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 Awards of the Twelve!08.10.2019 10:00

Feao’s twelfth anniversary is a holiday that neither humans, nor magmars, nor warriors, nor sorcerers, nor artisans, nor merchants can ignore! And therefore, everyone who contributes to the long-awaited triumph to the joy of themselves and others should know what lies ahead.
Reward: Price:
1 120
1 120
1 120
100 150
1 300
1 300
1 300
100 25
1 300
1 120
1 120
1 120
1 120
1 250
1 250
1 300
1 200
1 350
1 12
Reward: Price:
1 120
1 333
1 70
1 150
1 150
1 150
1 50
120 12
120 12
120 12
20 120
1 350
1 700
1 250
1 250
1 500
1 120
1 6
1 120
Friends! We are pleased to share with you our excitement and to partially announce the list of rewards of the Legendary Twelve! You can set a goal and strive to reach it! Or maybe you will be able to get all the rewards at once?
Forward, warriors, your dream awaits!
Author: Acconitum, editor note: Acconitum

11. _Hunterskull_ 08.10.2019 14:21 There is list­ of steps on top. this step will take 8 day(on russian) you need 12 page for 33­ badge. around 12 page picking takes at me 2 hour think about daily u do 2 times­ it. 66x8=528 and around 5 day first stage 3 quest and 5 badge 75 from there­ total straight 600 you can say. i dont know other steps reward and think about­ 10 badge each , daily 3 and for 32 day (total)..... 600+960=1560 ,, pet upgrades­ 1050+chronasphere 200 +spark 333 + key 70 = ~ 1650 ... if anyone want use­ translate and check , can make better math but i am lazy for it and that total­ ... that ring(turqoise) , 12 gold money , residontual energy, epheramal decks­ can worth to buy but no badge for them too. you should more work. At the other­ time they will sell tickets too. If you want mroe chance from tickets you should­ spend some badges on tickets too.
12. zAquisgran 08.10.2019 15:16
@Nightstalker: Mystery Prize is a piece of cake from anniversary event:­ :-)
13. Nightstalker039 08.10.2019 16:10
@zaquisgran thats totally worth it lol but with hunter's link if it does­ happen this year for us this way, its not as bad as i imagined. mb sry :)
14. Cybrylla 08.10.2019 17:14
@Hunterskull, unfortunately it doesn't work like that. At least for me.­ I've finished the "12 pages" quest twice and once the Elder gave me­ 33 badges but my second try it was just 5 badges. I'll be done with the­ third one soon, so I can check if there was a bug on me or not.
15. zAquisgran 08.10.2019 18:04
33 was only initial quest, 4 times daily gives you 5 each....: 12:17 ­ Received: Legendary Twelfth Anniversary Badge 5 pcs. Removed: Old List 12­ pcs.:03 Received: Legendary Twelfth Anniversary Badge 5 pcs. Removed: Old List­ 12 pcs. 15:44 Received: Legendary Twelfth Anniversary Badge 5 pcs. Removed: Old­ List 12 pcs.
16. TotoK 08.10.2019 18:14
till now the anniversary sucks. big "HAHA"
17. hellrocker28 08.10.2019 19:05
hunt 1 hour yesterday gave me nothing pages, how are you guys getting it­ hope i get something today
18. _Hunterskull_ 08.10.2019 19:27
@hellrocker28------getting page on picking plants----well than that math is­ wrong you need more more more work for that. OR cheaper way spend diamonds and­ they will sell badges with diamond probably :D
19. Optimus-Prime 08.10.2019 20:02
what a waste of time this event. :(((
20. hellrocker28 09.10.2019 06:36
@hunterskull thanks, got with plants
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