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 Golden Chests special rewards!17.06.2019 15:30

Warriors, from now and until the end of the month when opening Gilded Chests you will receive additional rewards with a 60% chance!

Spark of the Heavenly Fires, Rare pouch with arkats and Crystals of Truth will be transferable.

In addition, for every 50 spent in the Precious Chests Shop, you will receive 50 Platinum Thalers and 2 Mithril Keys! And we remind you once again that owners of Favored by luck certificate will also receive additional Horseshoes!

Don't miss your luck!

Author: Lisad, editor note: Fenum

1. Don Pelayo 17.06.2019 16:39
This game becames me a very poor man ,I have no more to sell in real life to­ play here XD.
2. Martin Riggs 17.06.2019 18:12
It's a joke,i'm lvl 17, 35g =18:03 and under it's cover you­ were lucky to find Silver Horseshoe of Luck 1 pcs. You continue searching the­ content of the casket... 18:03 and found inside: Merchant Mark 1725 pcs,­ Absolute Talisman of Harmony 1 pcs. 18:03 There is a nice bonus at the­ bottom of the chest: a handful of gems. Received: Indigo Rainbow Stone 10­ pcs. 35g=18:04 and under it's cover you were lucky to find Silver­ Horseshoe of Luck 1 pcs. You continue searching the content of the­ casket... 18:04 and found inside: Merchant Mark 1700 pcs, Great Talisman of­ Harmony 1 pcs. 18:04 and discover inside: Encased Jasper Pawn 1­ pcs. 18:04 There is a nice bonus at the bottom of the chest: a handful of­ gems. Received: Indigo Rainbow Stone 10 pcs. Win nothing in hunt,win­ nothing in chest,win nothing,always same players won,thx a lot,nice game. if­ you think that I will advise friends to join this game, you are wrong, what a­ wooden game.
3. Hell-Born 17.06.2019 18:42
7horsechoe and 1500g spent on for 18:34 In one of the trunks purchased at­ the City Fair, The_Notorious found a Power of Nature Sphere. serieux ?­ don't tell me ot's auto cause FUCK ur auto )
4. LE LOUP 17.06.2019 19:06
Well dont complain if you didnt ask right questions to guards/admins BEFORE­ buying those chest you have all read +60% bonus and thought that­ its a 100% victory that if u buy 2 bags one of them will certainly contain­ what has been promised But it is false 60% chance doesnt mean that in 0.6­ bags you will find does things ... here 60% means that you have ­ (0.6*A+A)% of chance to drop something promised ))) and not A% as­ before where A is your REAL luck to drop something interesting ^^­ example for ppl who prefere digits. lets make an ez Eldorado example:­ let's say that the probability that u drop a cerrdor is 0.4 = 40%­ means that if u buy 100 bags 40 of them will contain cerra.(dream­ haha) With actual bonus your chance is not 40% any more its­ 0.6*40+40 =64%whic means 64 out of 100 bags are containing cerra­ ^^ This is an eldorado version the real version must be around­ 0.001% to win a cerra ))) i let u calculate your real probability as­ exercice hahaha
5. OriginalGilli 18.06.2019 02:46
all lies. 3 chests and nothing extra. just crap. and why wait until end of­ fair to do this? Do it at the start!
6. -ForSaken- 19.06.2019 16:22
Whats the point of this below Warriors, from now and until the end of the­ month when opening Gilded Chests you will receive additional rewards with a­ 60% chance! You can not buy anymore as of june 19th , hmmm

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