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 Magic storm in Chaotic Battles!12.09.2019 18:00

A magical storm, distorting the reality of our usual world has erupted on the Scorched Lands, what means that the rage of the original energy has reached the Chaotic battles! The raging elements change the rules of the game, and no one knows if they will find the blessing of the ancient heroes or fall prey to a curse...

From now until the end of the event at the start of the Chaotic battles, the participants will be able to touch the sorcerous sword of the fallen hero that has remained among the stones and sand from time immemorial... The brave souls who have risked to touch it will acquire a Chaos Gift, that for the time of battle will either endow the fighter with an unprecedented force, or draw a witch's curse on them... And before the fight begins, it's impossible to find out which side luck turned to you!

Those who do not want to risk in vain can simply not touch the sword and play by the old rules. But the power of Chaos is worth it to trust in fate! Check out the favor of fortune, luck can bring you a quick victory...

Till 13.09 18:00Reward Casket are waitnig for you if you win a battle!

You will also have triple valor and no-break in Chaotic Battles!
Risk to receive the Gift of Chaos!

Author: tceba, editor note: tceba

1. Liam321 12.09.2019 18:32
The notification in chat says crucible of war as well, maybe the news could be­ updated to reflect this? Some crucible fights have a non-zero chance to happen,­ with some luck
2. Asyix 13.09.2019 00:01
Please consider the idea to make chaotic battles start from the moment there are­ 2 players during magic storm. Non mage really need that
3. -Zuko- 13.09.2019 15:24
We don't have enough time for use effects , prepare pockets and take Chaos­ Gift :ponder: It's not allowed to use Chaos Gift at the last minute....
4. _-AletheĂ®a-_ 13.09.2019 17:16
please remove that ^^ chaotic is not working in lv 5-10^^ we need plateau event­ for repu damn :P

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