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Rare Items for a Special Price | 18.07.2019 12:00 |
Warriors of Faeo! City tradesmen announced the start of yet another sale in the Premium shop, you can purchase various goods for very special price! Pay attention that tradesmen have also put many items on sale that reach up to 35%! Merchants have decided to drop prices for items that are selling for diamonds and you can also now buy huge packs of resources with massive discounts! The sale will last until July 20th, 23:59!
1. ikke1990
18.07.2019 12:05 |
51g for 10 purple shadows?? |
2. User not found
18.07.2019 12:33 |
To increase the prices to make a reduction is to do nothing... There is even no spark. |
3. reservista
18.07.2019 12:48 |
I am very sorry, but due to the abusive prices that have been placed in the premium store for resources I can only say that they have a good time, this Sunday at the latest I will say goodbye to this magnificent game, I wish you the best |
4. lol666
18.07.2019 12:58 |
12:56 You have bought the following items from the shop: Imp Cube 3 pcs, Demon Cube 3 pcs, Devil Cube 3 pcs. Thank you for your custom!
Wait wait, spent 60g for them?! What happened to it's price?! |
5. lol666
18.07.2019 12:59 |
Price just triplicated?! |
6. LorDimas
18.07.2019 13:08 |
Good afternoon. I have been playing with you for many years as you already know. As for many other comrades, the prices of the resources of missions of the current fair have caught me by surprise and I make this comment, asking them to reconsider. I think it would be for the benefit of the same game because there are many players who are discouraged by this reason and could stop playing. A greeting. |
7. Tzunami
18.07.2019 14:40 |
Something is wrong with prices... |
8. Tzunami
18.07.2019 14:40 |
Something is wrong with prices... |
9. Yippeekiay
18.07.2019 14:41 |
Haha, how can you label things as having a discount when I se some things are up to 5 times MORE expensive than they were last month!!. What a joke....so funny. Game is almost dead, I know, let's increase prices even more to scare off more players. Haha. |
10. - Temper -
18.07.2019 15:51 |
Special price indeed lol. How about we sell you these resources half your price ? :) |