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 Magic Mirror09.09.2019 12:00

Path to the kingdom of doubles and reflections was reputed to be locked by the surface of mirrors. Yet now heavenly bodies are positioned in a special way, that the boundaries are no longer sealed!
This rare opportunity was instantly used by mirror-world spirits, who want to own all gold in the world. Don't be afraid of hostile invasion though, spirits will only offer warriors to play a game. When you pay 50, you'll be able to receive one of the many valuable items, from the mirror-world, or even amazing artefacts, that couldn't be obtained in any other way.

You can get unique rare prizes, as well as other topical awards for participating in the event. Pay attention to the fact that the new rewards were added to replace the precious chests, the probability of obtaining which from this moment on has been significantly reduced, while the possibility to open them during the event has been added.

Spirits will offer you scrolls that increase level of your profession mastery to maximum, and manuscripts, that will enable your Magic wand to work twice a day! 
Moreover you can receive: Enchanted Wooden Shield, that can be put on together with a gathering instrument, and increases your HP and chance of collecting a resource and discovering additional resource, Resource Gatherer GlovesSavage Power Folio and much more.
Mirror GiftReward after reward - the mirror likes me!Rich mirror mercyMirror fragment Do not be stingy with the stones, spirits!Mirror devastator

Your attempts will bring you not only profit but also respect! New achievements for received guaranteed prizes and reflection gems await you. Please note that reflection gems in guaranteed prizes won't be counted.

You can additionally get elements of unique collections, the Mirror Fragments and a Lucky Scorpolion Statuette. We draw your attention to the fact that these fragments are not a prize, but is issued in addition to the prizes with some probability. Having gathered one of the collections, you will be able to tame a true mount or get one of Faeo's rare artifacts.

Also, by participating in the event you can get the 4th fragment of the Gromdrag Amulet, as well as «Fortune Hunter» Deed points!

New garanteed rewards:
  In order to know how long the event will last go to «Events» «Current events» tab.

Hurry and test your luck warriors! Event «Mirror Magic» doesn't last forever!
Author: tceba, editor note: tceba

1. TotoK 09.09.2019 14:13
15 shoemaker token per only 250 games will down price boots to halft price :(
2. TotoK 09.09.2019 14:15
next event add as garanteed rewards bless pls as this books­ http://war­
3. lamabojowaT250 10.09.2019 17:30
ty for this kind of changes, or rewards, cheaper boots and 2 days with a lot­ extra money, before didnt get something like this, atleast something good from­ administration regards.
4. The Great Khan 10.10.2019 16:11
Totok shut up, it's great, at least ppl aren't gonna try to scam us for­ ridiculously high shoemaker token prices. It used to be almost 30 golds per­ token, now it's 12 or so, it's perfect.
5. Dahna 11.10.2019 14:12
LOL they just add news form last month with old coment.

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