Despite upcoming beginning of the Spring on the calendar, the cold doesn't hurry to leave the world of Faeo, that is why humans and magmars organize the true Farewell of the Winter. During the next week residents of Faeo will make lush and ruddy pancakes and have a good time asking Mirrow to shine brighter and warmer.
Rays of Mirrow have special powers these days, which gives the warriors, who tried the pancakes, the ability to move on the lands of Faeo faster and gives a chance not to break weapons and armor in fights.
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Monday |
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It is time to send away cold from the world of Faeo! Brave warriors, participate in the event «Farewell to Winter»! By hunting the monsters, collecting the resources, fighting at the battlefields and completing quests to receive city certificates, collect the ingredients to make ruddy pancakes.
Givens and Voluptuous Mary will help you make the ruddy pancakes. The more pancakes you eat the warmer Mirrow will shine!
The most persistent warriors will be rewarded with the unique achievements.
Let's say goodbye to the winter together!
The duration of the event is displayed in the «Events» tab!