
The History of Conlegret


History of the game


Conlegret was an unusual game played by the members of an ancient race, the Mountain Giants, to entertain themselves. From the little information that has survived to our day, it is known that the game was created when the last two giants, Bronitrix and Gzomiabix, became bored. The Mountain Giants were the smallest and least belligerent race in Faeo which, evidently, led to their destruction by other, more brutal and blood-thirsty peoples. Having lost all their family and friends, Bronitrix and Gzomiabix fell into a depression. Their daily routine became a grinding monotony, day after day after day, with no entertainment or pleasure, no reason to laugh or even cry.

It was in those dreary, indistinguishable days that the Mountain Giants devised Conlegret, a card game where each card embodied a powerful creature from the world of the dead, summoned at the end of the game to fight with another no less powerful creature; not the actual creature itself, of course, only its wraith, but that made no difference to the game's fascination because the wraiths were complete copies of the real monsters, mirroring their abilities in battle exactly.

To make a card summon a wraith it was not sufficient simply to own it; it was essential to have a specific combination of different cards. These combinations were called 'circles' and were thematic. Bronitrix and Gzomiabix were the oldest inhabitants of Faeo and had the ability to see the future. Furthermore, they had access to many of the root causes of the world's happenings. All this allowed them to easily systematise all possible events and on that basis they formed their card combinations. So, for example, to activate a card with the hero Agudar, it was essential to complete a combination with cards of Magish and his circle, at the same time portraying a fragment of Faean history in an unbroken circle.

The idea of the game was in the collection of these 'circles', which number tens of thousands, and the subsequent battle of the summoned wraiths, which embodied the reflections of hundreds of heroes and antiheroes of all times and peoples, who had died and not even yet been born. Whichever side won this grand slashing, won the game.

Of course, that is only the basic principle of Conlegret. In reality, the game was based on a whole code of rules, including ideas such as 'adjacent circles' and various bonuses such as for a 'reverse', e.g. when Agudar beats Magish on the slashing field, and not the other way round, and many other such complex game issues. The game was so entertaining and remarkable for the giants, that it even interested the most powerful inhabitants of Faeo, the Twilight Dragons, who immediately wanted to master Conlegret. However, the giants refused to share their brainchild with the powerful dragons, sparking an apocalyptic war. The Mountain Giants had foreseen the future and knew full well that in the new world there would be no place for them and so they unhesitatingly went against the will of the dragons.

But, before the final battle with the Twilight Dragons, the Mountain Giants made sure that no one would get their hands on their brainchild and scattered the Conlegret cards amongst ordinary playing cards across the whole world. Assembling a complete set of 'circles', with the participation of all the heroes of the past, present and future became almost impossible; however, obtaining separate 'circles' and activating the wraiths within them is a fully-realisable task...


Known decks






Legacy of King Magish



It is possible to improve the deck.

Great Mages



It is possible to improve the deck.





It is possible to improve the deck.

Snow power









It is possible to improve the deck.

Underground Knights



It is possible to improve the deck.

Legendary Humans I




Legendary Magmars I





Exiles' Fortress


It is possible to improve the deck.

Gnome Runes



It is possible to improve the deck.

The Magical Flora
of Faeo



It is possible to improve the deck.

The Magical Rocks
of Faeo



It is possible to improve the deck.

The Magical Fish
of Faeo



It is possible to improve the deck.

Military Ranks
of Faeo I




It is possible to improve the deck.

Military Ranks
of Faeo II




It is possible to improve the deck.

of Faeo









Water Nymph





God of the Cursed
and the Dead




Goddess Aladeya




Great Dragon






Forbidden City


Legendary Magmars II


Legendary Humans II


Eshu Followers

It is possible to improve the deck.

Zurkhass Followers


Miuri Tao Disciples






Guardians of Truth


It is possible to improve the deck.

Legendary Humans III


Legendary Magmars III


Might Deck


Legendary Cutthroats Deck


It is possible to improve the deck.

The Foundlings of Rangas


The Art of Castling


Cardsharper’s Gadgets I


Monsters of Mystras



Great Dishes of Faeo

It is possible to improve the deck.



Deck improvement

2 80
2 80
2 80
2 10
2 10
2 10
2 15
2 50
2 50
2 240
1 30
1 50
2 150
2 150
3 75
2 150
2 100
2 50


Improved card decks can be used twice resp. thrice (Guardians of Truth) per week.


If you have all three of the improved Gifts of Nature decks, Gifts of nature effect will be sent in addition.



When using different improved decks, the blessing of Gifts of nature is updated.


After visiting Abandoned Smithy instance using «Gnome Runes» improved Pack of Cards, you will be guaranteed an extra Gnome Rune after killing the Fire Golem. This also doubles your chances to get Valuable Gnome Coin from Gnomes' Caskets.


Attention! You can't have a regular deck and an improved deck at the same time.



Joker Decks










Different list and probability of summoning super-beings at different level groups.


