Every player, whether Human or Magmar, has the ability to learn and use super-blows in battle.
You can find out which super-blows are accessible to you by going to your “backpack” and then clicking “Super-blows”.
The super-blows section will display the currently accessible super-blows for your level. The required sequence of blows and the outcome of the blow will also been shown.
For example, for a level 1 player, only “Strength of Wolf” is available.
Level 2 players can access “Strength of Wolf” and “Great Strength of Wolf”.
Level 3 players can access “Strength of Wolf”, “Great Strength of Wolf” and “Thirst for Blood”.
Level 4 players can access “Strength of Wolf”, “Great Strength of Wolf”, “Thirst for Blood” and “Fury of Panther”.
Level 5 players can access “Strength of Wolf”, “Great Strength of Wolf”, “Thirst for Blood”, “Fury ofPanther” and “Snake Attack”.
And so on.
Every time you reach a new level, you will have the opportunity to learn a new super-blow.
A super-blow is a combination of basic blows delivered during battle in a certain sequence. The super-blow combinations are different for every player and are randomly generated.
To unlock a super-blow, you must uncover the combination in battle. Try different combinations of basic blows (head, body, legs) during various battles to learn your combination. If you work through all the possible combinations systematically, you will find it much easier.
As soon as you uncover the correct combination in battle, you will see “Super-blow” flash on your screen, the damage inflicted by the basic blows and the bonus damage inflicted by the super-blow. You will also see above your opponent any icons symbolising loss of life or damage absorption effects inflicted by the super-blow. The icons will remain for the duration of the effect on your opponent.
Once you have completed the fight, the super-blow will be listed in your backpack along with the required combination. You can turn off hints about super-blows in the Personal Preferences tab.
Using a super-blow to negate a dodge or block
A super-blow will always negate your opponent’s block or dodge if the super-blow and your character are the same level.
If the super-blow level is 1 level below your character level, the chance of negating a block or dodge is 70%.
If the super-blow level is 2 levels below your character level, the chance of negating a block or dodge is 40%.
If the super-blow level is 3 levels below your character level, the chance of negating a block or dodge is 10%.
If the super-blow level is 4 levels or more below your character level, it will not negate a block or dodge.
If for some reason you don’t like your accessible super-blows, you can change them using a special
Scroll of Oblivion or
Shuffle Elixir, which can be purchased at Mercenary’s Shop.
The more permanent item you can use if you find yourself wanting to change super-blow combinations, is to use
Deck «The Art of Castling». Collecting the cards and creating this deck allows you to change the combination of super-blows twice a week.
Last updated: June 2023