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 Magic storm in the Ancient Temple!02.08.2019 17:00

Warriors! Many of you have long been fighting in the Ancient Temple and know the rules of this ancient battlefield well. But today something incredible has happened! The magical elements seemed to rebel in the depths of the Temple, giving rise to a real storm! This outrage of the elements has changed the usual rules, when you enter the Battlefield you will receive 10 Gift of Power blessings while the Magical Storm lasts in the Temple of the Chosen!

Winning battles against other players, you can lose these blessings. One blessing is lost for each opponent who has received more damage from you than from any other participant, as a result of your fight won by your team (similar to the rules of trophy hunters reputation).

This rule works during the whole duration of this copy of the Ancient Temple, or until the victory of one of the parties. Every time you start a new battle in the new Temple, you will receive ten Gifts of Power again.

You will also have double valor and no-break during the weekend in the Ancient Temple!

You can find out the duration of the event in the «Events» section
of the «Current events» tab.
Don't waste time, hurry up to fight in the Ancient Temple, while the Magical Storm lasts and experience the power of the Gifts of Power!

Author: tceba, editor note: tceba

1. -GokBoru- 02.08.2019 17:07
no gb event again...
2. _-Aletheîa-_ 02.08.2019 17:08
yes it sucks weneed for star event and the repu of great battle^^ would be nice­ to get double repu also
3. - Tinus - 02.08.2019 17:09
Something whispered that Plateau event is not far away :)
4. Scognamillo 02.08.2019 17:11
People are constantly waiting. We don't want to wait. Please do as talaar­ or meridian. magmar human mixed fight. Update to battlefields is a must
5. -_Stephany_- 02.08.2019 17:18
this event is (oops)
6. -Zuko- 02.08.2019 17:37
we need plateau event , we are waiting since may !!!
7. - Tinus - 02.08.2019 17:40
You all speaking with we.. but it is I and not all want plat. I am happy with­ Temple.
8. ll Targaryen ll 02.08.2019 17:43
premium shop ?
9. _-Aletheîa-_ 02.08.2019 18:16
but alot want gb:P i need my red great medal :*

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