Each projector can only be used once, additionally,
warriors will also have only one attempt to kill the projection. You will not be able to summon the projections in the same instance a second time, regardless of the outcome of the battle. Therefore you should prepare as good as possible for the fight!
It should be noted that the
astral projections powers are way more superior than their originals and have extremely dangerous skills. However, a group of five skillful players should be quite capable of killing the superbeeing.
Important! You will be able to receive trophies and reputation only from those projections that suit your level and reputation restrictions! Take this fact into consideration when gathering a group for the hunting.
If you doubt your abilities or can not find enough allies, you can buy
special amulets that summon Astral Spirits in the Astral Hunter Shop. The mere presence of these creatures in combat significantly weakens the Astral projections.
If you win over the Astral projection, the
members of the group will receive reputation points, as well as a number of Astral fragments. Stone Architect will help you turn these fragments into energy crystals that serve as "batteries" for a foreign device -
When using this device, you will receive a
powerful blessing for 1 hour. As reputation grows, you can improve the device to obtain a stronger blessing.
In addition,
with a small probability when killing the astral projection, you can find a particularly large Astral fragment (
Astral artifact), which can be handed to the
Architect for obtaining
additional reputation points and Astral fragments.
By winning reputation points, you will get access to special goods. The more points you will get, the more diverse will be the choice of products you can get. You can buy reputational goods in the
Stone Architect's Astral Hunter Shop in the
Goods for reputation
and their effects |
products |
points |
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points |
points |
points |
points |
Quest |
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Last updated: December 2023