Level 1-5 characters



Wolfer 25%
Kretch Butcher


Harcide 37,5%


Level 6-10 characters



Wolfer 4,76%
Kretch Butcher


Harcide 14,3%
Gurraldiy Korr 14,3%
Cerberus 14,3%
Gorbakh Skeleton 14,3%
Bog Elf 14,3%
Spider Patriarch 14,3%


Characters from level 11
Kretch Butcher


Harcide 2%
Gurraldiy Korr 2%
Gorbakh Skeleton 2%
Bog Elf 2%
Spider Patriarch 2%
Emperor Scorpion 20%
UyarrMO Exile 20%
Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul 20%
Bone Dragon 6%
Uborg 2%
Edera 20%


The Magical Flora
of Faeo



The strengh of the positive effect will change depending on the level of the character that uses the deck.


Levels and effect
5-6 level Force of Nature
7-8 level Force of Nature
9-10 level Force of Nature
11-12 level Force of Nature
from 13 level Force of Nature


The Magical Rocks
of Faeo



The strengh of the positive effect will change depending on the level of the character that uses the deck.


Levels and effect
5-6 level Power of the Earth's Bowels
7-8 level Power of the Earth's Bowels
9-10 level Power of the Earth's Bowels
11-12 level Power of the Earth's Bowels
from 13 level Power of the Earth's Bowels


The Magical Fish
of Faeo



The strengh of the positive effect will change depending on the level of the character that uses the deck.


Levels and effect
5-6 level Abysmal Waters Power
7-8 level Abysmal Waters Power
9-10 level Abysmal Waters Power
11-12 level Abysmal Waters Power
from 13 level Abysmal Waters Power


Eshu Followers

Different list and summoning chances at different level groups.


Level 14 characters

Daigon Armakhton



Level 15 characters

Daigon Armakhton


Scolopendra Essvesh 66.7%


Level 16 characters
Daigon Armakhton


Scolopendra Essvesh 33.3%
Nepherto Shevass 50%
Level 17 characters
Daigon Armakhton


Scolopendra Essvesh 14.3%
Nepherto Shevass 21.4%
Cerebhound Mohgar 57.2%
Level 18 characters
Daigon Armakhton


Scolopendra Essvesh 6.9%
Nepherto Shevass 10.3%
Cerebhound Mohgar 24.2%
Droolizard Gershess 55.2%
Level 19 characters
Daigon Armakhton


Scolopendra Essvesh 3.7%
Nepherto Shevass 5.5%
Cerebhound Mohgar 13%
Droolizard Gershess 29.7%
Kretch Argash 46.3%
Level 20 characters
Daigon Armakhton


Scolopendra Essvesh 2.1%
Nepherto Shevass 3.2%
Cerebhound Mohgar 7.4%
Droolizard Gershess 17%
Kretch Argash 26.6%
Scorpolion Matriarch Mezshed 42.6%

In addition, warriors have a 15% chance to summon a Summoned Shaissar instead of any of the creatures listed above. This applies to every level.
The probability of summonins Shaissar is the same at every level; the owner of all three improved decks from the "Ancient Evil" card decks has a doubled chance of summoning Shaissar.

Guardians of Truth



The strengh of the positive effect will change depending on the level of the character that uses the deck.


Magmars Humans
5-6 Vertsida's fury Rainbow power
7-8 Blinding Fury of Vertsida Strong Rainbow Power
9-10 Overwhelming Fury of Vertsida Great Rainbow Power
11+ Sizzling Fury of Vertsida Crushing Rainbow Power


White Joker Deck


Using a White deck allows you to receive a random blessing given by one of the other Conlegret decks twice a week.

You cannot use the deck if the character has one of the following blessings:


The Magical Flora of Faeo Pack of Cards
The Magical Rocks of Faeo Pack of Cards
The Magical Fish of Faeo Pack of Cards
Sylph Pack of Cards
Water Nymph Pack of Cards
God of the Cursed and the Dead Pack of Cards
Goddess Aladeya Pack of Cards
Great Dragons Pack of Cards
Battlefields Deck


You cannot use the deck if the character has an active blessing from an offering:


Sylph Fairy Gift
Nymph Benevolence
Deathly Gift
Aladeya's Favor
Goodwill of Dragon


You can use this deck if the character has these blessins or offerings since they are not given by the white deck:


Military Ranks of Faeo Pack of Cards I
Military Ranks of Faeo Pack of Cards II
Seasons Deck
Guardians of Truth Deck
Zurkhass Followers Deck
Miuri Tao Disciples Deck


Black Joker Deck


allows you to call for help a random summon 2 times a week;


can be used 2 times in one battle;


summoned monster does not depend on the level of the owner and the existing level restrictions on use;


Can not be used underwater;

Monsters of Mystras Deck


Allows you to summon one of the buffed monsters of Mystras


Needs to be charged before using


Grants you a special blessing after defeating the monster


For more details, click here

Great Dishes of Faeo




Last updated: September 2024



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