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 Farewell to Winter11.03.2024 15:00

Despite upcoming beginning of the Spring on the calendar, the cold doesn't hurry to leave the world of Faeo, that is why  humans and  magmars organize the true Farewell to Winter. During the next week residents of Faeo will make lush and ruddy pancakes and have a good time asking Mirrow to shine brighter and warmer.

 Givens and  Voluptuous Mary will help you make the ruddy pancakes. The more pancakes you eat the warmer Mirrow will shine!
Let's say goodbye to the winter together!
Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 4)

 Gifts for Diamonds Purchase11.03.2024 12:00

Diamonds, that shine under the rays of Mirrow, are rightfully considered to be the most valuable currency of the world of Faeo. Warriors with the handful of diamonds can open many doors, and tradesmen will be glad to offer rarest goods. Now you can receive valuable and important goods for the mere fact of purchasing diamonds, without actually spending them!

Warriors! Starting 11.03, 12:00 and till 15.03, 12:00 when purchasing diamonds, during the special offer, you will receive gifts! There are 20 valuable gifts, which you will receive one by one for each  35 you buy.

IMPORTANT! You can now do that in multiple purchases - your reward will unlock after the sum of your purchases is greater than 35! After receiving one prize, you will receive the next one after purchasing another 35 diamonds in total. Remember that you don't have to spend the diamonds to get the rewards!
Hurry - this offer is limited in time!
Author: MisterFixxer  More (comments: 0)

 Fair is here! Day 310.03.2024 12:00

All restrictions have been reset!

Pay attention to the following added products:


«Faeo warriors need help!» Is exactly what the merchants have thought, so they put unique goods on sale. These curiosities will not only please visitors with their beauty, but will also greatly enhance the power of those who acquire them. 



Also, during the Fair for each 400 or 100 spent in the Fair Shop, you'll receive

 4 Shards of Sparks of the Heavenly Fire, 4 Shards of Mithril Keys, 3 Pack of Cards, 15 Platinum Thaler,

1 Trading coupon in addition to regular rewards!




Please note: The progress bar will be reset when the promotion ends.


The Fair will be open till​ 11.03, 12:00


Enjoy the fair, warriors!

Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 2)

 Jester Event - Carnival in Faeo09.03.2024 18:00

You don't know her, but you have seen her work without knowing that it was her. Secretive but world famous fashion and costume designer Kiki Flanell!



Of course now you're wondering: Who the hell is Kiki Flanell? That's exactly what we're asking ourselves too! No one has seen her yet, but her creations are famous in Faeo! For example, probably the most magical day in the lives of all warriors - no, we're not talking about winning wars, but about weddings!


 Warriors - let's save Faeo's carnival parade! 

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 0)

 Fair is here! Day 209.03.2024 12:00

Pay attention to the following added products:


«Faeo warriors need help!» Is exactly what the merchants have thought, so they put unique goods on sale. These curiosities will not only please visitors with their beauty, but will also greatly enhance the power of those who acquire them. 



Also, during the Fair for each 400 or 100 spent in the Fair Shop, you'll receive

 4 Shards of Sparks of the Heavenly Fire, 4 Shards of Mithril Keys, 3 Pack of Cards, 15 Platinum Thaler,

1 Trading coupon in addition to regular rewards!




Please note: The progress bar will be reset when the promotion ends.


The Fair will be open till​ 11.03, 12:00


Enjoy the fair, warriors!

Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 0)

Brave defenders of  Ogriy and  Khair! The time for the decisive battles at the Ancient Plateau has come! The great dragons call on humans and magmars to fuel their hearts with courage, hold their weapons tight, and take part in the battles, that will define who will be victorious in this confrontation.


Under the leadership of  Striagorn and  Erifarius the powerful armies of both continents will clash in battles at the Ancient Plateau. And only after winning all the fights with honour, will one of the races reaffirm the readiness to protect Faeo and the ability to oppose any adversary, earning the title of strongest!

Until 15:00 11.03 you can also purchase from the Premium Shop in the Incredible Items section:


Warriors of Faeo! Lead your people to victory!

Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 3)

 Wheel of Fortune!08.03.2024 12:00

Wheel of Fortune promises wealth and fortune, but its behaviour is unpredictable! Are you ready to challenge the spirits of luck?
The Wheel of Fortune will be operating till 11.03 12:00.

Turn the Wheel of Fortune, warriors! Receive bonuses to your diamonds exchange!
Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 0)

 Fair is here!08.03.2024 12:00

«Faeo warriors need help!» Is exactly what the merchants have thought, so they put unique goods on sale. These curiosities will not only please visitors with their beauty, but will also greatly enhance the power of those who acquire them. 



Also, during the Fair for each 400 or 100 spent in the Fair Shop, you'll receive

 4 Shards of Sparks of the Heavenly Fire, 4 Shards of Mithril Keys, 3 Pack of Cards, 15 Platinum Thaler,

1 Trading coupon in addition to regular rewards!




Please note: The progress bar will be reset when the promotion ends.


The Fair will be open till​ 11.03, 12:00


Enjoy the fair, warriors!

Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 3)

 Lucky Investment!08.03.2024 12:00

Brave defenders of Ogriy and Khair! Bankers of Faeo have good news for all those who wish to use their services and replenish their diamond balance!
From 12:00 08.03 and until 12:00 11.03 after replenishing your balance with  50,  100 or  200, you will receive a certificate, corresponding the replenished amount.
Replenish account by 50 in total
Replenish account by 100 in total 11354100
Replenish account by 200 in total 111106150
                       *read note
*Shards of Sparks of the Heavenly Fire - are non-transferable​!
Use this chance to increase your wealth!
Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 0)

The inhabitants of Ogriy and Khair know that the girls from their lands not only are beautiful but also warlike, and therefore arouse unbridled admiration. And even if there are no weapons in their hands, they are able to enslave with just the power of a glance, an fleeting smile, a gentle touch.
Charming girls, you're the most wonderful creation of the gods! And every day you shall be looked at with admiring looks, and touching confessions will be reaching your ears. You are beautiful! On behalf of the project administration and all the male warriors of Faeo, we wish you all the best on the occasion of the Spring Holiday!
Kiss of Spring

Every warrior who enters the game on March 8th, 2024 will have a nice surprise! A legendary achievement and a gift from the  Administration of the project!
Welcome to the big spring sale! Throughout the entire validity period, from now until 11:00 on March 13, Premium stores offer up to 70% discounts!

Till 13.03, 11:00 you will receive an additional rewards for every 100  you spend in Premium Shop:
Lovely girls, there is a secret hidden in the look of each of you, so let only worthy person be able to solve it! Warm hearts with your charming smiles during this spring holiday!
Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 3)

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