
June - Fern Flowering

The long-awaited June event definitely is associated with Fern Frond, which is surrounded by an aura of mystery and legends... So many legends exist about Wondrous Fern Flower, which appears within some days of June... We suggest you to prepare for the hunt of this wonderful flower so you can get not only the cherrished treasure, promised to that one, who will find it, but also get a seasonal achievement«June – Here comes the summer!». This task will be one of the steps, which are necessary for the annual achievement, that contains of monthly issued adventures!

Event run time:

The exact time of event's end can be seen in game in the 'Events' tab.

Fern Blossom
Event Quest Guide


Do you want to know more about the event quests? Feeling lost? Or maybe you'd like to prepare for the celebrations in advance?

Make sure to check out  Crackerjacks'Seasonal Events FAQ!

Searching for the Spirit of Avarice

You are about to act at Spirit of Avarice behest, who arrived to the World of Faeo temporarily, and wheedle him into telling you about the place, where he keeps his treasures! The problem is that the Spirit of Avarice is not so eager to give away his treasures, even finding him is not an easy task: he roams from place to place, appearing for several hours in one of the locations accessible by all levels. Important: the spirit is intangible, that is why he is not shown in the list of NPC on the location. You'll have to try hard to find him!




Be prepared for the fact that you cannot cope without the help of the  Bludiara the Fortune-teller or  Maritsa the Witch... By the way, it is from these soothsayers that you can find out in more detail how you can appease the greedy Spirit!



Go to them immediately, and you will get untold treasures from the ghost's cache!


Quest for warriors from 3rd level.
Available: One time
Reward:Fern Leaf token x25
Collecting Fern


You can collect fern without having the profession and special tools, however only those who are under the effect of magic potion will be able to find it. Ingredients for the potion are different for players of different levels: for warriors of 3-6 levels the potoin is weak and requires simple components, players of levels 7-11 need a more powerful elixir, levels 12 and above have most magic resistance, thus the recipe for their potion is most complicated.




The effect of any potion lasts for only one hour, however one sip is enough... so you won't have to get back to  Maritsa or  Bludiara, one bottle will last for long, and you'll be able to find the flower in time.
You do not need to be under the influence of the potion to collect fern leaves.


Fern Leaves Exchange

Excess of Fern Frond can be exchanges for useful items at  Arnica and  Orfin.









Little Dragon Urchi greets June


What is happening during the event is of great interest to the inquisitive Dragon Urchi. Do not forget to talk to him and help in understanding the world of Faeo.



Quest accessible to warriors from level 3.
Available: daily
Reward:Fern Leaf token x3
Seasons deck

By using the deck you will receive:

Attention! You can use the deck 1 time a day during the active stage of the event.
Ways of obtaining the Fern Leaf Tokens


1) One time quest “Avarice is no vice!”

2) Fern Leaves Exchange

3) Completing the task "Little Dragon Urchi greets June"

4) Using "Seasons deck"


Complete quests, receive items and get unique achievements.


June - Here comes the summer! June - Legend of the Ancient Forest  Under the Fern Banner! June Arhas Beastmaster Victor’s Wreath Favour of the Amber Statuette June Offering to the Crimson Roc
Blood of Cerberus Memory Gifts of Amber Acorn Supreme Spirit’s Assistant: June Mechanical Tuver Assembly: December Tamer of the Time-Lost Battle Tuver: June Tamer of the Time-Lost Battle Tuver: June Tamer of the Time-Lost Battle Tuver: June Chasing the rabbit: June


Don't forget about achievements for seasonal food:

Mushroom Basket - a tasty treat! Innkeeper, 100 mushroom basket portions! Once you taste the mushroom basket you just can’t stop! Nearly a thousand portions of mushroom baskets Hide the mushroom baskets - I am coming!  Are there any mushroom baskets left in Faeo? I will finish them at dinner!



You can get special June bags from  Chigrik the Thief and  Gloum the Swindler, who live in  Glade of Dreams and  Barrow of Sadness, for gold and diamonds. They contain 30 pcs of Fern Leaf token.



Attention! Each bag can be purchased only once!
Attention! Bags will be available for purchase during the rewards stage.


During the rewards stage in Curiosities Shop at City Fairs Fern Leaf token can be exchanged for various goods:






1 50
1 35
1 28
1 30
1 30
1 20
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
1 5
6 1
70 3
165 4
5 25

no more than 6 pcs.


Maximum 185 tokens per clan



Attention! After the end of the sale of rarities in Curiosities Shop remaining pieces of  Fern Leaf token can be exchanged only for the food.


Please note that after the end of the event all quest items will be deleted: Fern Frond, Ghostly Fungus, Wondrous Fern Flower, Viscous Tentacler Slime, Penetrating Stare Potion, Enchanted Vision Potion, Seeing the Invisible Potion, Old Chest, Old Chest, Old Chest.



  Hurry to gather the magical bud!




Last updated: May 2024



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