alcoholic products.

Form of punishment: blocking the ability to use the Chat for 3-6-12 hours (taking into account repeated violations).



Curse of Silence for 5-10-20 hours

The Curse of Silence for real-life threats and discussing politics is a punishment given for major violation of the chat rules.

Basis for imposing the Curse of Silence:

  • messages about politics, about the political system, the actions of politicians, about the politics of states or any formations, about real political events (wars, revolutions, coups, party actions, strikes, rallies, etc.), political propaganda and agitation - everything that is not related to the game world and is related to controversial events in real life, as well as attempts to compare the actions of players/clans with the actions of those who have forbidden radical ideologies;
  • wishes of misfortune (injury, serious illness, death) in real life to the player and his relatives;
  • any ambiguous messages mentioning the mothers/sisters/children of the interlocutor (even messages like "tell your mother hello" or "tell your sister I'll come by in the evening"), if the message has received a complaint or the moderator has seen the context of the conversation and understands that this is not a friendly conversations;
  • threats in the chat with violence in real life.

Form of punishment: blocking the ability to use the Chat for 5-10-20 hours (taking into account repeated violations).



Curse of Silence for 12-24-48 hours

The Curse of Silence for inticement of ethnic or cultural hatred is a punishment given for major violation of the chat rules.

Basis for imposing the Curse of Silence:

  • statements of a racist or nationalist nature, attempts to incite interreligious hatred, any campaigning on this topic;
  • calls to commit brutal violence in the real world, calls to terrorism;
  • discussion of severe violence against people or animals, vandalism, realistic description of acts of violence in real life;
  • messages of a clearly vulgar nature addressed to the mothers/sisters/children of the players

Form of punishment: blocking the ability to use the Chat for 12-24-48 hours (taking into account repeated violations).



Curse of Silence for 24 hous

The Curse of Silence for xternal links (advertising external/malicious links), advertisements for the sale of game resources for real money, offering programs for bot farming is a punishment given for major violation of the chat rules.

Basis for imposing the Curse of Silence:

  • publication in the chat of any Internet links that are not related to the game, along with bot programs. Mentor sites (including the approved foreign languages ones) are excluded from this rule along with any other sources that are related to the game (Legend youtube videos and guides, pages and articles related to the game etc.)
  • referral links in chat after 15 minutes of Curse of Silence;
  • phishing for logins and passwords of characters;
  • messages about the sale, purchase, donation of game characters, sale, purchase of game currency;
  • suggestions and requests for the provision of third-party programs for automating the game process, as well as discussion of such programs after a warning;
  • offering and requests of services «temporary use of character». Offering or requesting for such is not allowed (that includes messages form the type “I am going vacation, can you log in for my wand every day”).

Form of punishment: blocking the ability to use the Chat for 24 hours.




Curse of Silence for 90 days

The Curse of Silence for 90 days is issued for systematic and/or major violations of the chat rules, as well as - in special cases - in addition to the game curse or the forum ban.

Basis for imposing the Curse of Silence:

  • the use of a secondary or transferred characters for the purpose of insulting players, administration, trading game characters or game values for real money, distribution of malicious links, advertising third-party projects, prohibited programs;
  • repeated malicious violations of the same type provided that the character received a warning or silence (with the knowledge of the administration, it was included in the internal emergency of the chat moderators)
  • malicious insults of representatives of the administration, destructive statements about the game, administration, help structures, slander, threats to their life and health;
  • if recommended by the administration - for players who deliberately and maliciously violate the rules of communication not only in the game chat, but also on the forum, in the official discord channels of the project, discredit the project on third-party sites, etc.
  • personal decision of the administrators

Form of punishment: blocking the ability to use the Chat for 90 days. The curse can be appealed no earlier than 14 calendar days from the date of its receipt, decisions on mitigation of the punishment are made by the Orders of Guards' Heads and/or the Administration.




  If during the last 24 hours the player has not received a single curse of silence, in case of violation of the chat rules, they will receive the nominal punishment indicated above.

If during the previous day one curse of silence of a certain type was received, then, having committed a similar violation, the player will receive a double punishment of the same type.

If during the previous day more than two curses of silence of the same type were received, then the player will receive a four times increase in punishment.

Punishments increase automatically, moderators always issue a basic curse of silence.

If the player has a history of being a persistent offender who systematically commits similar violations, or is a secondary character to circumvent the curse of silence or to avoid revenge from interlocutors, the character will receive the maximum default punishment available for the current violation (for example, if the moderator hesitates between 1 hour and 3 hours curse of silence, 3 hours will be issued).

Chat fail caused by the disbanding of the group or the fact that the user is in the game on a mobile device, first time violation (according to the player), as well as the fact that some words forbidden in the game are used in classical literature and/or have several meanings, are not reason for mitigating the punishment.

If a player sent a complaint by mistake, and the sent message contains a violation, the curse of silence will not be lifted - the moderator cannot be sure that the request to cancel the punishment was not caused by threats, and the fact of the violation, confirmed by the logs, cannot be ignored.

In addition, aggravating factors in assessing chat violations are: 

  • the state of alcohol/drug intoxication which the player declares in chat;
  • addressing insults, rudeness, profanity, etc. in the direction of moderators, help structures workers or representatives of the administration
  • an active event (for example Trade Journey) - intentional violation of the chat rules for the sake of obtaining the maximum benefits (for example mass requests to exchange resources)
  • confrontations between clans/alliances, during which players openly or covertly flame in a public or private chat, deliberately leading the interlocutors to violate the rules.

 Such actions can result in a Curse of Silence lasting 24 hours or even 90 days (if agreed with the Head Guards or Administration).

It is important to understand that a number of chat messages can lead not only to the Curse of Silence, but also to the game Curse for slander, fraud, phishing, malicious violations of communication rules, destructive statements about the game, the help structures or administration.  



If you were insulted in private or you noticed a violation of the chat rules to which there is no reaction from an employee of the Order of the Guards, you can report it to the Order of the Guards by right-clicking on the time of the message and selecting the "Complain" item in the menu that opens.

The administration is guided by these rules, but reserves the possibility of using the curses of silence at its discretion.

To determine the status of a particular word and (or) expression, the administration and moderators can use various sources, including, but not limited to, the following: 

  • decisions of the Administration, Head Guards, Head of the Chat Moderation Department
  • "Oxford Dictionary”
  • "Wikipedia" - the free encyclopedia, wikipedia;
  •” (used to check common slang).

 Sources are listed in order of importance.

All matters not regulated by these Chat Rules are governed by the EULA, Forum Rules and the Game Privacy Policy.

All disputes of the parties under this agreement shall be resolved in the manner prescribed by the EULA.

These Chat Rules may be changed by the COMPANY without any prior notice. Any changes to the Chat Rules made by the COMPANY unilaterally come into force on the day following the day of publication of such changes on the COMPANY's website. The Users should independently check the Chat Rules for changes. Failure by the Users to take actions to familiarize themselves with the Chat Rules and/or the amended edition of the Chat Rules cannot serve as a basis for the Users' failure to comply with the restrictions established by the Chat Rules. 

We wish you an exciting game and pleasant chatting! 

Update: August 2024


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